Under Moonlight

Kiss Kiss

Chapter 6 Under moonlight

Eunjung Pov


It was already one hour past.. Minhyuk and I haven’t found the way yet.. when we tried to find but it was worse.. we got the dark forest… I wish I won’t die here.. T___T

“Minhyuk..” I hugged his arm

“Huh??” he turned to see me

“Do you have any ideas??”


“Hey It’s your school and now it’s already evening.. I don’t want to stay here until night.. Minhyuk please think… where are we now??”

“Wait… I am thinking too… >_< ” he was quiet for a while and then being..

“firstly.. my high school is location at… ”


“I know only… at the back is a small mountain that this place used to be a graveyard.. but I don’t know why.. my principle chose this place to build the high school…”

“Wh… what?? Graveyard?????? O.O” I can’t.. I can’t spell this world… G+r+a+v+e+y+a+r+d????????? it’s a kind of place where keep the dead body?? Why this school???????

“Yeah… It was graveyard….” Minhyuk

“Haaaaaaaaaaaa T_______T” I couldn’t keep my tear now….


Seolhyun Pov

It was about an hour pass.. Eunjung unnie and Minhyuk haven’t been found yet.. Now my feeling.. I was worry so much.. we all tried to find them and contact them by the phone but it couldn’t contact.. what was happening with her??

“Noona… Noona..” Jungshin who was one that shouted loudly..

“Unnie?? Unnie…” I shouted too

“Hey.. I think we have to break.. and find them.. it is better than calling like this.. sometime they might lose in a place  or the forest behind the mountain.. ” Yonghwa oppa said

“Okay.. and then we have to meet another here..” Teacher Hongki said

“So we have to find them before night..” Hyomin..

I was a couple with Jungshin again.. he looked worry about my Unnie more than I did. I guess he might liked my Unnie?? -.- How silly he is!!

“Noona… Noona..”

“Unnie… Minhyuk…”





“Wae??” Jungshin turned to see me “Why do you only call Minhyuk? Isn’t noona your sister??” Jungshin asked

“Isn’t Minhyuk your friend? I see you call only my unnie ready so I just call Minhyuk..”

“Chichhhhhh” Jungshin skipped from me and walked quickly

“Hey… Don’t go far…” I ran after him..


Eunjung Pov


Finally we couldn’t continue walk.. Minhyuk made the fire with some woods and we sat under a big tree.. The sky turned to black.. and it was a night around 8 pm… I looked at the time in my phone.. but here, my phone couldn’t contact and also Minhyuk’s too. It was quiet and cold… I have a big scare.. because it was a graveyard and I hope some relatives who were here, won’t appear to say hello us T__T

“We have to wait for the sunrise because it’s dark and we won’t be able to find the way..” Minhyuk said

“It’s too quiet… I’m scare.. ”


“Ahhhh why are you calling them?” I hit his mouth

“Wae? Are you afraid of them? hahahaha” He laughed at me =.=

“Why can’t??”

“It’s not a real.. simply they are afraid of human as us…”

“Ahhhh let skip what you are talking.. I don’t want to listen what can make me worry..”

“Em…” he was quiet..


“Why stop talk?”

“I don’t want to make you worry =_=”

“Yiii… I mean.. skip about… er.. what you mention at the moment. Not mean your voice make me worry.. if you were quiet like this, it’s quiet.. let say something ..”

“What’s something that you want me say? =_=”

“Aigooooooo… don’t say…”


20 minutes later

“Can you sing?? -.-” I suddenly scare with this quiet moment..

“No.. I can’t sing -_-^”

“Aigoooooo …. Why don’t I lose with Hongki?? He might not make me bored like this.. well he can sing and friendly”

“What?? >_< ” Minhyuk

“Yeah.. Today I saw and heard his song.. he sang very well and better than original singer from some companies.. you see if he were a singer I would to be his fan kkk..”

“So just talk with him.. don’t talk to me.. because I’m not friendly and can’t sing as him okay???” he sat away from me.. and then turn his face away..

Yii.. Did I wrong?? -.-^ just said the truth.. How did he become like this?

We were quiet..

I felt sleepy now.. but I couldn’t sleep because I was cold..  even I got in front of the fire.. but.. it couldn’t make me warm.. >__< and I was hungry now… my last eating was in afternoon and this evening I haven’t eaten yet..

I looked at the sky… there were many star and a moon.. their light make this forest not dark anymore..

Under moonlight.. suddenly I felt fresh about this.. it looked like a vacation with the forest.. I wished to the moon…. Next day everything will be alright.. I hope I could leave this forest.. please help us…..

“Emmm…” suddenly Minhyuk took off his coat to covered my body..

o.o I looked at him strangely

“Er… you.. you look cold I just do what gentleman have to do -_-”

“Thing  that gentleman have to do? -.-” suddenly I wanted to laugh kkkkk he was gentleman however he was better than I first saw him..

“What your looking mean?? -.-”

“Nothing.. thank you gentleman :P”

Sometime he wasn’t bad as I thought kkk..

Even his coat was not warm every much… but this time made me see Minhyuk in a new way..

The time was going on..  and it was colder than before.. I saw Minhyuk wasn’t alright.. he might be cold as I was…..

“Take your coat back…” I gave him back


“Don’t be gentleman without caring yourself.. I’m alright..”

“No.. I don’t need.. look at yourself first..”

“Em… so I can share you…”

“Wait..” suddenly he hugged me..

“Hey!!! O.O!!!!!!!”

“Sharing warm…It can make both of us better…”

“But..” I felt strange -.-

“No But… let sleep on my shoulder.. I am not going to eat you -.-” he pull my head on his shoulder..

Feeling like this.. I was trouble..

Dok dok dok……(my heartbeat)

It was a quiet night under moonlight……

“Emm.. Do you still want me sing anymore?? ” he asked

“Why??” O.O

“I was thinking and I got one song.. I might able to sing.. but it’s not well as Teacher Hongki..” he hugged me while he was holding my hands…

Why I got warmer than before……

He was quiet for a while and then starting his song..


 ~Shining star in the sky
The star that's shining from far away
It must have came to my heart
The star that's engraved inside my heart
The star that's shining inside my heart
I think it's you
Do you hear my trembling voice
Oh star
Do you feel my hot heart
You're my star
The love I dreamed about for a long time
I know it's you
Be with me forever
For a long time, even you
Hope that it will shine from the same spot forever
I'll let you borrow my heart only to you

The star that's engraved inside my heart
The star that's shining inside my heart
I think it's you
Do you hear my trembling voice
Oh star

I didn’t know why.. even he couldn’t sing  well as Hongki but I felt that his song was very beautiful.. at this night..


Do you feel my hot heart
You're my star
The love that I dreamed about for a long time
I know it's you
Be with me always
For long time, even you
Hope that it will shine from the same spot forever
I'll give you my heart only to you
Even the star that's engraved inside your heart
Even the star that's shining inside your heart
Tell me, I love you forever
My eyes will look at only you
Oh would you also look at only me?
Hoping we can be each other's star


He finished the song.. and that moment we were quiet.. and sleep on his shoulder and I didn’t know why I was happy?......


Third person pov

“You make me trouble now.. I’ve already told you.. don’t go far away.. so now how?? We lose the way..” a little said angrily to a tall man.. Jungshin looked at Seolhyun for a while and then he turned face away

“I didn’t ask you follow me..”

“Lee Jungshin!! How can you say that??” Seolhyun

“Yeah why? I just want to find Noona.. she is in this forest.. so what’s happened to her after that?”

“Don’t I worry? She is also my unnie too.. but now we can’t find her.. and the bad point is.. we lose here you see??”

“Em….. I will find the way..” he dragged her hand and went back…

Eunjung Pov

“Your song talks about the star?? Even you can’t compare with Hongki but it’s okay ^^”


“You know.. I really love the stars..” I turned to see the stars

“Sometime I think they are too far from us.. but we also can see them.. especially tonight.. they are our friends when we fall in this forest.. I like this moonlight.. it’s the most beautiful thing in the world…” I told him



“Eunjung…..” he called me


“Can I kiss you..?”

“Oh… huh?????????? O>

“I think It’s romantic hehe.. ^^”

“Crazy!!!!... you think it’s romantic and then just kiss??”

“What’s wrong?? =.=”

“You know… what the meaning of kissing??”

“Kissing also has meaning??”

“You see..   Kiss on the hand - I adore you.
Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.
Kiss on the chin - You are cute!
Kiss on the neck - I want you.
Kiss on the lips - I love you.
Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.
Kiss anywhere else - You're the best. ”

“What’s a messy -.-”

“Yeah… and you kiss my lip so what does it mean?”

“I love you… ouch.. I just want to say your meaning at the moment..” he looked shock

“yeah.. you should know that.. kissing you think it’s not important.. but you don’t know the feeling of a person who you kiss.. how she feel?”

“So what do you feel??” he move face to me quickly and looked at me with his charming eyes..

Yah~~~~ looking at me like this… i couldn’t escape from his looking.. suddenly.. I couldn’t breathe well.. why was I becoming like this?? I was shy with his eyes

“Hey answer please.. if you can’t answer I’ll kiss you to test your feeling again” he smiled

Bad luck… why did this to me???

“I… I feel…”

“Feel??” he was waiting for my answer..

“I feel..” I haven’t answered yet but he moved his face to me and then kiss me again…

This time.. I didn’t know why.. I didn’t move out or hit him as before…

He kissed me slowly… his hand touch both of my shoulder… and I fell in his kissing again.. even I couldn’t breathe well.. and has a little scare.. but I couldn’t control my mind anymore…

He got me off.. and smiled again..

“Just testing because your answer is so late.. so how you feel..?” he asked again

“I feel…” I looked at him with my crazy heartbeat..

“Feel good right?? ^^”

Stupidly I nodded approval with him… >_____< what was I doing now??

“So need one more??” I haven’t wait for my answer but he did kiss me again..

This time was a cold kissing… I felt as getting a fever.. he hugged my back and pull me to closer…

“Minhyuk…. Eunjung!!! Where are you??”

“Eunjung… Minhyuk…”

Those voices made us move out each other…

“Is that Hyomin??” I asked him


“Hyomin… we are here… hey…” I shouted loudly..


Finally we got our place back but the bad things I heard from them was…

“Jungshin and Seolhyun lose now…” Hongki said

"What?? Jungshin and Seolhyun lose in the forest when they find us???" Minhyuk asked

“Oh My God… Seolhyun.. I have to find her…” I wanted to climb that mountain again but Minhyuk stopped me first..

“We just found out but why do you want to go back?” Minhyuk

“But I can’t keep Seolhyun in that forest.. you see.. before Taeyeon, my best friend flied to US she asked me to look after of Seolhyun.. but she is in danger now how can I calm!!” I told him..

“Wait.. I didn’t say no need to help Seolhyun and Jungshin.. but just wait and go to find them together..” Minhyuk…

We all went climb that mountain again…

"Seolhyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i called her by microphone when we were finding Jungshin and Seolhyun..
“Hey Isn’t too much? Take it off.. my ears are error now..” Hyomin told me

“No.. this forest is very quiet if I don’t do this.. Seolhyun and Jungshin won’t hear us..”

“It’s up to her..” Hongki told Hyomin

“Okay ;DDD” Hyomin’s face -.-

Jungshin part

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T______T I don't want to die here.. why will handsome boy as me die in the hell?? I've just bought my new mirror by the online shop and i've not used it yet... much of my money that under my pillow.. i haven't paid it yet.. my sister will see it and pay.. Oh No.... moreover my ice cream, milk are in the kitchen.. I just eat for a half... And the Tara new album that i order from online.. i've already paid it but I haven't gotten it yet......... gaaaaaa ToooooT" after find the way hardly.. Jungshin was crying and it made Seolhyun got stressful
"Yaaaaaaaa Lee Jungshin you turn me crazy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"From now.. I can't meet my Eunjung noona anymore TOT" Jungshin ignored Seolhyun.. he still cried..
"Who's die??" :@
"If i die, i would die in Eunjung Noona's hugging..."
"Waaaaaaaaaaaa I can't calm!!!!!!!!!!!" Seolhyun hit and kicked Jungshin…
“Crazy Girl!!! .. don’t take your leg touch my body!!!!!!!”

“Who is crazy?????????????” Seolhyun shouted at him angrily

“A Girl who hit me…..”

“Yah~~~~~~”~Seolhyun hit him again

“Kim Seolhyun stop!!!!!! Don’t break my handsome body…….”

“You’re silly.. you are one who got me lose here..” Seolhyun

“Do I want to die with you here?? I want to die with my noona”

“Wae? Who will die? Shut up your bad mouth Lee Jungshin!!”

“We lose here.. if we won’t die so will we find the treasure? ”  Jungshin replied

“Gaaaaa Stop talking about dying !!!!!!!!!!” Seolhyun shouted loudly…




Sorry for some error grammar and some words.. please leave your comment after reading

thanks for your reading ^^

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good ff! I'm lovin' it :)
pioushej #2
Chapter 10: hahaha snowwhite die because the prince choose the dwarf! hahaha this is a funny story!
Chapter 10: already end ? :(( hhuuuuwwaaaa !! i love this story so muchhh !!!
Chapter 10: Aiigooo pity snow white nas u.u
0103mica #5
Chapter 10: I will really miss kisser minhyuk and jealous eunjung !
0103mica #6
Chapter 10: Hahahaha! They are so cute!
Happy Ending :)
Although this is just a short fanfic but this is One of my favorite story :)
Waah! I will miss minhyuk kissing eunjung LOL.
Thank you for ending this story with a beautiful and a happy ending :)
Chapter 10: Hahahaha,,
This happy end so cute,,
I Like when the prince kiss the red dwarft,,
Thanks for your story,,ᵔ.ᵔ
Chapter 7: Chingue its will be good story if u make story about minhyuk pov in this story
Chapter 10: <3 MinHyuk and Eunjung alkjñkfjñl i love this couple. Thanks for you history
Chapter 9: I like..... jungie! ♥ hahaha!!!! XD

Hz pa nhab final mes??? U.u dak 2 3 chapter tet tov u.u