The Secret Life Of A YG Trainee


In life some chances will only present themselves one time and one time only. What happens when a young girl and her best friends make their way to South Korea, hopes on their sleeve, and step off of the plane strangers in a new land? Is there any promise that the trio will be successful? Have they made a huge mistake? Even if the future remains unclear, one thing is for sure. This is going to be one memory neither of them with ever forget.




You mumbled a string of un-repeatable curses and searched your bookbag for the flyer. Happiness and relief found homes in your eyes as you handed the flyer to me and pointing at spot you had underlined.

"We have to try, if only for one time, this might be it!" You whispered to me

The excitement was clear in your voice. There was no need for you to be whispering, but you couldn't help yourself, I knew you well enough to know if you hadn't whispered you would have shouted. We were sitting in a nosy cafe in downtown New York and everyone who entered was clearly more interested in buying a cup of coffee, not a conversation between two teenage girls, still we hudled over the flyer re-reading the words in the Korean we had taught ourselves.

"What's the secret over here?" A husky low male voice interuppted our racing unspoken thoughts

"Oh Sweet God! Charlie come on! You nearly killed me!" You half yelled half whispered to the grinning idiot we both called a best friend

"I did not sneek up on you both that quietly" He responded his tone sincere but his eyes sparkling with laughter. He set down our cups of hot chocolate and waited to hear us spill out our secret.

"You wanna see what ____ (Your name) found?" I asked Charlie sliding the flyer over to where he stood wiping his hands off of his work apron.

"What's this?" He asked picking it up and pulling out his huge dark framed reading glasses

His eyes scanned the paper quickly understanding the Korean instantly. Lucky Bastard he was born understanding the language both you and I had busted our asses to learn. Secretly though I was proud to have learned the hard way, I knew you were too.

"Oh man" he whispered his eyes widening with excitement "We HAVE to do this"

You and I exchanced glances and just like that, we were on our way to a future none of us were certain would hold the outcomes we hoped for.


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Chapter 1: Keep going
Chapter 1: Next chapter please!