Chapter 2

The Hostess

"I'm pretty sure that I know them. Ain't that weird? Maybye from the newspaper. Are they famous people? Singer, actresses or something like that?"

"Famous..." Ms Im placed the silver tray on the table in front of the sofa.

"Ah no, they weren't famous. But they were uncommonly pretty, both, I can assert you that. Young and pretty, dear, exactly like you."

Juhyun bent over the book again. 

"Huh?", she called out when her gaze fell on the dates of the entries. "The last entry is more than two years old."


"Indeed. And Jung Krystal signed in almost a year earlier - so three years ago."

"Oh dear", Ms Im said while shaking her head and letting out a small sigh. "I never would have guessed. How time flies by, right, Ms Choi?"

"My name is Seo", Juhyun corrected. "S-e-o."

"Oh yes, of course!" She sat down on the sofa. "How stupid of me. I'm sorry, Ms Seo."

"Do you know", Juhyun began again, "what is really weird about this?"

"No, what is it, dear?"

"With those two names - Jung and Park - I don't only associate two people who exist unattached to one another but I somehow think that they belong together in some way. As if they are known in the same field like Kim Shinyoung and Kang Ho Dong or Yoo In Na and Lee Min Ho."

"Very amusing", she said. "But come, dear, sit with me on the sofa. Drink some tea and eat a cookie before you go to sleep."

"It's alright", Juhyun protested. "Don't trouble yourself on my account."

She leaned on the piano and watched how Ms Im fiddled with the cups.

"I'm confident that I've seen the names in the newspaper." Juhyun continued. "It's going to cross my mind any second. For sure."

"Jung Krystal... wasn't that the girl who went to Seoul..."

"Milk?" Ms Im asked. "And sugar?"

"Yes, thank you. And then she suddenly..."

"Don't you want to come here and warm yourself by the beautiful fireplace? I poured tea into your cup already."

She tapped the place next to her and looked expectantly at Juhyun.

Juhyun crossed the room slowly and sat next to the hostess. She put the cup in front of her.

"That's the spirit", she said. "How pretty and comfortable that is, right?"

Juhyun drank her tea and Ms Im also took a few sips.

They didn't talk anymore for a while but Juhyun knew that she was looking at her.

There was a smell that seemed to emanate from Ms Im.

A smell that reminded Juhyun of something.

Pickled walnuts? New leather? The corridors in a hospital?

Finally Ms Im broke the silence. "Ms Jung was a big tea drinker. I've never seen anyone drinking so much tea before."

"I guess she moved out a while ago", Juhyun said while still thinking about the two names. She was very sure now that they were in the newspaper - the headlines.

"She moved out?" Ms Im raised an eyebrow. "But no, dear, she didn't move out. She's still living here. Ms Park, too. They are both on the third floor."

Juhyun put the cup on the table and stared at her hostess. She smiled and patted Juhyun's knee.

"How old are you, dear?"


"20!" she called out. "What a pretty age. Ms Jung was also 20 years old. But I think she was a little smaller than you. Yes she was definitely smaller and her teeth weren't as white as yours. You have beautiful teeth, Ms Seo, do you know that? Ms Park was a little bit older though" She continued narrating. "She was 28 years old already. But if she didn't tell me that I would have never known. Her body had no flaws."

"No what?", Juhyun asked.

"She had a skin like a baby. Exactly like a baby."




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I decided to write a new last chapter for "The Hostess" so please check it out!


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Great story! This was based off of Roald Dahl's "The Landlady," right? I must say though, I totally prefer this Yoonhyun version!
nanami1204 #2
Chapter 6: This story was on one of my English test I knew the whole story already but it is still cool...while it didn't involve yoonhyun but an old woman and a young man.
Chapter 6: Whew, I should say their deaths is... sickly beautiful. It was no one fault, just fate that turned Yoona into psycho and Seohyun got killed in the hand of the one she loves...

The whole of this is a really nice suspense! Light yet solidly plotted chapters! I hope you'll write more of this!
Bluesapphire17 #4
Chapter 4: That's it? Asdfghjkl Yoona here is really creepy.There should be more! Please it's mysterious and awesome
LeeYuhca #5
Chapter 4: thats it? there shud be more!
Chapter 4: Okay... Preserved parrot and dog? Yoona sounds like a psycho here...

No... wait...

Hold on... Seohyun said the tea tasted like bitter almond...?
Don't said it was... POTASSIUM CYANIDE POISON?!

I like this story :)
soonyu #9
Chapter 3: That is totally creepy and worse when she says that the girls are still in the house but use the past to talk about than :O