The Cold and Towels - nice Combination

Still affectionate


Sitting alone in the middle of the night, rain pouring down on him, wasn’t exactly the activity Key wanted to indulge in today evening. When he finally got off his damn university he pictured himself meeting up with his lover, apologizing for being late and making up for it with a little surprise he had prepared….instead, Jjong was all dejected, leaving him with a guilty conscience. Today was supposed to be special in some way..right? But what the did he forget?!?!!

Let’s see…he said…..oh, he said I’d know this place. Uhm, where exactly am I right now again??

He vaguely remembered running towards this restaurant since it’s the only one Jjong knows around here but what was so special about it? He looked around, investigating his surroundings thoroughly. There’s the shop, the street, cars going by…people walking on the sidewalk…rain everywhere, dirt, a bouquet of flowers….

Wait, what?!! What are flowers doing here??

Hey-hey! Hold the phone! Didn’t Jjong talk about a streetlight and something about cars crushing here easily…

“Oh !!” Just like that, everything came back to him. What those flowers really meant, why his beloved was so strangely unsympathetic, not listening to him at all. Because he forgot this really really awfully important day and oh , how could he have forgotten that?!!

“ !!” He immediately sprang to his feet, running over to Minho’s, leaving his car behind. He had to get to Jonghyun as fast as possible, straining his lung’s capacity to its limit. Had he been crying all alone? Probably. And it was entirely his fault, just because he stayed at the university to finish up the surprise for his beloved.

Now, he had to get over there. It wasn’t really far from his current position, the only problem was to find the correct house number. He hadn’t been to Minho’s place that often yet and so he ran around searching for any “Choi” on the name plates.

After the third house he was totally out of breath, eventually spotting the awaited name.

ing finally!! Geez, what things I do for the lonely puppy.

When he reached Minho’s flat, clothes all drenched and soaked, every bit of skin on his body covered in wetness, he rang the doorbell, hitting the button like a crazy maniac.

Come on Jjong, open up, right now!!

After some minutes of disturbing the neighbors with his endless ringing, he heard a strained voice shout from the inside. It was unmistakably Jjong’s voice, he probably saw Key through the spy…

“..........WHAT?” He sounded off, not as helplessly in love as always. But of course, he said he didn’t want to see him right now…still, he wasn’t going to give up. Hell no.

“Open up!” He knocked at the door furiously.

“Sorry, this is Minho's, I'm not to let strangers in!!” Are you ing serious?!!

“ you JJONG. Open this freaking door!” came his retort, still knocking the hell out of this door, separating him from his puppy.

With the most childish tone, Jjong meant “Stop banging the door in, people want to work in here!!” and audibly took a step back, away from the door. Oh Jesus, how was he supposed to get through to this stubborn little kid??

“Then open up!”

“Why, want to shower too??” Ok, that was ridiculous. He was obviously being played with and slowly he started to get pissed off. He couldn’t just open the door and talk like the adult he was, could he. Key’s straining patience made itself known in his sarcastic tone.

“Yes, I came all the way here because I like Minho’s shower curtain so much...”

“I knew it!! You only got us the same pattern because Minho has them too!!! ........................” Silence. At last he opened the door the tiniest bit, glancing through the gap. Finally!!

Not waiting a single beat Key pushed the door fully open, slightly surprised at the sight presenting itself to him. His oh-so-well-built hottie of a lover stood there, only a towel tied around his y waist, revealing those beautiful abs, hair damp around his neck.

So he actually DID take a shower…that’s where this stupid remark came from.

As Key stared at him, Jjong backed away reflexively, still holding onto the door with his strong grip. “Oi, you could have hit me with that door!!!” After a moment of admiring his boyfriend’s body, Key came to his senses again.

“You could've opened the door like a normal person.” Wow, he is gorgeous like that…

“Minho's working, would you like to leave a message for him?” Wow, there he went again, acting all stupid in a serious situation. Stop ing around already.

“You decided on becoming a voice mail?” None of his little daydreaming was audible in his voice, only sarcasm and the usual sassy tone.

“Didn't you notice?”

“So I can talk to my boyfriend as if I talk to my iPhone...” He knew how Jjong liked to be called that, his ‘boyfriend’. So he hoped to soothe the tension a bit, which pretty much worked judging by the other’s softening features. He still looked hurt.

“Right, because he seems to be only an accessory to you which you can toss aside at any moment…” Ok, that was not fair. How could he accuse him of not caring for him when he didn’t even listen to him properly!! He understood the disappointment Jjong felt for him forgetting about his mother’s death anniversary but THIS went too far, considering he was too late because of Jjong’s surprise, and he wouldn’t let the other get off with that.

“Oh come on Jonghyun! You know that this isn't true!”

“Right, I know it isn't true because I never came first with you. See the paradoxon?”

Ok, that’s enough!!

“Fiiiiiine. I'm the bad one. I'm the one with all the faults. I'm the bad guy. You're the oh so fabulous Kim Jonghyun. The sensible super perfect boyfriend who actually gives a when it gets serious! You know what. I apologized several times already. And I wanted to apologize again, for forgetting your mother’s death anniversary. BUT I'm not in the mood anymore. Go cry on Minho’s shoulder or whatever you want.... I had something for you at home but you DON'T want to see me right now.” He made little quoting-signs with his fingers to emphasize his point. “So-“ he stated, holding up his hands in defense “-I'm going to leave! ... See you.” At last he turned around, taking his leave. Well, that went splendid…

“Key...Key!” Calling out for him in that kind of voice, Jjong sounded guilty…suits him well. But it was too late for that now.

“What?!” Key stopped, back still facing Jjong. He didn’t expect his beloved’s voice to sound so week and hurt when Jjong asked him the next question.

“Why didn't you come today?”

Oh, now he listened. Well….

“Like I said. Something came up in university...” But since it’s supposed to be a surprise…uhm, how do I tell him this… “It was very urgent... my professor told me that I had to fix it right away and that it wouldn't take that long... in the end I needed almost 2 hours…” He sounded exhausted, thinking back to the extra work he had to put up with in favor of finishing what he designed for Jjong. “But he wouldn't let me go unless I finish it... and when I finally finished it was already so late.”

Yeah…after that a bit of silence followed.

“....a project of yours?” Key nodded.

“Alright.......I'll see you tomorrow than.” That’s it? Nothing else from the master of cheesiness?? Well, suit yourself.

“Do as you like..” Without another word and shivering from the cold, Key left, going home to warm up and stare at his surprise gift, asking himself how it could come to this…not sleeping at all that night.


a/n Uhum, that was short. Sorry for that. Plus, there could be some violations against logic in it since I only knew the inside of Jjong's feelings and this is Key's point of view. You have to know, in the RPG I take care of Jjong's actions and voice and my friend memoriesofmine plays Key, which is why I do not have the slightest clue, as to what she was thinking while writing Key...well, I asked her about it, but still, I could have gone against logic in the process of understanding.

ANYHOW, I'm glad I'm done with chapter two *yaay* and I hope, you all like that kind of Key. I like him. A lot. :3

And hey, who wouldn't love him, right? With his cute little habits...

...and the shyness radiating from his smiles...

...well, let's not forget camera- Key:

Anyway, this chap is dedicated to Key and all but don't worry, the next one will concentrate on Jjong's feelings more again, PROMISE!!! :<

So yeah...ANYEO~!!

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Chapter 3: This is great!! I thought there will be no chapter after chapter 1, BTW!! I really love this! I also want a ring made by Key.. It' soo romantic T.T
memoriesofmine #2
Chapter 2: okay this is great!! and tbh ... ^^" you know key as well as me :D in some situations even better. ha ha ...
i really like that. that's how i imagend him *-* my baby! beeing himelf <3
Chapter 1: asdgfhjksdfghjkdfg NEW FANFIC !!!
I am soooo happy :D I love it <3
(and yessss jongkey are perfection and they need to get married)