
I'll Never Let You Go


Minhyun eventually came in my room with the flannel in his hand.
'Where do I put this?' He asked, holding it up.
I pointed to a pile of clothes in the right corner of my room. Minhyun tossed it to the pile, and walked over to my bed, looking at me as if he was asking if he could sit on it. I glared. 
'If you sit on the bed, you aren't going to kiss me again are you?'
Minhyun scoffed and chuckled at the same time. Scratching his head, he replied weakly.
'Ummm no.'
I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes. I patted my bed giving him permission to sit, and pointed to a half consumed packet of hello pandas on my bedside table. 
'Ah, no thanks. Actually... I got something for you...' Minhyun quietly said looking down at his hands.
My eyes widened. 
'What did he want from me?' I thought.
Minhyun put a hand in his pocket and brought out a voucher for the local supermarket. He grabbed my hand and put the voucher in it.
'Um... Not to be rude or anything.. But um... This is a gift?'
Minhyun laughed and patted my head. I slowly batted it away.
'I know you like snacks' he said, pointing to the many packets of snacks I had around the room.
He was right I guess. I did like snacks. I placed the voucher on the bedside table.
'Well... Umm... Thanks I guess.'
Minhyun smiled. 
'Still not getting in my pants though.'
Minhyun chocked on air. His eyes widened.
'Woah there. Jesus Christ Minki.'
I laughed. I wish I had recorded his reaction or something. His eyes looked like they were going out of his sockets. I smirked.
Minhyun gulped and I shoved a piece of pocky in his mouth. I leaved back, putting my arms behind me to support myself and stared at Minhyun. He was looking down slowly consuming the confection. As it was nearly gone, he eyes shifted to the left. His eyes showed that he was surprised, probably from me staring at him, but he just stared down at the bed again. As he swallowed the last part of the pocky, he stood up.
'Well I guess I better take my leave then.'
I shrugged.
'Whether you stay or not is up to you.'
Minhyun stared with wide eyes again. 
'W-what? I-I-I thought y-you would want to get r-rid of m-me.' he stuttered.
I smirked. He was too easy to figure out.
'Well I guess not then.'
Minhyun gave a puzzled look before heading towards the door, and slowly looking back at me. I quickly picked up a pillow at threw it at his back. He stopped on surprise.
'Next time make it a Boy London voucher.'
'You little ' I heard him mutter under his breath, before laughing and closing the door behind him.
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Chapter 9: New update!!! I enjoy it.... :)) pls keep updating.... ^^
Chapter 8: Yay... It is nice... My MinRen... <3 <3 <3
Pls update soon..^^
Yeah... Nu'est will comeback tmr... hihi... so excited... :)
Chapter 8: yay! new update! :)
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!!!
AllHailMochi #5
Chapter 7: Awww, MinRen feels, but I'm still waiting for the JRen and BaekRen, please update soon author nim! Fighting!!! <3
Chapter 5: Eeeemmmiiiilllllyyyyyyy. Update and stop leaving us hanging!!!
kennice #7
Chapter 5: pls complete cuz i love ren and Minhyun thks!!!
Chapter 3: plz continue..i like it