The Short-Skirted Girl

The Short-Skirted Girl


"Lee Soonkyu! You still haven't change your skirt into longer ones! I already told you thousand time!"

"It's cuter, Mr. Shin."

"And your hair too! How many times you changed the colors!"

"I changed it every week. I think."

"Yah don't play with me!"

"I'm not playing with you Mr. Shin. Done talking? I'm going to my class."

"YAH YOU!"  She walked elegantly, left her teacher speachless.


   While the 'Lee Soonkyu' girl and the teacher are talking, someone looking at them from far far away, but close enough to hear their conversation. 

"Yo Jiyong, what's up?" One of his friends, Taeyang, approached him. 

   He just ignored his friend. "Looking at her again bro? Ah you no fun since you saw her."

   Jiyong still ignoring his friend. 'So what?' He thought. He continue looking at her, then Taeyang left him because of his behavior, looking at her until she left.

   Finally, she left the place. Jiyong still seeing her as her becoming smaller and smaller. Her gorgeous legs, her short-but-propotional body, her eye-catching short blue hair, and of course, her short skirt Jiyong is a boy after all and other parts that he cannot see like kissable lips, sparkling eyes make he loves her more. He suddenly remembered how the first time he knows her.




   It is snowing pretty heavy today. And it is really a good thing that I lost my contact lens in this thick snow. Bad luck Jiyong is forever bad luck. Aish where is my contact lens?! I cannot see little things like that without my contact lens. Aish.

            "What are you doing?" I heard a girl's voice. I looked up to see her face.

            "Ah nothing." I looked down again, searching for my contact lens. She squated and looked to my hand.

            "What are you searching?" She touched my left hand. I felt my heart beating faster than before. And her hand feels so... Warm.

            "I'm okay." I said to her. I looked straightly to my front and I saw her... ... "Excuse me, but your pan... I mean skirt," I have not finished my words but she cuts me.

            "You're not okay, and who cares about my and skirt. Now tell me, what are you searching for?" She hold my hand. "Please let me help you."

   Okay, I give up to this girl. "I'm searching for my contact lens." She let go my hand and touch the snow to search my contact lens. 

            "You should told me earlier. If you told me earlier, now we already in our class." I feel judged by her. But she is true... Why am I so stubborn?

   We continued to search my contact lens.

            "I think I found it." She took something from the snow and stand up. I spontaneously stand up too. She fixed her uniform, and then gave my contact lens to me. My heart is beating faster again.

            "Thanks." I said to her.

            "You're welcome." She said and walked to our school. Ah I must know her name!

"Wait!" I ran to her. She stopped walking and looked at me. "What?"

"Can I know your name?" I facepalmed myself for not finding a good sentence.

"Name? Lee Soonkyu. But I prefer Sunny." She walked again as she done saying that.





   'Huh?! Where am I now? What time is it?' He thought. He checked his phone. 'Oh crap, I will be late for my Math class!' He ran and went upstairs to go to his Math class. And poor him, his position before and the Math class is sooo far, his position before was near History class, on the left corner of 1st floor, and the Math class is on the right corner of the 3rd floor.


  Jiyong slammed the Math class' door. Everyone is looking at him.

"I'm.. sorry Ms. Kim.." Jiyong said while panting.

"Why are you late Kwon Jiyong-ssi?! I already told you not a single second late to my class!" Ms. Kim shouted at him.

"I.. I was going to the toilet when the bell rings, and I was on the 1st," "Okay just sit now." Ms. Kim cut him.

"Yes, Ms. Kim." As Jiyong walked to his seat, a few students giggling because of this incident.

"Dude, that was close." Seunghyun told him when he seated.


Hi! heeyoungie is here! :D

i give you update in the middle of mid-term tests! \^^/

I'm a bad girl.

and this story supposed to be oneshot but I couldn't think so I'll just make it twoshot hehe :3

enjoy! ^^

and please wish me luck for my mid tern tests!

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Chapter 2: Hey authornim,update soon
suzyisawesome2 #2
Chapter 2: update soon
enehkiux #3
Chapter 2: Hahahaha cute Jiyong.
Chapter 2: NO WAY! GD confessed! And he did it so abruptly, that its almost cute... Anyways, update soon!
minnie16 #5
Chapter 2: LOL I was thinking of them yesterday since I seen some gifs of them, I never actually seen a fanfiction of them so I thought it'd be nice, thank you for sharing it with us :) :)

hahah cooL xD
SungHaJoon #7
Chapter 1: Update again soon please ^^
Lisasa #8
Update soon!
SungHaJoon #9
Update soon please ^^
Mearii_Lee #10
oooo~ G-Sun. Yayyyy.