Not so sure

So,firstly, I´m very sorry I wasn´t updating for such a long time. And also I didn´t proofread, so I´m sorry for mistakes and also feel free to correct me.

I´m also very sorry for a very short chapter.


How should be a traditional family preserved.

Traditional family consists of two parents and their children. If it should be preserved? Maybe. And why? Probably because it´s good for children to have both parents so they won´t lack of mother´s or father´s love. It´s also improtant when children have influence of both of their parents and should be raised by both of them. But is it right to preserve a complete family on any condition? I think not. Yes, it´s nice when you go for a walk in the park and you see a complete family. When you see parents fool around with their kids on a  playground happily. But thruth is also that you don´t know how they behave at home. What is their family like. How they treat their children or how they treat each other. There is always a possibility that they fight everyday because of various problems, if it´s money, slowly but surely fading love or they just can´t go on well with each other anymore. You never know. And I think in this kind of family children suffer the most. They don´t get it yet, why their parents are like that, but seeing them argue everyday may traumatize them and it will show later when they grow up and they can have many emotional problems. That´s why I think it´s not necessary to preserve a traditional family on any condition. It´s really the worst for both children and parents to force themselves to stay together only because of children. And in that case, the best solution is definitely a divorce.

Also why is it so important to have a complete family of mother, father and children? What if a woman, or maybe even man, wants their own child but they don´t want to get married. What if they want to be single parents.  Or what about homouals? What is wrong with loving same gender? If they want to live together or even get merried why don´t we let them. Or if a same couple wants to raise a child why don´t we provide them a chance to be happy like this? Who are we to judge other peoples´ choices or decisions? I think we should respect them just as we respect complete families. And this is exactly why I can´t say how to preserve a traditional family, because in my opinion it shouldn´t be. At least not forcibly. But maybe it can be preserved quite simply. If the man earns lot of money  his wife most likely would´t leave him, children would have everything they want and they would live together seemingly happily ever after.            

                                                                                                                                                                                         Lee Hyukjae                                                                                                                             


„God, I´m so tired.“ Hyukjae rubbed his eye with his right hand, at the same time stretching the other  while yawning like a little kid in the kindergarten yearning for some afternoon nap.


„Sungmin, I´m off. I really can´t wait to get home and have some beauty sleep.“ I packed all my belongings, consisting of one bag full of useless papers and one almost empty paper cup. I poured the rest of coffe down my throat, slightly flinching at the bitter taste, not mentioning it was completely cold.


Uh, gross. I hate the taste of dark coffe, at least it had sugar in it, but milk always gives coffe that soft delicious taste.


Another eventful week had passed and the things they wanted me to write really starts to get on my nerves.


Blah, blah, blah,... What is this crap even about? Traditional families my . Can´t it finally be something interesting?


I stopped in my tracks when I thought I heard a faint voice in the distance calling my name. My thoughts were proved as I turned around to see a very red and panting Changmin run after me.


„Oh, do you need something Changmin?“  I asked quite surprised because we don´t talk very often.


„Yes, I´m sorry to bother you on your way home, but Sungmin said he wanted to talk to you.“ of course it´s Sungmin... after all, what could Changmin possibly want from me..


„Okay, I´ll be right there.“ perfect, now I have to go back. And I looked so forward to cuddle in my bed. Well, what else can I do.


„You can tell him yourself. I´m not going back anymore. I´m off for today.“ Changmin said, giving me his empathizing look.


Yeah, right, thank you very much for reminding me that you can finally leave to the comforting warm of your home and I have to stay here longer.


I pushed the elevator button to the 3rd floor for the second time today and waited for it to arrive there. When it did, the door slowly slid open to reveal a very frustrated Sungmin.


„What is it Sungmin? What´s so important that I can´t have a rest even after this pretty long week?“ I asked him quite annoyed.


„Well, I´m not sure if it´s so important, but you should definitely see it. Just now I noticed that you were totally oblivious to the things in your drawers so you didn´t see it yet. And by the way, why aren´t you locking your drawers? Do you know that anyone could see what is inside or steal your things and possibly even use it against you later? You´re really irresponsible, Hyukjae.“ He was now preaching me with his hands on his hips.


„Yes, thanks for pointing it out, mom. It´s not like I have a hidden collection there.“ I replied with an amused smile.


„So... what was that you wanted to show me? .. Oh, yes, it´s in my drawer, right?“ I walked past him, ignoring how he shook his had in disaprovement while sighing deeply.


„Well, you remember what we talked about last week, right?“


„Aww, of course, it was only a week ago. But I´m trying to forget it if you allow me to. So, please, don´t remind me. After all, It was nothing in the end. I was just unreasonably scared. But it´s long gone.“

„Well, don´t be so sure, Hyuk.“


„What do you mean?“


Yah! What did you mean Sungmin? You practically don´t even know about anything that happend.


„Just look inside. I´m not saying that it´s unnecessarily something very bad, but there is a chance I guess.“


It starts to annoy me quite how he talks so mysteriously. Haha, just kidding. It´s pretty funny when he´s so overdramatic sometimes.

I slowly opened my fourth drawer and peeked inside.

And my smile started to disappear just as slow.

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Chapter 3: Oh. This sound interesting. I'm guessing that brunette with piercing gaze is Donghae (I especially love Hae's serious look where he furrowed his eyebrow. I think it's his hottest look xD)

Why are they looking for Hyuk though? Is Donghae a bad guy?

Looking forward for your next update :)
Chapter 3: ooo... donghae is bad person?? or just little creepy?
Lonlytear #3
This looks interesting
And im very very curious
Cant wait for the next update ^^
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 2: what's inside there??? hyuk looks so shock...
please update again soon
Chapter 2: what' inside the drawer?!
Chapter 1: Wow you're a better author than me! ^^
annyeong , remember this lazy author of yours~?
Yeah ,, as long as its haehyuk , it will sure one be interesting ^^