
Wolves Cry




"Hyuna.. Keep running" Eli whispered

My wolf whimpered. I am lost, running in this forest that I call home. Home didn't look so great anymore, too many memories in this wilderness and now all I can think of is how empty this place will be. Empty, just like my soul. Running, my paws only touching the ground for a short time before they step on new soil. Never staying in the same spot for longer than a second. Why are we running? Where am I supposed to go? Who killed my pack? No, this isn't right.

"Eli.. please. We have to go back" I cried

"You know better than that my sweet."

Pain struck me in the chest. I flinched. We're abandoning our pack at the most crucial time. Why don't you just give me the death penalty. Oh, Mr. Judge? Hello there, how nice to meet you. Please, just take me away because I am guilty.

"I'm sorry Hyuna"

I ignored his statement. I kept running. My body kept running leaving my soul, which was long gone and shattered. My mind wandering, as I kept running.. I should of stayed alert, maybe then we could of avoided the downfall. I noticed a figure on my left side pass by as quick as lightning. I braced myself for the attack, my legs bending.. Still running, I looked straight ahead and perked my ears trying to determine where the creature went.

"Hyuna! Wake your up and keep running!"

I looked to my left and saw a grey wolf, slightly bigger than me with white paws and a white tip on his tail. Arc.. I thought and relief swept through me. All I wanted to do was snap. How he still manages to piss me off in this state is something I will never figure out.

"Hyuna listen to me well. We have to keep running, keep your mind link closed. We cannot let them catch up to us. Ace is up ahead by the creak and we will have no time for reunions, so keep running no matter what."


"Is Ace okay? Are you okay? Mom and Dad? The pack? Are they really -"

"Yes Hyuna, they are really are gone.."




"I spy something green"

"Ooooh, that tree!" Ace's snout pointed out a tree to the left..

I sighed.

"How'd you know?"

"I'm that good" Ace winked at me, then looked around.

"Okay okay, my turn.. Ummm. I spy.. something.. green"

Oh joy, this is a tough one.. I thought

"The tree" I said, tilting my head to a random tree to my right.

"Wow Hyuna, your not too bad yourself"

"What can I say, it's in my genes" rolling my eyes.

"Alright, my turn yet again. I spy something gree-"

"If either of you say green one more time, I'm going to tie the both of you up and hammer you down to a damn green. That way anything that comes your way can have your way with you. Whether it be ants, a bear wanting a back scratch, or a werewolf." Arc snapped in our minds.

"Oh tarter sauce, just when the game was getting good. You always ruin the fun Arc" I said, hinting some sarcasm in there, hoping Ace would catch on.

"It's okay Hyuna, we can play later" he said, picking up his speed again, but not before sighing.

Obviously he didn't.. I narrowed my eyes, you've got to be kidding me. How much more dense can he get? I turned my head and stared at him. He looks tired, how long has it been since we've been in our human form? Yes, my brother Ace was an attractive man, just like my other brother Arc is. Genes run deep in the family.

Ace Winters, age 24. Standing at 5'10 with light brown hair that seemed to be lightened by the Sun's rays. A boyish face with an angled jaw and even with his eyes close, I can picture his green eyes with a hint of brown inside. He has a perusing stare that carries honesty and seems to strive for love. My brother has a heart of gold, and even thought he hasn't found his mate, he is set to find her.

Standing at 5'11, slightly taller than Ace, Arc Winters is the oldest at age 25. The age where wolves start to age very slowly from there, forward. Arc, like my other brother, has tousled hair with a shade darker than Ace. Arc has what it seems a more edgy face, inherited from our father. Still very attractive, with those piercing green eyes that carry knowledge and determination.

None of us have mates. For a while, we gave that up after losing our pack. Though I wouldn't be surprised if any female would try to hook up with them, mate or not. My brothers work out, so I can honestly say without feeling weird inside, that a lot of guys will kill for a body like theirs.

I sighed, knowing we still have a bit to go. So many trees.. Yes.. That was the best game of I spy.

I just wanted to close my eyes,  Hoping that when I opened them again, we would reach a place we can call home for a month or two..



Joon's POV

I was sitting out in the back of the main pack house with most of the pack in a circle around the bonfire and chatting away with music in the background. Everyone drinking some type of alcohol. I sat on the grass with a few friends, slightly away from the huge crowd of people dancing near the lake.

Bom to my right, rubbing my leg with her left hand and a what I believe is her 7th drink in her right hand. I leaned over and inhaled her scent. Her hair parted in the back, coming over her shoulders and paying attention to the conversation. Why isn't she my mate, I asked myself.

My wolf inside me growled. Not our mate.

No , could of fooled me. Didn't I just say that?

"Joon?" asked Mir

"Yea?" I replied, looking across from me and staring into his chocolate like eyes filled with curiosity.

"When are the new pups arriving?"



I groaned. Turning to my side on my bed.

"Joon! We have important things to discuss this morning. Your late, so hurry and get your soon to be Alpha downstairs into the meeting room" My father, Alpha Rain growled through our mind link.

"Aye aye Sir"

I got up from my bed and headed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. Walking out of the shower with a towel around my waist, I headed towards the closet and grabbed black jeans and a black v-neck. Put on my socks and shoes and walked out the room feeling clean.

I head downstairs to the meeting room to find the Elders sitting and waiting. My father was already in the middle of the room discussing something I couldn't quite catch up to. As I entered the room, everyone turned to face me and gave a slight nod with their head.

"Good morning Young Alpha" they all echoed.

I gave a nod back.

I could tell something must have gone wrong due to the tension in the air. I quietly walked across the room and sat on a chair, facing inward to the middle of the circle just like everyone else. My father gave me a slight nod before ending his conversation then turning and standing in the middle of the circle.

"Now that we're all here, we have a serious matter to discuss. As you all know, the mysterious pack, White Echo, was attacked 2 years ago without a single breathing being left alive."

Ah yes. I nodded to myself. White Echo, Alpha Hyun-Bin and Luna Eve. They were mysterious indeed. The strongest of us all, we still don't understand how they were taken down due to the fact that they hold powers unheard of.

"Last night while I was finishing up my paper work at night. Someone outside the pack mind linked with me." 

I froze. What? That's impossible. Only wolves in the same pack can mind link. I looked around to see everyone mirroring the same shocked expression. My father continued..

"It was strange indeed. The voice told me that his name was Arc and that his two siblings and himself were the only ones who had survived the attack that night."

Growls were heard. Everyone started bickering, stating that there was no way they could have survived. Others questioning their loyalty to their pack, wondering why they survived and the rest didn't. Did they run away?

"H A L T !" My father voiced out using his Alpha voice. Everyone suddenly became quiet.

"The reason I gathered you here today was because Arc is asking permission to join the Midnight Howls pack with his siblings."

Seconds passed, minutes passed. Everyone voicing their own opinions on what to do. A few rejecting the idea, most ecstatic to have three legends join our pack. Then the time came when everyone turned to me, including my father. Waiting for my say.

I looked around.

"It wouldn't hurt to try." I said

I heard a few growls from the people who rejected the idea. I glanced at them and continued..

"To assure that they really are from the White Legends Pack we will test them to make sure they aren't lying. And if it comes down that they are not survivors, we can exile them from all and any pack for misusing false identification. Or a more simple way would be to execute them. "

I saw my father nod with approval. I smirked knowing that we were going to have fun with the new pups joining us.

"Thank you everyone for their time. Arc said that he would contact me again when the clock hits noon. So please go out and eat breakfast because it seems we have a long day ahead of us."

My father bowed and went to go stand by the door, shaking the hand of every passing person on the way out as they left to the dinning hall.


I was walking back to the meeting room when my best friend stopped in front of me.

"Mir" I said..

"Young Alpha what a pleasant surprise. Oh my, it's only noon. May I ask why you, out of all people are up this early?" Mir said, while checking his invisible watch.

I smiled, knowing Mir and Mir knowing me. His sarcasm about being up early makes me chuckle, because being best friends, he knows I'm never up at this time.

"You know me so well Mir." I smirked

"Sadly, I was called to a meeting. Seems like we have some fun heading our way"

Mir raised an eyebrow in confusion, waiting for me to elaborate.


I stared up to the moon, then looked back at him.

"It'll be 11 soon, so they should be here shortly. Unless they chickened out" I chuckled

"Do you know if they're males or females?" asked Jiyoon, who was sitting in between her mate's leg on the floor. Which happened to be one of my very close friends.

"I believe they're siblings, all male.. I just know of Arc, no surname was given." I replied

"How nice, I bet their father was proud" answered Seungho, Jiyoon's mate. They only mated a few months ago, but already they were attached hip to hip. When he wasn't out running on patrol, he was with Jiyoon.

No one was supposed to know if the arrivals, except the people at the meeting, but this group was always by my side and my next in commands, so they knew everything.

I nodded and was suddenly pulled up by Bom when a song she liked came on. I turned a bit to see Mir grab Jihyun from the sideline and head to the dance floor as well as Seungho and Jiyoon.

With the bonfire that was slowly dying out and the moon in the sky illuminating our bodies in the dark. It created the perfect atmosphere along with the blaring music, to dance and party hard.

I saw bodies and bodies against each other, sweating and smiling with excitement.

Our bodies against each other, Bom's body fitting into mine. Rubbing her arse into my pelvis area. I groaned as I leaned forward, pressing my mouth to her neck. Inhaling her scent, her hair bouncing around, making her vanilla scent spread like a wildfire.

She turned around and locked her hands around my neck. Grinding up and down my body to the beat of the music. I looked down to see her eyes closed and smiling. I leaned in and kissed the top of her nose.

Oh god..

Bodies now separating a bit and moving to the beat of the music, the song nearing the first chorus which hinted a in the song. Knowing everyone would jump and move their bodies like there's no tomorrow. Blood rushing fast, as the adrenaline started coursing through my veins, hinting the and then it hit me..

With everyone still dancing around me, I feel a surge of power throughout my body, making me feel breathless. And as if on instinct, I turn my attention to the south opening of the forest. There, three large wolves walked out, one followed by the other. The first being the biggest: A brown like, amber colored wolf, with white at the top of the ears, paws, and tail. He held his head high, with an unseen aura that surrounded him. The second wolf came out, you can barley notice the difference in height with the the two wolves. Though this wolf, instead of being a brown wolf he was grey, but he held the same features. White tip on the ears, paws, and tail. His eyes searching the crowd, his body on alert.

The bush behind him rustled and out came out the most dashing wolf I've ever seen. Walking up to stand the the left of the grey wolf. While his brother's were bigger and had the same markings, this wolf was pure white, from snout to tail and smaller. Unlike his brother's who took on green eyes, this white wolf had cat-like eyes that were a striking blue with a hint of silver. The wolf looked back and his ear's perked up. All of a sudden he crouched on the floor.

Confusing me until a pack member flew over the wolf crashing into a tree. The three wolves growled and positioned themselves ready for an attack. I snapped out of my trance and opened my mind link.


Everyone stopped and males shoved their mates behind their back, trying to protect them from the threat. Pack members, near the wolves, shifted and attack. The brown wolf stepped up and defended his brothers, dodging all the attacks. The grey wolf moved forward, wanting to get in on the action. He too started dodging the attacks. I started running towards the action with Mir and Seungho by my side, leaving the girls behind. We shifted into our wolves and sprinted. More pack members started to attack, the wolves dodging every attack. They started moving now, all three wolves in sync with each other. Knowing where to step, knowing how to not bump into each other.

All of a sudden, they were surrounded in a circle by the pack members. I reached the circle, and pushed my way through and got to the inside circle. Now that they were trapped, and the pack members knew they were. They stopped attacking and froze, just watching. Waiting for my father to arrive or for me to step up to the plate. You would think that the three wolves would crouch down to their belly, into submission. But they stood there with their heads looking straight and tails curled up.

I was wrong before, thinking only the brown wolf held the aura of authority. Standing there, watching them together they seemed superior and had their own input into the trio. My pack members were still growling at them, trying to intimidate them. The brown wolf, seeming that he had enough, rose his left paw and placed it in front of him, as to take a step forward. That little act made my wolf want to come out, wanting to show him who owns this territory. To show him who had the dominance here.

That movement made a tan wolf from the other side of the circle, lung at him. The white wolf didn't even hesitate and in a blink of an eye stepped in between his wolf and the tan wolf. Catching him at his side, throwing him off balance and onto the ground. The white wolf took this moment to step over him and bared his teeth. That was my cue to step in, but just as I was going to move forward a voice boomed and clouded our ears.

"E N O U G H !!"

I didn't have to turn to see it was my father, walking with the elders. The circle made space for them and they walked into the circles. Some pack members growling as to warn them of the threat. Most of them shifting back into their human form, looking for their clothes.

"Are these the new pack members?" I heard Seungho say into my mind.

That's when it clicked, I didn't even remember of the new arrival we were waiting for. I guess this was one of the many tests to come their way. The white wolf was still hovering over the tan wolf and before the white wolf can move off, my pack member his snout, going into submission. The white wolf gave a nod, and stepped off, going back to stand next to his brothers. I saw my father's beta step forward and throw three pair of pants to the wolves, indicating to change into their human form.

"Everyone who hasn't already, please gather some clothes and shift back."

I turned back and saw Jiyoon coming our way already with three pair of pants. Dropping a pair in front of each of us. I sent her a toothy wolf grin and grabbed my pants with my mouth and walked behind a tree, still eyeing the three wolves in the middle of the field, my father seemed to be communicating with the so called Arc. I shifted back and put on my pants and walked back to my father with Mir and Seunhgo behind me, with their mates. When I reached my father's side, the brown wolf gave a nod and picked up a pair of pants from the pile in front of us. Both other wolves did the same, and walking back into the forest to change. 

My father sighed. Wanting to change the mood, I commented,

"Well that was fun"

He slightly turned his head to look at me, his lips twitched upward. The bushes rustled, signaling the return of the trio. My father sighed again and looked around.

"Someone please give me a shirt"


His beta, on his left side, took his off and handed it to him, my father just thanked him and faced forward again holding on tightly to the shirt. It seemed the same way they came out in wolf form, the came out in human form. I can tell Arc was the first one to come out, being the oldest and he held the same aura from the first wolf. His pants seemed to fit perfect, excluding the part where his legs were too long. The second brother had a playful glint in his eyes and had more of a baby face than his older brother. Though something flicked in his eyes and he looked back into the woods. Both him and his older brother stopped and waited from the third. A dark figure appeared and stepped out of the forest.

The pants did not fit, his waist was too small and perfect. The pants kept trying to fall off, but it seemed like he tied the pants with a string of a broken shoelace found on the ground. My eyes scanned upward, his stomach not being ripped as his brothers but you can tell he worked out, it was nice and defined. His left arm crossing over his chest, as if to hide something. My eyes continued to scan up and found long dark hair tousled to one side of the shoulder.

It took me two seconds to figure out that the third brother wasn't a brother. It was a sister, a female. 



I'm so sorry. School just finished for me so I'll be updating ASAP.

I'm new at this so leave comments if you have any tips.

Thank you for reading *Huggles*


*So I don't know who to make the brothers, if you have an ideas just message me ;D*

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Ahhh i miss this please update again soon!
;-; I wonder how they're gonna meet?
Chapter 4: hehehe!!!!hyunie is going crazy just by thinking of joon!!^_^and i'm going crazy from those actioons!!
Stefani_98 #5
Chapter 4: i am sooo happy for the double updateee <3 :) i love itt i cant't wait fo the nextt
Stefani_98 #6
Chapter 4: i am sooo happy for the double updateee <3 :) i love itt i cant't wait fo the nextt
Chapter 4: Weeee! Double update! Love it so far ^_^
Chapter 4: Waaaaah this is really good! Waiting for next chapter. Hwaiting!
Chapter 4: This story is so amazing! Glad I found it! Ooh I can't help but wonder how she looks in her second stage. Yeay she will be meeting Joon again ^0^
Chapter 4: Wah i love you so much for the double update!!! They'll meet in next chap right? Joon almost seems bipolar. He says hes missing her already, then says he has to put her in her place for being there in the first place.