


164152_131303776931445_100001554691640_1220px-Korean.food-Hanjungsik-01.jpgkimchi.jpg (Kimchi)



Sorry because this chapter is really short


She began to run in search of the room when she finally vit.Elle knocked on the door but there was no answer so she quietly opened the door and threw a look at the room and it saw no one except Henry, who was very pale with purple lips and scratches on his hands. The machine did not look normal which was a little afraid to Shinhye. She approached the bed and touched the hands of Henry, who were frozen. She sighed and then she took a chair near the bed she put Henry then after 30 minutes, she fell asleep.
15 minutes after she fell asleep, someone came into the room.
15 minutes later, someone came into the room while Shinhye still asleep. The person walked to Shinhye and shook it kindly.

... : Shinhye?
Shinhye (half asleep): Hmm?
... : What are you doing here?
Shinhye (starting to wake up): Shi Yoon? Oh, uh ... I just came to see Henry to keep him a little company
Shi Yoon Ah agreement (taking a chair and sitting near the bed Henry) It's how long you're there?
Shinhye: Uh ... I do not know ... maybe 20 minutes
Nick (looking Shinhye): Shinhye?
Shinhye (looking): Yes?

At the same time, with Yonghwa

Yonghwa was lying on the lawn of a park, he looked at the sky, and after a moment he closed his eyes, hoping that all this is a dream

Flashback, 10 years ago (Yonghwa and Shinhye 7 years 6 years)

Yonghwa: Shinhye! Stop running! All I want is your cookie! (The prosecutor in a park)
Shinhye: Thou shalt not! (Current as far as possible to Yonghwa)
Yonghwa: Oh but Shinhye, stop making your baby and give me your cookie!
Shinhye: AAH! (Hiding behind his mother)
Yonghwa: Shinhye ... If you give me your cookie, I'm a kiss (Angel smile = P)
Hara: Oooh Yonghwa is cute! Go Shinhye, pass him your cookie, I'll pass another earlier
Shinhye: Okay (giving him the cookie, she folded her arms against her chest and she started to leave angry)
Yonghwa: Shinhye, wait!

Yonghwa to run it and when it arrived at its height, he bent and gave her a little kiss on the mouth.

Shinhye: Me not care! I hate you still Jung Yonghwa!
Yonghwa: And I also hate Park Shinhye!

End of Flashback

Yonghwa smiled, thinking about all this.

With Shi Yoon and Shinhye

Shi Yoon (hesitating): R-Nothing drops (looking the other)
Shinhye: Hmm ... Ok (embarrassed) In any case, I gotta go ... My mother should not worry about me back (chuckle)
Shi Yoon: Yeah ... Do not worry, I'll stay with him
Shinhye: Thanks ... Good bye Yoon Shi

She smiled at him and just out of the room she went into someone.

Shinhye: Oh my god, I'm sorry, I was not looking where I was going (looking at the person thus the occurance Yonghwa)
Yonghwa (looking into her eyes): It's nothing (backwards to pass)
Shinhye (looking the other hand): Thank you


Hara (shouting down): Shinhye, dinner is ready!
Shinhye (down the stairs wearing a beautiful dress): Mom, why do I have to dress like that just for dinner?
Yonghwa (entering the dining room and saw Shinhye) * Thought Yonghwa: Ouaah, she's beautiful * Um ... Hi Half
Shinhye (turning): Yonghwa? What are you doing here?
Yonghwa: Your mother invited me to dinner (looking Hara GB) Thanks Eomma ...
Shinhye: * Thought Shinhye: Woah ... How can one be so beautiful? Huh? No Demi, stop saying that! But strangely I can not help but think that *: Um ... Ok (sitting on his chair)
Shinhye: Eomma?

His mother and smiles and beckons him to sit at the table Yonghwa to sit in front of it

Hara: So you're excited about the wedding?

Shinhye looked down while he watched Yonghwa Shinhye. Then he looked Hara responding.

Yonghwa: Yes ... That's when a lot already?
Hara (smiling): In one week and a half
The phone rang

Shinhye (rising): I'll (hook up) Hello ... Hi Dad ... Not really ... Yes, it is ... Yes dad (laughs) I would ... Ok? bye dad (hanging)

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Chapter 6: can you pay attention to the use of the pronoun??
it was confusing me when u used "him" to shinhye or "I" to "me"
shinhye is she, not him...
Chapter 4: What was Yong doing with the other girl din't like it.
Chapter 3: So many characters kinda confusing...