
Wolves Cry

What the hell?

Running up the stairs and back into my bedroom, I slammed the door shut and locked it. Turning around, I started walking backwards, staring at the door until I bumped into my bed behind me. Sitting down on the edge, my heart jumped a bit, I felt calm all of the sudden, letting my mind wander to him.

His hair, dark and lustrous, could almost have been mistaken for jet black. But the sultry deep brown could be seen around the edges. Shifting his head to look for me, the light from the moon seeped down his hair, barely settling on each strand. Wide green eyes that any girl can get lost in. Lips that are to die for, wanting to put my lips on his.

As I my eyes slightly shifted down, I can tell his slightly tanned skin was well built. I had to resist my urge of just walking over and pulling up his unnecessary shirt. My mate, with arms and a chest that I wanted to be held in forever, feeling his warmth and inhaling his scent.  

I shook my head. My mate? No, I don't think so. He has a girlfriend.

My wolf whimpered.

I got up and walked over the the table near the entrance and reached for the phone. I looked for Judith's number on the pad next to the phone, dialed and waited.

It rung twice.


"Hello Judith, it's Hyuna. I might need those cookies and milk earlier than I expected"

I heard her chuckle.

"What do you need honey?"

"I was wondering if it's okay if I go for a run?"

I heard a pause. I knew she was thinking about it.

"Sure Hyuna. Guards are always posted outside, so no need to worry when you come back. Be careful and come back safe."

"Thank you very much, goodnight"

"Goodnight" and I hung up.

I walked over and opened the balcony doors. When I stepped outside, I looked up to the sky and noticed the moon still in it's full bloom. I started up at the sky, thank the stars my balcony didn't face back. I breathed and jumped down from th second story to the ground.

"Day one and already going for a run?" I turned around and saw Hyunseung, one the wolfs on guard duty. We met him early when he escorted us into the pack house.

I smiled my head and shook my head.

"I'm hoping this run will tire me out and let me go to bed"

He nodded, understanding.

"Well, let's not keep you waiting. Shall we? Have a good run Hyuna"

I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, I'll be back in a bit"

I turned around and took off in a light sprint to the forest, I spotted a tree hidden in the forest but close enough to the opening to put my clothes. I removed my blouse, sandals, and pants. I took off into the forest with a sprint, before shifting into my wolf. 

"Eli Bones, descendant of  the 4th Generation, take form."

"As you wish m'lady"

While passing tree after tree, I felt a wind of energy pass over me. Next to me appeared a look a like of a Siberian husky, in a mist like form, like a ghost. Hovering slightly above the ground, before touching the soil with the mist disappearing and the wolf taking off in a sprint.

He was a beautiful creature indeed. Having a black coat on top with grey mixed at the hind legs and white underneath. His face having a strange but remarkable pattern of black and white. He howled to the moon, while keeping pace with me.

I smiled inside, pushing my hind legs harder and picking up the speed, knowing Eli would keep up with me. Eli was my life, as I was his. If I were to die, so would he. And it pained me to think that in the future, when I were to endanger myself, I would endanger his life as well. Due to my fate and background, Eli is my guardian. Always there with me in spirit, and in form when I ask him to. 

Eli Bones. That's E-lie. Bones.

"What's the special occasion my sweet?"

"I just felt like running"

And we left it at that. He knew not to push and I was grateful. I looked around, taking in the appearance of the forest. Some leaves have fallen of the trees and branches had some kind of icicle on them. It was November and the weather was already cold. Winter was here and soon it would start snowing, my favorite time. 

Eli and I kept running. Running to the end of the World it seemed. Not keeping track of time and heading off to nowhere. While running, we found this small frozen creak. Having to put my paw on it, and push it in to break the ice and getting a small gush of water.

Then we jumped over it and kept running without looking back. 

"Eli, it will be snowing soon"  I said through our mind link while noticing the gush of extra wind now.

"I can tell. Now we can play hide and go seek"

"No, you cheat. You always bury your back into the snow and blend in with your white belly and paws"

He howled, and I knew it was his way of laughing

"You would think that me being with you since day one, and all our snow experiences, you can tell where I am by now. Plus you can always use your connection with me to locate me. That's how I always find you"

"Hush. Unlike you, I don't cheat"


I didn't know for how long we ran but I knew we had to turn around.

"Eli, we nee-"

"I know my sweet. Let's turn around now. You have a long day tomorrow"


I sighed. Now heading back to the gates of Midnight Howls, we jumped over the small creak again and kept running. I let my mind wander, something that I've been doing recently. 

I wonder what his name is. Will I see him again tomorrow? 


Some time passed without us talking. Just enjoying the moment, not knowing how soon it when it will happen again. All you can hear was our paws hitting the soil, again and again and again. I could tell we were getting closer, and then all of the sudden, I felt something fall on my face.

I looked up and saw white dots at first. Then I noticed they were snowflakes. Due to my excitement, I let a nice projected howl to the moon. Then Eli joined me, letting me know he appreciates the weather as much as I do.

The tree with my clothes came into sight, so I stopped, sat and let the disappointment kick in. Eli then walked in front of me , blocking the view of the tree. He lowered his head and put it under mine and gave me a slight push in affection.

"We'll do this again soon" I heard Eli say, as quietly as possible through our link.

I nodded.

"Eli Bones. 5th Generation Guardian, switch." 

And I watched the mist appear again around his body, and saw him magically lift off the ground and disappear. Knowing I had to get back, I shifted back to my human form, and went to the tree the collect my clothing.

I slowly walked back to the entrance of the pack house. Getting closer, I saw the entrance and with the same guards on watch. When I got to the front, I saw the small smiles and heard their murmurs of 'welcome back' from the guards. They opened they opened the door to the house for me

"Yes, thank you. Have a nice night boys" And winked before walking inside.

I entered the house and noticed how dark and quiet it was. I made my way to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water before heading to bed. Not needing to turn on the lights, I searched the cabinets for cups. When I finally found them, I took a glass and headed to the refrigerator and filled my cup with water.

I gulped it down in a few seconds and it felt refreshing. Washing the cup in the sink and putting it back in it's place in the cabinet, I made my way upstairs and up to my room. Closing my door, I sighed.

"What do you want Ace?" I said into the dark before turning around

"Sharp as always little sister." Ace said, said on the edge of my bed.

"You didn't answer my question" knowing that he was pissed, I felt like pushing his buttons tonight.

"Where the hell have you been? No wait. Why they hell did you block Arc and I from mind link?"

I felt his anger in every word he spoke. I walked over to the middle of the room, in front of Ace, who was still sitting.. But now with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I really thought I'd get this speech from Arc."

"Hyuna, do NOT change the subject! I, we.. Arc and I have been worried sick"

"I'm sorry, I went for a run outside in the forest."

I saw anger flash in his eyes, and before he could say anything, I put my hand up in protest and continued.

"I called Judith beforehand and asked for permission. She granted it, she made sure the wolves on patrol knew so they didn't attack." I explained

"Also, I shifted inside the forest, after I ran a bit from the opening.. And before you ask, no I'm not hurt. Eli was there with me the whole time, you know he would protect me from any threat"

His eyes widened. Whoops, bad move.


He screamed, not sitting on the bed anymore but stalking towards me.


I had it. I closed my eyes and inhaled very profoundly. Focusing on my breathing, I quickly opened my eyes, knowing that they were completely silver with no hint of blue. I watched as everything slowly re-winded itself to the time where I messed up.

I exhaled.

"I, we.. Arc and I have been worried sick"

I felt dizziness overcome me. Now I regretted the run, Running and the coming back home just to turn back time. Such a combination should be illegal.

"Ace, I'm very sorry. Next time I'll let you guys know beforehand, I just didn't want to bother you with your meetings. Plus I got permission from Judith and the wolves on patrol knew.. And nobody saw me shift, so you have nothing to worry about."

I saw him shift uncomfortably on the bed and I narrowed my eyes. Maybe my imagination, so I waved it off.

"I am so very tired from my run, please let me go to bed."

He nodded, got up from my bed and came over to me. He pulled me into his chest.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. Next time tell us that your gonna return at 2 in the morning"

I pulled back to look up to his face and smiled.

"I promise" and kissed his cheek

"Now go to bed before I kick you out" I said while letting him go and walking to my bed

"You already are." 

I chuckled. Pulling back the covers, I got on the bed and pulled the covers over me, up to my chest. I turned to my side and got comfortable.

"Goodnight Hyuna, I love you. Sweet dreams" He said from the door before opening it.

"Goodnight Ace, I love you too." I said while yawning, then I heard the door closed behind him.

"Are you okay my sweet?" Eli whispered

"Eli? Am I getting weaker? I only re-winded a few seconds.. Why do I feel so weak?"

"Do remember that you ran for four hours straight. Plus, you haven't eaten anything since you've gotten here, that must have tired you to the extent of feeling dizziness."

I knew he was right, but I also knew that I was changing and it didn't feel so good.

"Alright. Thank you for running with me tonight Eli" 

I nodded to myself, slowly drifting in and out of sleep

"Anytime my sweet. Goodnight'"

"Goodnight Eli, I love you"

'"As I love you"  

I smiled to myself as I finally drifted off to sleep, only to dream about him.



So close to meeting  ;D

Eli appeared officially, they're a special pair (:

Thank you for reading


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Ahhh i miss this please update again soon!
;-; I wonder how they're gonna meet?
Chapter 4: hehehe!!!!hyunie is going crazy just by thinking of joon!!^_^and i'm going crazy from those actioons!!
Stefani_98 #5
Chapter 4: i am sooo happy for the double updateee <3 :) i love itt i cant't wait fo the nextt
Stefani_98 #6
Chapter 4: i am sooo happy for the double updateee <3 :) i love itt i cant't wait fo the nextt
Chapter 4: Weeee! Double update! Love it so far ^_^
Chapter 4: Waaaaah this is really good! Waiting for next chapter. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: This story is so amazing! Glad I found it! Ooh I can't help but wonder how she looks in her second stage. Yeay she will be meeting Joon again ^0^
Chapter 4: Wah i love you so much for the double update!!! They'll meet in next chap right? Joon almost seems bipolar. He says hes missing her already, then says he has to put her in her place for being there in the first place.