The boy next door

Heart Strings

Jiyong's POV

The new neighbors are going to move in properly today mum said. I haven't met them yet or even seen them but mum says they are a couple with a boy not much younger than me. I hope they're nice. I'll get to meet them once I'm back from school. It's strange without Taeyang...I miss him so it will be even stranger with somebody else living in his house. 

First lessons went by fairly quickly for Jiyong. He was wondering about the neighbors and thinking back on old memories with himself as Taeyang. At break he decided to call Taeyang, hoping he would be free to answer.

Ring ring. 
Ring ring.

"Hey! That you bro?" Taeyang's voice answered the phone in surprise.


"What you calling in school for?"

Jiyong and Taeyang still kept in regular contact with each other by calling each other but they didn't tell each other everything, or much at all really about how they are with the changes.

"Feel like it." Jiyong dismissed and carried on talking before the other could reply. "New neighbors are moving in today."

"They nice?"

"Dunno man. Haven't met them yet but I hope so."

"Sure they will be Ji."

"Mum told me they are a couple with a boy slightly younger than us."

"Cool bro. Hope you get along with him well. Maybe he'll be just like me." Taeyang joked but the comment made Jiyong feel down; he just wanted everything back to normal.

"Ji?" Taeyang questioned at his friends silence.

"Yeah sorry bro. I gotta get going now."

"Okay, bye Ji!"

"Bye Tae..." Jiyong hung up. "...miss you." He mumbled under his breath as the class bell sounded. 

Seungri's POV

Lunch time!

I walked down from the school to the skate-park in the hope that he'd come put here for lunch as well as after school. I was in luck.

"Jiyong!" I called and waved at the figure that sat on the bench.

He turned around and smiled as he saw he run up to him. I sat myself down next to him. He seems even more beautiful than before...

"Hey." he took a light hold of my shoulder  "Panda." He said as he gave me a playful push.

"Panda?" I blinked in confusion and he laughed.

"You look like a panda." He grinned.


"You've got bags under your eyes and your hairs messed up." he said, first  under my eye with his thumb and then ruffling my hair more.

I' a panda?

"A baby panda." he said.

"..." I just watched him as he spoke, his lips enticing me in but I resisted.

"Because baby pandas are cuter." he said quietly so that I wasn't so sure if I had heard right.


"I said your cute!". He confirmed and I felt my cheeks heat up and something inside me flutter.

"T-thanks?" I looked down at the floor.

He smiled at my embarrassment. Normally if someone called me cute I would purposely act cute to tease but...

Suddenly I could feel his breath on me and lips against the side of my head for just a second. I sat there almost frozen. Did he really just do that?

Next I felt him  down my arm and rest his head on me.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Thank you? What for?" What have I done for him?

"You fill the whole in me." He said and went on to explain how his closest friend and neighbor  Taeyang, had recently left and how alone he felt without him. Jiyong told me how much he missed him but also that he felt alive again when he was with me even though we hardly know each other. He also mentioned that his new neighbors were going to move in and he going to find it hard moving on. I talked while I listened carefully,subconsciously playing with the ends of his hair and his thin, baggy hoodie. It seemed to me that he really likes the guy called Taeyang and for some reason this sparked something in me. Am I just a replacement for him then? Is he the one you love?

"I'm sorry." He ended.

"Do him?" I couldn't believe I suggested that out loud  What if I'm wrong and he's offended? The two of them were just best friends...

"..." Jiyong silenced and sat straight looking into my eyes.

"We were like the closest to brothers." He said.

Brothers? Just brotherly love then?

The conversation was cut as we rushed back to school upon hearing the faint class bell from the school. 

Jiyong's POV

All through class I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd said. I hardly knew him and I told him basically my life story. He knows about Taeyang, my busy parents and some things about how I really feel. I told him that I loved Tae as a brother, not anything more but of course nothing less ether. An before I told him that I let out how cute I think he is, and his reaction made him even cuter.

I think...I think I might love him...but I need to get to know him more. My cutie panda.

Once it was finally the end of the school day I started making my way home as usual when  I saw HIM walking just in front of me, seemingly heading in the same direction. 

Seungri's POV

Somebody jump hugged me from behind making me yelp.

"What are yo-" I stopped as I realized that it was Jiyong who had come at me. "J-Jiyong?!"

"Right, it's me." He said as we started walking side by side.

"I didn't see you come this way before." He said, obviously wondering why I'm going this way today.

"My parents and I got all of our stuff moved into our new house but we still hadn't actually moved in yet but today we are so now I officially live in Seoul." I explained.

Jiyong looked thoughtful for a moment before his eyes widened.

Jiyong's POV

No way!


Seungri's POV

"..." I didn't understand what he looked so shocked about until he said it straight out, making me gasp in disbelief.

"YOUR my new neighbor?!?!"

Now that I think about it, he's got to be right, if Taeyang moved out recently and I just came here, plus the fact he said his new neighbors are coming today and I'm moving into my new house today; it makes sense however hard it it to believe such a coincidence.

"Well at least you don't have to worry about not liking your neighbors " I smiled. He smiled back but seemed lost in his thoughts.

Jiyong's POV

How can this happen? Yes I'm happy I will be able to get to know him easier just all seems so strange. For some reason I wasn't happy still; I had a replacement for Taeyang i guess but that's the problem. I don't want a repeat of my relationship with Tae because I can't help but think of him as a replacement. And I don't want a replacement for Tae, I want him to stay with me but at the same time I still want this with Seungri. I could feel Seungri's look of confusion at me as we walked slowly; I'm over thinking and talking things to far, too fast.

"Jiyong?" His voice brought me back to the present.


"Are you okay?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned.

"Sure, sorry." I lied like so many when answering that question.



"No your not okay. Please, don't let everything mess you up. It will be hard to move on but you can still keep in touch with Taeyang and...and I'll help if I can." He held my hand supportively and tried to look me in the eye but I turned away. If only he knew, but I can't possibly tell him...

Seungri's POV

I took his hand and insistently felt tingly all over. He dose have feeling for Taeyang, doesn't he? But it's okay, I've got time and I'm not even sure of my feelings yet although I do feel somehow attached to him already. Having him as a neighbor will hopefully be fun though and if anything we can be close friends. I'm young; I should take it slow and get to know him well like a true friend. 

Jiyong's POV

I gripped his hand tight, calming all my emotions then let go and finally smiled properly.

"Thanks little panda." I teased and put my arm round his shoulder.

"Hey!" He wined but laughed. And from then on the mood was lighten up.

Once we arrived at our houses I got to meet his parents who seemed pretty nice, they got along with mum too. I also found out that mum had somehow got dad to come home during his schedule to meet the neighbor  Mum invited Seungri and his parents to eat at our house, all of them happily surprised we already knew each other. Mrs and Mr Lee asked me allot about the school and what it would be like for Seungri while dad talked to Seungri, getting to know about him and his dad's work- the reason why they left their old Tae... Mum's cooking was great, everyone commented well on it and once the meal was over Seungri's family went to settle.into Tae's ho- the house next door.

I decided to go up to my room and simply rest or maybe sketch our some clothes designs if I think of any.

Seungri's POV

Dinner with Jiyong and his family was great! His parent's were busy people but took their time to invite us over and even cook for us! Jiyong seemed to like my parents too. After we left them, we familiarized ourselves better with the house. My room was a good size with a bed with a wardrobe at the foot, a large desk with draws and a wall mirror. This probably belonged to the last kid who- Taeyang, ...this must have been his room since the only other had a double bed and a double wardrobe. I'm sorry Jiyong; I can't help this but I hope we'll form a strong friendship and I'm more than a replacement friend for you.


Sorry if my next updates take some time. I should try and slow it down as well <3 Thanks for reading <3

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Chapter 3: Awe I love this story <3
So much fluff and cuteness <33333
tarepandasan #2
Chapter 3: <3 <3 <3

Can't wait for more! ^^
Agree with Cass92! Bae better stay where you are, so GRi can bond together! >_<

update soon please!! ^^
Chapter 2: Cass92 :))))) update soooooooooon <3
Chapter 2: So swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D i can't wait for the next chapter :D they are so damn cute! hope Bae stays where he is so he can leaave my babies alone! :D
tarepandasan #6
Chapter 2: Yayyyyy they're getting closer already!!! ^^
Chapter 1: great great great! i can say i already love this fic!! <3
Chapter 1: Great chapter! great start! a bit fast but great :D oh i love it already :D GRI forever! ages 13 and nice :D little kids having fun :D i can't wait! update soon :D
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! ^^

Can't wait for more!