
The Hostess

This chapter is mainly YoonA talking to herself. You'll find out about all her secrets and why she chose to have this... lifestyle.


After Juhyun heard those words she passed out.

"It took a while for the poison to start working, huh?

She is by far the prettiest of all my pets... 

My first and only love. 

The little sister of my ex-girlfriend."

YoonA started reminiscing about her past by herself:

"4 years ago I had my 2nd anniversary with my ex-girlfriend Seo Yuri.

I never really loved her but I stayed with her because she was the only reason I had to actually be close to her little sister.

Eventually we became best friends and spent lots of time together.

One day I finally found the courage to tell her my feelings.

She didn't seem shocked and just smirked at me. 

She told me that she was only nice to me because she wanted me as her trophy.

Another person she could use.

She didn't even care that I was her sister's girlfriend but well, neither did I.

I said that I didn't mind being used by her.

I'd give her all my love even with nothing in return.

She just smiled and left me. I never saw her again."

YoonA paused a little and wiped a tear away. Then she started laughing like a maniac:

"I locked myself away but soon after started feeling lonely in my big house so I bought a lot of pets.

It was too much work for me to take care of them so I killed all of them.

I stuffed them one by one and put them in all my rooms.

Half a year later there was a pretty woman standing in front of my door.

Her name was Jung Krystal.

She thought that this was a boarding house so I just played along with her.

Finally I didn't feel lonely anymore but she told me that she had to go home soon.

I didn't want her to leave so I killed her with potassium cyanide and stuffed her.

I've never stuffed a person before but I liked it. 

I decided to change my house to a boarding house and look for pretty people that I could stuff.

1 year after that a certain Park Sandara came along.

She suited my taste and I did the same to her what I did to Jung Krystal.

They were everything I had to forget my lonely days and my pain.

I could never forget her, though.

Those adorable chubby cheeks.

That shy laugh.

Her smartness.

How she'd always worry.

Her nagging.

Her childishness.

Even the cute fat under her eyes.

Was your love really just a lie?

Seo Juhyun... I finally found you.

You are my trophy."

YoonA sipped the rest of Juhyun's tea in one go and soon died of internal suffocation.

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I decided to write a new last chapter for "The Hostess" so please check it out!


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Great story! This was based off of Roald Dahl's "The Landlady," right? I must say though, I totally prefer this Yoonhyun version!
nanami1204 #2
Chapter 6: This story was on one of my English test I knew the whole story already but it is still cool...while it didn't involve yoonhyun but an old woman and a young man.
Chapter 6: Whew, I should say their deaths is... sickly beautiful. It was no one fault, just fate that turned Yoona into psycho and Seohyun got killed in the hand of the one she loves...

The whole of this is a really nice suspense! Light yet solidly plotted chapters! I hope you'll write more of this!
Bluesapphire17 #4
Chapter 4: That's it? Asdfghjkl Yoona here is really creepy.There should be more! Please it's mysterious and awesome
LeeYuhca #5
Chapter 4: thats it? there shud be more!
Chapter 4: Okay... Preserved parrot and dog? Yoona sounds like a psycho here...

No... wait...

Hold on... Seohyun said the tea tasted like bitter almond...?
Don't said it was... POTASSIUM CYANIDE POISON?!

I like this story :)
soonyu #9
Chapter 3: That is totally creepy and worse when she says that the girls are still in the house but use the past to talk about than :O