4 slapping for getting 10 minute kissing

Kiss Kiss

2013 Christmas day

In a cold Christmas day, I’m standing in front of the park near my home. It’s too night and also the last day of Christmas.. I might sleep well if someone didn’t call me ._. Kang Minhyuk or my boyfriend.

Of course he is younger than me two years.. but he always say that love is not depend on the age kkk it’s just a number… first time I felt shy when I have younger boyfriend if I don’t love too much, I would ignore him…

I don’t know why? How charm I am? It’s always many younger men like me… I remember that 4 years ago.. Lee Jungshin, my friend’s little cousin’s boyfriend he also liked me until fight with Minhyuk who is his friend for me kkkk… cause I’m beautiful yoyo =_=

Wait… what am I thinking? It passed for 4 years ready ._. I shouldn’t think about it and now I am waiting for Minhyuk…

I should be angry he waked me up and asked me to walk out at night.. but now where is he? He is driving me crazy now… I’m so cold.. my clothes is not warm.. and it’s a Christmas night how can he do this to me??

Suddenly.. the similar shadow is coming.. a tall man who I can see.. he is Minhyuk… he is coming to me with a sad face and I know it’s not a good story…

“Why you come late? You know I have been stood for 1 hour.. ” I tell angrily

“I’m sorry.. I have something to complete” Minhyuk says

“Ok.. so tell me, what important something that you ask me to come? This evening, we already met each other.. why didn’t you tell me..”

“I hard to say because….” Minhyuk being

“What’s that??”

“Eunjung… I think we should…”

“What?? O.o” I feel it’s not a good thing.. he looked upset

“Break up.. I want to break up..” he says

“Break up??? Don’t you kidding to me?????” suddenly I want to fall down… how can he say this??

“Yes.. I want to break up” Minhyuk says again

“Huh?? Why???” my tear suddenly falling.. a man that I love too much and I know it won’t happened like this but how can It happen? Am I dreaming?? He must not Minhyuk.. I know Minhyuk loves me and he won’t be making me upset like this

“I don’t want to being your boyfriend anymore….” Minhyuk says..

“Kang Minhyuk….” I shout at him.. finally I’m crying..


“Stop tell me anymore I don’t want to hear your voice..” I pull him out

“Please listen to me first…” Minhyuk

“Don’t make the reason to being break I don’t want to listen your lying..”

“I mean.. I don’t to be your boyfriend because I want to be your husband… you see??” Minhyuk


“Yes… May you marry to me Ham Eunjung ;D ” Minhyuk kneels in front of me and opens the box of ring asks me to marry…

Yah~~~~~~ I can’t believe it… it’s too romantic but.. at the moment he is lying me Y.Y he faked me cry

“Kang Minhyuk…” I hit his forehead..

“Ouy… Noona… if you don’t want to accept me you shouldn’t hit me like this” Minhyuk says loudly

“this hitting for your lying me at the moment Y.Y you made me cry… you hurt me by your saying break up…”

“Because I have not say my goal yet but you cried before I said =_=” Minhyuk

Listen to him =_= I feel so shy..

“Between do you accept me or not? My ring is very expansive you see… :D” Minhyuk

=_= it’s the first time that I see, asking marry like this… his ring is very expensive.. I guess if I don’t accept him he might keep it and take it to get his money back =_= ahhhhhhhhh

“Have you ever see the drama?? =_= the main male character is very romantic when he asked his girlfriend to being marry but you… say like.. my ring is very expensive.. oh god I can’t believe”

“I can’t be sweet because I’m afraid of ants will be coming around…”

“Kang Minhyuk!!!!”

“Okay okay need more romantic?? Wait…” suddenly… some color light is appearing… around the place that I’m standing… it draw in a heart and I stand in the heart… look at the corner of the garden.. it’s the light of words…. [Miss Ham Eunjung.. may you being to be my wife I love you]

I’m looking at those.. my tear drops is falling again… How romantic?

My heartbeat… and my tear… I’m too happy to see it…

“When will you accept me? My kneel are hurt now…” Minhyuk asks me

I turn to see him again… and get his ring for my answering

“Yeah!!!” he stands up happily and take his ring into my finger…

“Now you’re mine kkkk you know why I ask to this day?” Minhyuk

“Why??” I just wonder too ._.

“Because this place, this night… 4 years ago… is our first meeting place and day..” he smiles

He still remembers that day.. it was a joke =_= just think for that day I’m so shy with myself.. it’s too much… I met him because of kissing..

“I see.. you kiss me at the stage.. and made me down in front of everyone…” I laugh

“And you slapped me.. that day I felt not good about this..”

“Wae?? So when you pull me up on the stage and kiss me for your contest… did I feel good?” I shout at him

“Yah~~ because of that kissing so we are starting… isn’t right??” Minhyuk hugs my back..

“Yes.. you’re so bad… you take my heart by your kissing..”

“Because I’m good at kissing kkk”

“How dumb =_= a man who joined kissing contest..”

“So who was wrong??” Minhyuk ._.

“You of course :P I remember that.. you started it first.. in that night…”


Return to see the back

2009, Christmas day


Ham Eunjung Pov

A very cold night in Seoul.. everyone walked with a couple in that night.. it was a cold night.. firstly I didn’t like cold night and every Christmas day nights I’ve never walked out if today my mom didn’t call me to buy her milk… it was bad luck Y.Y my mom didn’t drink the milk but my friend’s cousin did. She is Kim Seolhyun… my close friend’s cousin, Kim Taeyeon.. and now she wasn’t in Seoul. She went to study in US. And asked me to look after her cousin.. Taeyeon doesn’t have any sister so she keeps Seolhyun as her sister. Both of them lived in Seoul and their parent was in US for business. So when Taeyeon finished year 3 she had to continue studying in US and Seolhyun had to live alone so she asked me to take Seolhyun come to live with my family.

My mom likes Seolhyun more than my real daughter as me Y.Y she always asked me take this or those for Seolhyun.. I felt that now I was being Seolhyun’s maid.. sometimes I thought that Seolhyun might be my mom’s real daughter and I was a fake gaaaaaaaaa

After I bought the milk for Seolhyun.. I left the market and walked on a messy way.. because it was too night I was also afraid.. I was walking when I looked around some shops. Some couple around there had fun together.. hoooo… when will my destiny come…. Y.Y I wanted to have a couple too… kkk

Suddenly my eyes turned to see.. the stage near the Sony’s shop.. the interesting thing that made me turn to see it because of the poster that they put on the top… Kissing contest to get New laptop xxxx of Sony production.. which couple could kissing for a long time… Oh hooo what a silly thing!!! =_=

“Waeyo? How can you say that?? Firstly we already talked about this why you turn to be like this?” a man who was near the stage shouted a lady

“Yes.. firstly I got it because I think you love me but it’s not.. how can I help you to join this contest without repay? If you want me to join let’s being my boyfriend” the lady told that man

“Yah Are you threatening me? You see that model laptop is important for me.. if I can buy it easily I won’t joint that silly contest too..” that man said

Looked at him.. tall and handsome.. his style liked the rich child but why he need free thing like this ._.

“I don’t know.. you can find another partner to help” she said

“You’re too much.. you should tell me first.. now how can I find??” he said angrily

“It’s your business” that girl being

Yah~~ I’m walking to home?? Why am I looking at them?? Oh Ham Eunjung you wanted to know another’s story too much kkk xD

I turned to walk continue walked but suddenly…

“Okay… I will show you… Kang Minhyuk is not easy to threaten and I also can find a new one easily…” that man said and walked to me…

“Hello Miss.. Can you help me to join this contest.. I will repay something that you need.. I just want to get that model laptop..” He talked to me

“What??? O.o”

“Please I will pay you the money if you..”

“What’s a silly thing you said? You think I’m free too much??” I said angrily

“No I mean…”

“Now everyone who join the contest.. it’s starting now please come on the stage” MC said

“Hurry up….” Suddenly he pull me up to the stage with him..

“Wae?? Silly…. Free me…” I can’t control my body now because his pulling is stronger…

“I’m sorry but I need it…” suddenly he down to kiss my lip O.O!!!!

I tried to pull him out but I couldn’t do it…. he hugged my back.. and kiss me strongly….

Even I tried to move out he tried to press me closer… okay I lost him now…. It was a long kissing and I didn’t know when it will be finished.. because it was a contest T_T

He started changing now… from a strong kissing to being kiss slowly… my heartbeat seemed stop because of his kissing… I felt that I fell in his kissing… I felt I got fever even tonight was a cold night..

Some couple were stopping because they couldn’t continue..  but this man ._. Was he born to be a kisser?? He could be stay longer than another and at the final, he was a winner =//=

So he freed me…

I couldn’t calm… I slapped his face until his face turn by my power slapping..

“Okay if it’s a thing that you want you can slap.. and thankful for help me” looked at him ._. did I accept to help him? He forced me ;_;

“So need one more…” I slapped him for 3 slapping until his face turned red.. it was not enough to repay my first kiss and my 10 minute kissing T.T

I put my hand up and wanted to slap him more if he didn’t say..

“Slap me one more I will kiss you for an hour…” he said

Aigoooooooooo……. This man was a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Next chaper... Jungshin is coming...

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good ff! I'm lovin' it :)
pioushej #2
Chapter 10: hahaha snowwhite die because the prince choose the dwarf! hahaha this is a funny story!
Chapter 10: already end ? :(( hhuuuuwwaaaa !! i love this story so muchhh !!!
Chapter 10: Aiigooo pity snow white nas u.u
0103mica #5
Chapter 10: I will really miss kisser minhyuk and jealous eunjung !
0103mica #6
Chapter 10: Hahahaha! They are so cute!
Happy Ending :)
Although this is just a short fanfic but this is One of my favorite story :)
Waah! I will miss minhyuk kissing eunjung LOL.
Thank you for ending this story with a beautiful and a happy ending :)
Chapter 10: Hahahaha,,
This happy end so cute,,
I Like when the prince kiss the red dwarft,,
Thanks for your story,,ᵔ.ᵔ
Chapter 7: Chingue its will be good story if u make story about minhyuk pov in this story
Chapter 10: <3 MinHyuk and Eunjung alkjñkfjñl i love this couple. Thanks for you history
Chapter 9: I like..... jungie! ♥ hahaha!!!! XD

Hz pa nhab final mes??? U.u dak 2 3 chapter tet tov u.u