Missing You Already?

Wolves Cry



Hyuna's POV

Wolf whistles.. I heard wolf whistles when I stepped out behind the tree without a shirt. Damn wolves and their hormones, I'd like to take a tractor and run them all over. I inwardly sighed and caught up to my grinning brothers giving them a look, daring them to say something. Instead they just placed me in the middle as we walked towards the alpha. The alpha had a shirt in his hand and looked at me softly, I stepped forward making the people around him stiffen. He secretly trolled his eyes but I caught it and I give him a smile. He seemed dazed but after a second he snapped out of it and handed me the shirt , returning my smile.

"Thank you" I whispered to his mind and stepped back.

He tilted his head at me, as if evaluating my soul. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and looked up to see Ace starring ahead with a serious expression. Did he know? Was I not supposed to show the Alpha that I too can mind link? I looked back to the shirt in my hand, I brought it up to my mouth and gently bit into it. With my free hand now, I parted my hair halfway so they laid across both my shoulders and covered my s. Ace and Arc surrounded me as best as they could while I put on the shirt. After I got it on and removed my hair from the inside of the shirt and let it flow onto my back, the boys moved back to their places facing the Alpha.

"Welcome to Midnight Howls. I am Alpha Rain and this is my mate Judith" he said smiling, then point to the lovely women next to him. Having dark brown hair with blue eyes, Judith stood 5'6 and wore an expression that defined confidence.

We bowed in respect to Alpha Rain and Luna Judith.

"Thank you for giving us a chance. Pleased to meet you, I'm Arc Winters, the oldest" Arc informed them, then bowed yet again.

"This is A-" Arc started to say, while moving his hands to gesture towards Ace.Though he didn't get time to finish because Ace caught him off.

"I can introduce myself, thank you Arc."

Arc narrowed his eyes at Ace and the Alpha and the Luna chuckled. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to suppress a laughter due to the look on Arc's face. Ace, after bowing, stood up straight and greeted the group.

"Hello, I'm Ace Winters, the second oldest."

Confusion crossed his face.

"Was is greet first, then bow? Or.. bow first, then greet?" He said out loud, asking himself.

The Alpha then let out a loud laugh, making him almost sound like Santa. Ace, noticing that he said that out loud, blushed and pushed me forward to introduce myself. Recovering from my push and looking back to glare at Ace, I turned around, looked up and gave the group my small shy smile.

"Enchanté, I am Hyuna Winters. The youngest and the only girl in the World to be able to put up with these two."

And they fell for me right away. They all smiled and gave a little head nod while my brothers playfully scoffed.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all." said Alpha Rain with a toothy smile. Santa? I blinked, no no.

"This is my Beta in command, Diego and these are two out of the eight Elder members, Brandon and David." he said, gesturing to the rest of the group behind him.


The main pack house was beautiful indeed, and deep down I was ecstatic that we would be staying upstairs in this modern like mini mansion. 

"Now now, we wouldn't want to stand out here all night, now would we? Let's head inside, Judith will show you to yours room and after you get settled down, I will speak with the two brothers in the meeting room. Which we will pass by before arriving to yours rooms, so you know where it is."

I raised an eyebrow. Two brothers? Does he think just because I'm a girl and the youngest I am of no importance? Oh how wrong you are Alpha Rain.

My wolf inside me growled.


"Relax my sweet Hyuna, all with time"

I inhaled nice and slow and nodded to myself. Yes.. Eli is right. I need to calm down and be happy that we are now under the protection of a new pack. We followed behind, as Rain motioned us to head to the front and enter the home.

You walk through the large, double French doors, that have a deep black color.

Your first step into the eerie castle echoes. You look down at the cold, hard marble floors, each tile chosen with a specific taste in mind.

You look around to see beautiful paintings all around the room. There is a set of double staircases, one on the left, one on the right. The railing of the staircase is exquisitely engraved with flowers and vines, never a one to be the same.

There are six large stone pillars evenly spaced, to keep the castle standing. Each one is elegantly carved to accent the Renaissance feel of the castle. To your left, there is a grand wooden door that is slightly ajared and it seems like it leads to a very large library. To the right there is closed, but the Alpha mentions that in there is where the meetings take place.

Ahead, you can see more doors, but before reaching them, we stopped in the center of the house.

"Wow. It's truly beautiful." I whispered, still gazing around.

Judith smiled and whispered her thanks.

"Judith will now show you your rooms" Said Alpha Rain, after dismissing Diego, Brandon, and David towards the meeting room.

My brothers and I followed Judith towards our rooms. My room was located in West Wing, where the Sun sets, where my Ace and Arc's rooms are in the East Wing. Perfect. She explained that the rooms were sound proof and they never had an owner for the rooms, so they were untouched.

The room were far apart from each other, so I secretly thanked the house for that. My room was the first room on the right, which was in the middle of the first one on the left and second on the left.

Judith opened my door for me and I entered. The room was enormous with a king side bed right ahead. To the left there are double doors, leading to the balcony, and to the right was a walk-in closet and a bathroom.

"If you need anything, just call me" She said, pointed to a phone on a small round table, to the left of the room, near the entrance.

"I wrote down numbers with our names on the pad. Don't be afraid to ask, now I'll leave you be. Goodnight Hyuna, I'll see you in the morning." Judith smiled, and I couldn't help but smiled back.

"Thank you Judith. I'll make sure to call you around three in the morning, asking for a glass of milk and cookies." I winked at her, and she laughed.

"See you in the morning Ms. Winters" Judith headed out the room and closed the door behind her.

I looked around the room once more and headed towards the bathroom. I took a nice warm shower, loving the feeling of the water coming out of the shower head. While drying and putting on some clean clothes that Luna Judith brought, knowing we wouldn't go shopping for a few days. I put on on a black blouse that showed my collarbone and neck and tucked my shirt into the black jeans to show of my s-line. Along in the bag was a pair of hightop wedges that matched perfectly with the outfit but I just went with basic high tops that had a hint of silver intertwined with the black, just like the shirt.

Arc linked me.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, just finished taking a shower. Are you headed towards the meeting room?"

"Indeed I am. Just about to open the door. I'm sorry you can't join."

"It's fine, just fill me in later. While you attend a boring discussion, I will be walking around"

"Hyuna... Be careful. Don't enter any unnecessary rooms"

"Aye aye sir. Have fun" Then I cut off the link.

Opening the door to my new room and closing it behind me, I walked downstairs. Seeing no one, I followed the the hallways and came across a door with no handle. I pushed gently, and figured out it was a swinging door. When I entered the new room, I was surprised to be in the kitchen. Not really caring about the kitchen I stepped right out as fast as I entered and walked in another direction.

I reach the back of the house because when I twisted the door knob, it lead to the back of the Pack House.

Tsk.. There was a party and I wasn't invited. Well.. we did crash the party earlier. There's so many people dancing together around the bonfire that was dying out. The moon shining down, creating some light, but not in need since we have perfect vision in the dark.. But even though we didn't need any night, the moon cast down a luminous blanket on everyone, which made it look heavenly.

While staying near the door, I let my eyes wander.


Joon's POV

After the introduction the elders went into the meeting room with the siblings while the rest of the adults went home to rest and wait to be called for a pack meeting. On the other hand, us teenagers had too much adrenaline in us after the whole situation so we stayed out and enjoyed the bonfire at night. Our bodies against each other, again I had Bom's body fitting into mine. Rubbing herself all over me like no tomorrow and I didn't have a care for anything in the world.

Everyone is dancing close to each other, the bonfire is dying out and the stars are illuminating the ground we walk on. Suddenly, my wolf starts to stir and I have to feel this wave of uneasiness around Bom. I turn my attention to the pack house and make my way out of the dancing mob, excusing myself from my girl. When I get out, there at the back entrance of the pack house stands a breathtaking creature underneath the moonlight. Her eyes wandering around, until her eyes land on me. I see her lips part, knowing she felt the same push.

I stared back, my eyes wanting to scan her and itching to know every part of her body.

A scent like no other. Skin that is smooth and pale. Hair that is jet black, while the waves flows down her mid-back. Cat-like eyes that are a striking blue with a hint of silver. Lips that are full and which can't be helped and gazed upon. Voluptuous curves that deepen with the design of her jeans. And as for the legs, her legs are long and sleek.

And as if I known her my whole life, I can't help but imagine her voice. Maybe her voice is a little bit of everything.. Her voice chiming, a very seductive voice, but it rings like a chime. Her laugh, a melody to a song with ever flowing rhythm. Music to my ears.

My wolf is calling to her, trying to urge me forward. Ug, I don't understand. Then I feel hands around my neck, pulling me down, causing to break eye contact with my the shewolf. I feel lips on mine, a tongue asking for entrance. I look down and see Bom with eyes closed, kissing me. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my chest.. My eyes darting back towards the pack house and seeing my the mysterious girl's back retreating into the pack house again.

Please come back, I'm missing you already.



I apologize for not updating, I'll try my best from now on

Thank you to all the supporters


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Ahhh i miss this please update again soon!
;-; I wonder how they're gonna meet?
Chapter 4: hehehe!!!!hyunie is going crazy just by thinking of joon!!^_^and i'm going crazy from those actioons!!
Stefani_98 #5
Chapter 4: i am sooo happy for the double updateee <3 :) i love itt i cant't wait fo the nextt
Stefani_98 #6
Chapter 4: i am sooo happy for the double updateee <3 :) i love itt i cant't wait fo the nextt
Chapter 4: Weeee! Double update! Love it so far ^_^
Chapter 4: Waaaaah this is really good! Waiting for next chapter. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: This story is so amazing! Glad I found it! Ooh I can't help but wonder how she looks in her second stage. Yeay she will be meeting Joon again ^0^
Chapter 4: Wah i love you so much for the double update!!! They'll meet in next chap right? Joon almost seems bipolar. He says hes missing her already, then says he has to put her in her place for being there in the first place.