Prolouge: 2013

Send me a song(SHINee's Key)

"Yah! Lee Taemin! Kim Jonghyun! Knock it off!"

"He started it!"

"I don't care who started it, I'll finish it!"

Kibum smiled and shook his head as Jinki scolded Jonghyun and Taemin.

When you think of me wave to me and send me a song.......

He stared out of the van's window as he listened to your song. It was always the first thing he did when he wanted to unwind after a long day of schedules. He thought of the last time he had scene you, tear streaked face, closing his hand over the ipod that had your song on it. That had been three, almost four years ago and you hadn't seen eachother since. Life doesn't always work out the way you want it to and sometimes you lose contact with the people you love the most.

But he never stopped loving you. Not for a day, not for a minute. Although he had faith in you sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if you stayed as true. In all honesty, some part of him wanted you to find someone else instead of waiting alone for someone you haven't seen in three years. And then there's the other part of him that wants to punch anyone who tries to make a move on you, in the face, repeatedly.

It was a tough inner conflict.

"Hey, Kibum!" Kibum jumped as a hand was laid on his shoulder, it was Jonghyun, "C'mon, we're making a stop before we go back to the dorm."

"A stop? Where?" He asked, pulling the headphones out of his ears.

"Where do you think? Karaoke!"

The two boys yelped in excitment and rushed out of the van to join the others. Now, you would think that after a day filled with singing, dancing, and interviews, that no idol in their right mind would want to do karaoke. But there were no dance steps you had to remember, you didn't have to worry about your voice cracking, it was just something fun to do with your bandmates.

They entered the building(I don't actually know how karaoke places are set up since I've never been to one so I'm making it up)there was an old man behind the counter, he charged them for five people and told them to pick a room.

They started to walk down the hallway but everytime Kibum tried to pick a room the rest of them said they should keep looking, it was starting to piss him off.

He was about to snap at them when a sound caught his ear, a set of instrumental notes that sounded all too familiar to him.

He froze.

"Kibum-ah?" It was Jinki, "Are you alright?"

Kibum just stared at Jinki's face without really seeing him, his mind was too far gone, eventually he shook his head, "I.....I thought I heard something...." he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes tightly, "I must be more exhausted than I thought.....I'm imagining things."

"Maybe you didn't imagine it."

Kibum snapped his eyes opened to see Jinki smiling at him, the kind of smile a person gets when they know something huge that the other person doesn't.

He stared down the hall to see that the rest of SHINee had the exact same smiles on their faces, they were lined up against the wall with Jonghyun at th end, the older boy gestured to the open karaoke room infront of him.

Kibums heart started to beat quickly and he slowly walked towards the door, more sounds flowing from the open room.

I walk by the shore and I hear.....hear your song come so faint and so clear....

A gasp escaped his lips and quickened his pace towards the room. That voice....I know that voice.....

And I catch it, a breath on the wind....

Finally, he reached the doorway and ran into the room.

You were standing there, microphone in hand, you stopped singing when you saw Kibum, your heart making up for three years of flips.

He drank in the sight of you. You looked a little older, a bit more mature, but you were still you. The crazy, clumsy girl he had fallen in love and would never fall out of love wtih.

You raised the microphone to your mouth again, a huge smile on your face.

And I smile and I sing you a song....

He started to close the space between you.

I will send you a song....

One step, and then another, and another.

I will sing you a song....

One more step.

I will you....

He placed his hands on either side of your face, pressed your foreheads together.

If you promise to send me a song....

You had barely finished the last note when you dropped the microphone from your hand and threw your arms around his neck and his arms went around your waist and your lips met for the first time in almost four years. You were pressed together so there was no space between you, holding eachother so tightly that neither of you could breathe but you didn't care, you were making up for lost time.

"How...." it seemed so stupid to question why you were here, the fact that you were here at all, in his arms, was all that mattered

"I've been saving up to come to Korea since you left. I saw how famous you were getting and figured you'd probably be too busy for an overseas vacation."

"I'm sorry,  I should've kept in touch with you more but my schedules are insane, even for a trainee-"

"Don't apologize for going after your dream, Kibum."

"It was your dream,too"

You smiled and placed your hands on either side of his face, staring into his eyes, "The only dream I've ever had, the only one that ever mattered, is to be with you forever."

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Besides," you said, "the music industry isn't for me. I have other career goals now."

A sudden feeling of dread washed over Kibum, "'re going back to study then...."

You looked at him as if he was the dumbest person on the face of the earth, "Kim Kibum. Do you really think I waited all this time and came all this way just to be seperated from you again?"

Kibum blushed under your stare, you were the only person who was able to stare down the almighty Key.

"Pabo, I'm moving here."

He snatched you up and spun you around, both of you laughing. After years of seperation, you would never have to be seperated again.


"______, will you do me a favor?" He asked. The two of you were sitting on the couch in the karaoke room, you head leaning against his shoulder and you hands intertwined. The rest of the members had gone to a different room to give you some privacy.


The next question made your heart swell and your smile grow wider, he sounded like a kid asking his parent to read him his favorite bedtime story, "Will you sing me your song?"







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iwrotalunaflything #2