Send me a song

Send me a song(SHINee's Key)

You were in the park near your house, sitting on the swing set, holding an envelope in your hand and waiting for Kibum to arrive.


“_____!” You looked up when you heard him call your name. He ran to you and yanked you out of the swing to pull you into a bone crushing hug. He was also holding an envelope.


“I'm guessing it's good news.” You laughed.


“Yes, it is!” He pulled back to show you the paper, “I got accepted! I am officially a trainee of SM Entertainment!”


“That's great, Kibum. I'm so proud of you.” You looked at your feet, trying to hide the tears building up in your eyes.


“This is so great! We can go to Korea and be trainees together! We-”


His smiled disappeared as he watched you, “Whats wrong? Didn't you get your letter?”


“I did but....” Your voice broke, “I didn't get accepted, Kibum.....”


“What?!” He exclaimed and snatched the envelope from your hand, reading the letter, “How is this possible?! You have one of the best voices I've ever heard! How could they not accept you?!”


“They only had a limited number of spots to fill.....obviously there was just someone who was better than me....” A sob escaped your throat.


Kibum looked at you with sad eyes. He dropped both of the envelopes and pulled you into a tender hug, “Shhh......Don't cry.....they're idiots if they can't see how beautiful and talented you are. I don't think I want to be part of a company like that.”


“What?!” Now it was your turn to get angry, “Kim Kibum don't you dare say that! This is your dream!”


“But my dream won't be complete if you're not there!”


“ I'm not letting you throw this opportunity away! You're so talented and this could be you're only chance to get seen!”




“No 'but's , Kibum! You're going!"


“But.....______........if I leave....I don't know how long it'll be until we'll be able to see each other...I can't just leave you like that.” Tears escaped his eyes.


You smiled through you your tears and wiped his away, “You're my almighty Kibum. You can handle anything.” you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Obviously this just isn't supposed to happen for me but, Kibum, you have the chance of a lifetime....your dream is coming true and you have to follow it.”


His arms wrapped around you and the two of you cried while holding eachother.


At the Airport


The two of you stood facing eachother, holding eachother's hands, not saying a word.


The announcer made the last call for Kibum's flight.


You forced a smile on your face, “You should go before they leave without you.”


He looked at you with watery eyes like he was trying to memorize your face. He cupped your face and gently pressed his lips to yours, only for a second, before whispering “I love you.” and walking away.

You felt your heart beat quicker as you watched him walk away. Then, you remembered something.


“Kibum! Wait!” He turned to see you running towards him, “I forgot to give you this.” You pulled out an ipod and placed it in his hand, “There's a song on there that I want you to have....listen to it once you're on the plane.”


“I will.....take care of yourself, ________. If you get sick, don't let me find out, 'cause I'll scold you."


“I will..." you slightly laughed, "The same goes for you....make me proud."


“Of course.” and then he was gone.


You walked out of the airport crying.


On the plane


Kibum sat in his seat, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes tightly shut and breathing deep as he fought the tears.


This isn't right. He kept thinking. I can't just leave her.


“Afraid of flying?” The old man sitting next to him asked.


“Um...yeah....something like that.”


“Been there before....usually doing something like listening to music helps.


“Music....” he quickly got out the ipod you had given him and plugged in his headphones.


There was only one song on the device


Send me a song



He pushed play.


It was your voice singing:


Take the wave now and know that you're free.

Turn you back on the land, face the sea.

Face the wind now, so wild and so strong.

When you think of me, wave to me, and send me a song


Don't look back when you've reached the new shore.

Don't forget what you're leaving me for.

Don't forget when you're missing me so

Love must never hold, never hold tight but let go.


Oh, the nights will be long

When I'm not in your arms.

But I'll be in your song

That you sing to me, across the sea.

Somehow, Someday

You will be far away.

So far from me.

And maybe one day

I will follow you,

In all you do,

'Till then, Send me a song.


Tears were rolling down Kibum's face. Your voice was so comforted him so much.


When the sun sets the water on fire,

When the wind swells the sails of your hire

Let the call of the bird on the wind

Calm your sadness and loneliness

and then start to sing to me.

I will sing to you.

If you promise to send me a song.


I walk by the shore and I hear

Hear your song come so faint and so clear.

And I catch it, a breath on the wind.

And I smile and sing you a song.

I will send you a song.....

I will sing you a song...

I will sing to you.....

If you promise to send me a song.


Kibum held the ipod close to his heart. He knew he could do anything, now, as long as he had your song.




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