You're too much

Kiss Kiss

Next day


I was waiting for my friend, Hyomin before the class and just wanted to talk math subject after exam. Finally she left her class and came to me with some books.

“Yah~ your books and you should prepare your subject by yourself… I have to go now bye” Hyomin gave me those books and then walk away fast. Wae? Looked at her?? :@ I’ve been waiting for her for a long time but she did like this too me..

“Hyomin!! What’s up? Where are going to? =_= yesterday you said you will prepare this subject for me but how could you say like this?” I asked her while I was following her

“I have to study English.. :D so I have no time” Hyomin said with smile

“Wae? You are studying English for part time -_- it must be not your character..”

“No I change.. I want to learn English kkk” Hyomin

I remember that, 2 years ago.. Hyomin hated this subject so much because she was poor in English and the teacher always giving her a lot of homework.. until she quit the school but today she said she wanted to study English.. it was strange… the stranger reason after I saw Seolhyun was standing at the corner of our school and she called Hyomin

“Yah~ Today you leave faster..” Seolhyun said to Hyomin and then she turned face to me

“Why today unnie come too? Don’t you want to study with us?” Seolhyun

“What? Both of you are studying together?” I asked

Oh god what was happened with my friend and my mom’s daughter (Seolhyun)

“Yes.. Hyomin unnie wants to see my Teacher of English -_-” Seolhyun


“Hey shhhh…. You promised already that you won’t tell my secret to her??” Hyomin turned face to Seolhyun

“Nae~ but it’s real. Unnie love my teacher, Hongki why can’t I tell her?” Seolhyun

Aiiiyooooo I understood ._. she loves Seolhyun’s teacher so she preferred to meet him by studying =_=

“Eh her.. =//=” Hyomin’s face

“Er her.. okay I see.. so I can prepare this subject by myself” to completed my friend’s dream Y.Y I chose to be hard…


At home

It was my Babo choosing!!!!!!! I need Park Hyomin now….!!! What was this crazy math??? Why couldn’t I complete it? and tomorrow, it was on time I need to summited it to Mr Kim my angry bird teacher =_=

He said if all students couldn’t completed it he will mark us fail Y-Y oh god.. there are 300 exercises how could I do it for a day? =_= I wanted to ask Seolhyun too but I felt so shy with her… she will laugh at me or said I’m babo

Finally I chose calling Hyomin again… -_- I hoped she will think about our friendship and came back to me Y.Y

/Eunjung huh.. I’m studying… you shouldn’t call me now/ Hyomin’s voice in phone

“Hyomin.. please come back to me.. I really can’t do it well.. Y_Y”

/What? But I’m studying I can’t go.. think by yourself  or you should ask some of your friends to help/ and then she off..

YAH!!!!!!! Park Hyomin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was not my friend Y_Y that teacher was more important than me

I called her again…

/What’s up again? I need to study/ Hyomin

“Or you want me fail huh Hyomin hik hik T_T” I faked tear

“Yerhhhh.. you’re boring…!!” and then she off again

YAHHHHHH I wanted to kill this girl….!!

5 minutes later

My phone was ringing and it was Hyomin O.o!! yah I knew she won’t keep me alone hoho

“Hi lady? When will you come ;D” I pick up and answered

/I will send you the address and you should go to find someone who is in that address. He is my cousin and also the outstanding student of math even he was under your level but he can do it or more higher level and He will help you to do it because I asked him already… bye stop call me/ Hyomin

=_= Huuuuuuuu that man was still more important than me.. but it was better than without helping.

I got that address and went to find it..

I stood in front of that condo.. it was the richer place.. -__-^ should I believe her? That man could help me?

The door opened..

“Hello I’m Hyomin’s friend and I.. O.O!!!!!! YOU????” I shocked with the man who opened the door..

He was the same person who pull me up to the stage… or I confused the address? Why Hyomin has cousin like this? I looked at the address home again.. and it was true O.O oh god…

“I see.. come in…” he said

He looked at me simple as didn’t remember me -__- I really didn’t to come.. with virus like this I prefer to be fail. Y_Y

“I don’t need your helping I can do it by myself” I turned back..but… If I fail?? Aiyo =//=

“Em……… I changed……” I back and went to his condo again… ._.

I sat on the sofa.. and pick up my books on the table

“You study higher than me don’t you?.. just wonder nowadays there are many stupid students and why did the teacher get them to pass the class..” he said..

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was a !! And his habit is, eating … his mouth always smell ….

“Wae? Don’t look down if you wouldn’t to help” I shouted at him..

“Why can’t I? -__- it’s true..” he move his face to close mine “You need my helping??” he asked

“Okay I stop needing..” I stood up and walked away..

“just wanted you know how you feel when someone need helping’’ his saying made me stop.. and I felt he..

“You remember me?? O.O” I asked him

“I’m not blind or I must remember a girl who gave me 4 slapping”


“I’m not narrow mind as you.. I will do it for you but it has to repay me back” he smiled

“What?? O.o”

“I haven’t had dinner yet.. and I can’t cook too =.,=” he said

“You mean…??”

“Cook for me and I will do it for you :3 ” he said

Oh hoooooo don’t you know I’m the best cook Y.Y

“I need one soup and some foods, it’s up to you..” he said

Huuuuuuuuu… I felt he wanted to revenge me U_U

“Okay!!!!” calm for my future subject Y.Y


He was doing my exercises and I was cooking for him..

Wait?? How to make the soup? And what soup should I cook? Oh god I didn’t know T.T

I checked internet in my phone and they were very difficult all

10 minutes later..

“Are you done??” that man shouted from his living room

“I nearly done” I told him.. but here what should I do? -__-

Finally I chose to make Kimchi Soup as the picture in my phone.. and I started to follow the steps..

Okay.. next food I should make this bread and only mix it with some milk and some vegetables to be salad hohoho how clever I am?

But suddenly the bread that I wanted to be salad, fell in to the soup and also all my vegetable that I just mix at the moment… they are all fell in the soup

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what should I do??????????

“Hey Are you ready???” He came to the kitchen..

Woooo MY Hell was calling me Y_Y

“Oh it’s done ^^v” I had no choice and I hope it would be good taste

“I’m hungry =_=”

“Yes I will take it to you ^^ hehe wait for me in your living room” T________T

“Okay…” he said and backed..

This time I might died..

I brought the dinner which made by myself to him…

“Okay… it’s all my job so I have to go now hehe… and here my exercises Are you done ;D”

“Done but you can go after I finished dinner..” he said without looking at me.

“Anyway Is it your soup?? =_+ it looks bad..” he pointed the soup

“Yah~~ even its looking is worse but the main point is tasting..” ;O

“Okay.. so what’s this? O.o Isn’t bread??” he looked at me strangely and dipped a part of the bread out

“Yes It’s soup bread remix Kimchi ;D”

“What?? Soup bread remix Kimchi?? O.o!!”

“Yes.. it my family’s main food it’s good..” Y_Y

“Can human eat?? O,o”

“Yes you can test it.. hehehe”

He pick up the spoon and dipped the soup into his mouth and then……..

Prussssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!! He spited out my soup on my face TT__TT

“What’s that?????????” he shocked and said loudly

“Why?? Why spited out to me??? Oh my face..” I wiped my face..

“I haven’t eaten the bad taste like this.. Do you want to kill me by your soup??”

“If I can I will do it… look at my face… what did you do??”

“Because your bad food.. if you can’t do it you can tell me..the true..”

“I don’t know.. my dinner is done and I can take my books back kkkk” I haven’t taken my book yet but he stopped me first..

“No.. it’s not well as I want. You can’t get it” He took my book away

“why? I ready did as you want”

“But I still can’t eat it -_-”

He had a lot of problems ._.

“Okay What do you want?? -__-” I chose to be a loser

“Go out and buy food for me =_=”

“Why? O.O I’m not your maid”

“I also work without repay too..”

“What food do you want??? >.< ”

“Pizza I want you go to buy not calling..”

He was too much!!!!!!!!

After I bought Pizza…

“Why don’t you buy coca for me??”

“You didn’t tell me”

“Should I tell about the small thing like this? You should know that I need drinking after Pizza”

“How about the water? Does your home no fresh water? =_=”

“Do you want your books back?”

Okay… I will lose you again.. but I am going to revenge you……………..

After I brought coca

“Oh I drank coffee already ;D sorry.. I don’t need it anymore.. here your lovely books :DD ”

How bad!!!!!!!! My head was hot as the volcano now………..

“You’re too much!!” I took my books and went away… I swore that one day I will revenge for this day!!!!!!!!


At home


I couldn’t believe!!!!!! What’s that?? He didn’t do exercises for me… but he drew the picture in some page of my books.

~ Here… this ugly and babo Eunjung :P (it was a picture of the big face girl

~ Ham Eunjung yoyo ( the sign of :P

~ Well I don’t do it for you yeyeye ( the cat drawing and it smiled ._.


A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What silly?

I hurry called to Hyomin…

/It’s night I need a sleep/ Hyomin said with a sleepy voice

“Your cousin is studying at FNC High school right??” I said loudly

/Who? You mean Minhyuk??/

“His name is Minhyuk?” good I will take him to the hell

/Ouy… why?/

“Prepare his birthday before he die, tell him.. I will kill him by myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good ff! I'm lovin' it :)
pioushej #2
Chapter 10: hahaha snowwhite die because the prince choose the dwarf! hahaha this is a funny story!
Chapter 10: already end ? :(( hhuuuuwwaaaa !! i love this story so muchhh !!!
Chapter 10: Aiigooo pity snow white nas u.u
0103mica #5
Chapter 10: I will really miss kisser minhyuk and jealous eunjung !
0103mica #6
Chapter 10: Hahahaha! They are so cute!
Happy Ending :)
Although this is just a short fanfic but this is One of my favorite story :)
Waah! I will miss minhyuk kissing eunjung LOL.
Thank you for ending this story with a beautiful and a happy ending :)
Chapter 10: Hahahaha,,
This happy end so cute,,
I Like when the prince kiss the red dwarft,,
Thanks for your story,,ᵔ.ᵔ
Chapter 7: Chingue its will be good story if u make story about minhyuk pov in this story
Chapter 10: <3 MinHyuk and Eunjung alkjñkfjñl i love this couple. Thanks for you history
Chapter 9: I like..... jungie! ♥ hahaha!!!! XD

Hz pa nhab final mes??? U.u dak 2 3 chapter tet tov u.u