Chapter 3

The Hostess

There was a break.

Juhyun took her cup, drank a little and put it carefully back to the saucer.

She waited for the hostess to say something but she remained silent.

"The parrot there..." she finally said. "when I first saw it through the window I actually got fooled. 
I thought it was alive."

"Unfortunately not anymore."

"An excellent work", Juhyun noticed. "Really, it doesn't look dead at all. Who stuffed it?"



"Of course", she confirmed. "Have you seen my little dog already?"

With a head movement she pointed to the dog that laid comfortably in front of the fireplace.

Juhyun looked at it and suddenly she understood that the animal didn't move the whole time.

She held her hand out and touched the dog.

It was cold and stiff.

"Good heavens", she exclaimed, "that's fantastic!"

She turned away from the dog and looked at Ms Im with admiration.

"That must've been unbelievably difficult."

"Not at all", she replied. "I stuff all my little pets when they die. Would you like another cup of tea?"

"No, thanks", Juhyun said. The tea tasted a bit like bitter almonds and she didn't like that.

"You wrote your name into the book, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"That's good then. Because later if I forget your name, I can always come down here and look in the book. I do that almost daily with Ms Jung and Ms... Ms..."

"Park", Juhyun completed. "Park Sandara. Excuse me but didn't you have any other guests in the last two, three years?"

The hostess tilted her head to the left, looked up to Juhyun and smiled friendly:

"No, dear. Only you."

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I decided to write a new last chapter for "The Hostess" so please check it out!


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Great story! This was based off of Roald Dahl's "The Landlady," right? I must say though, I totally prefer this Yoonhyun version!
nanami1204 #2
Chapter 6: This story was on one of my English test I knew the whole story already but it is still cool...while it didn't involve yoonhyun but an old woman and a young man.
Chapter 6: Whew, I should say their deaths is... sickly beautiful. It was no one fault, just fate that turned Yoona into psycho and Seohyun got killed in the hand of the one she loves...

The whole of this is a really nice suspense! Light yet solidly plotted chapters! I hope you'll write more of this!
Bluesapphire17 #4
Chapter 4: That's it? Asdfghjkl Yoona here is really creepy.There should be more! Please it's mysterious and awesome
LeeYuhca #5
Chapter 4: thats it? there shud be more!
Chapter 4: Okay... Preserved parrot and dog? Yoona sounds like a psycho here...

No... wait...

Hold on... Seohyun said the tea tasted like bitter almond...?
Don't said it was... POTASSIUM CYANIDE POISON?!

I like this story :)
soonyu #9
Chapter 3: That is totally creepy and worse when she says that the girls are still in the house but use the past to talk about than :O