Not so sure

Well, I´m really sorry that I haven´t update yet, but...

..I'm really freaked out right now. There are only 2 days left! In only 2 days I'll be taking graduation exam (but only the written part).

Why does it have to be so complicated? I don't really know about other countries, but they have only the written part I guess. Anyways, we (I'm from Slovakia) have also the oral part, which will be in 3 months. .

God, I'm so scared! Wish me luck :)

Oh, and the beginning is from foreword so just skip it if you want to.

And feel free to correct my mistakes, thank you :) 


Hyukjae´s POV

I was just babbling incoherently, desperately trying to put some sense to my words, but to no avail.

I was caught off guard.  How does he even know about it?

This situation was plainly awkward, because I wasn´t sure if we were talking about the same thing. I hope not.  And I really didn´t know what I was supposed to do or say.

Nothing came out of my mouth as I was gaping at the person standing in front of me.

„What?! Are you kidding me?“  I asked him with horrified face, striving to figure out if this was just a misunderstanding of  some sort. There´s no way anybody could find out about THAT.


„Oh, common baby, don´t worry, nobody´s here right now .“ She purred into my ear huskily, seducing me with her skillful hands.

„A-Are you sure? We will have a big problem if anyone finds out, you know that, right?“ I was already slightly at her actions. She definitely knew what she was doing.

The wavy locks of her long black hair were falling into her eyes as she leaned to my neck and it sensually.

I knew that relationships between co-workers were forbidden -especially doing these kinds of things in the office during lunch break-  but hell, it wasn´t  as if we were dating or what. It was just plain need.

 The overwhelming feeling cut my train of thoughts as she bit my collar bone hard, leaving a visible red mark in the process.

And that was when I lost it...

End of flashback


The shorter strawberry-blond guy just smiled at me apologetically and at that exact moment I realized that it was not about the thing I thought it was about. Confusing. But nothing could be worse than that, right?


Oh God, how wrong I was.


„Wait, Sungmin, can you please explain it to me? I´m not sure if I understand what you´re talking about.“  Well, I was beginning to be really curious, with a small amount of fear I felt forming at the pit of my stomach.

And the serious expression on his face hinted me that maybe this was way worse than I thought it would be.


It was a Saturday morning and I was just returning back from work. These past days were really hard for everyone in the office. Working  overtimes everyday until late night hours, often even until morning, was absolutely exhausting. But there was no time for resting, because we had to make it before deadline otherwise we´d get ripped in two with no mercy or in the less drastic case, simply fired. Or maybe both.

Throughout these hard days, all I was living on was mostly consisting of liters of energy drinks and at least 5 coffees  a day.

God, do I even remember the taste of properly cooked meal? Probably not.

And now it´s finally over. I could finally relax my tired body, maybe even do something about my now poor looking self.

I desperately need shower and the best would be a really long one.

Right at that moment I could kill for the feeling of soothing warm streams of water trailing their way all over my body, from the very top of my head to the heels of my aching feet.

To remind me, why am I  even walking back to my apartment?

Only now, I actually realized what a beautiful day it is today. The fresh smell of the cool morning breeze and its softness gently tickling my skin feel familiarly nice on this rather hot day.

And that´s exactly why I decided to leave my car at the office´s parking lot and just take a long walk I was craving for for quite a long time now.

And it might also be a good idea if  I´d  go grocery shopping. I bet anything that was left untouched in my fridge for several days is inedible by this time.

I wasn´t really used to go on foot anywhere and this inexperience resulted in me being stuck at a side part of the city where I´ve never been to before, let alone  being able to got myself at least somewhere with a hint of any people around.

I could have expected this since I was quite oblivious to the direction I was heading to, just walking blindly, drowned in my own thoughts and in the beautiful sunny weather, of course.

Then I heard some noises coming from not far from where I was standing so I decided to just follow my ears and in the end I halted in front of an old abandoned building.

It looked like an old factory, probably closed a couple of years ago. It was an understandment that I was pretty curious what someone could do in here, but honestly, the exhaustion of the long working hours were starting to creep up on me and I could already hear my stomach grumbling in desperate attempt of riminding me that I haven´t eaten for-I couldn´t even remember how long. And that was the reason why I started to move forward, heading towards the voices which were now growing louder with each step I took.

When I passed the entrance I saw four pairs of eyes shot in my direction as my sudden presence didn´t become unnoticed. I wasn´t really listening to their conversation before so I had pretty much no clue why they even were there or what they were doing, but it seemed like they most likely weren´t sharing mutual thoughts with me.

The three of them, one tall and black haired, second younger looking with light brown hair and the third with short hair dyed to kinda odd mix of grey, white and light blue, all stared tensely at the fourth guy standing in the middle. He was rummaging through some stuff in the large travelling bag placed on the table in front of him. Well, at least until I interrupted his actions. He was now gawking at me with his piercing eyes, almost able to kill me with his intense deathly glare. His rather long dark brown bangs fell to his eyes as he looked down, he was inhaling quite quickly as if trying to hold his anger.

Anyways, I just stepped farther unsurely, shrugging off all of my thoughts as I felt my stomach protesting again, asking to be filled.

„G-Good morning, I-I´m sorry to disturb you but I kinda got lost and somehow can´t find the way out of this part of the city. Can you please help me?“ I asked hesitantly, seeing how the guy in the middle was glancing at the other three men as if trying to figure out what to do with me.

„Ricky..“ he looked at the wierd haired guy and sighed deeply.

„...take care of it“ and with that, he just left the place, with the other two following suit.

I frowned a bit, but than saw the guy named Ricky approaching me.

„Okay, this is really uninhabited part of city and I still wonder how did you get here..“ he eyed me suspiciously.

 „anyways, you have to go down this street, and it´s pretty long, than turn left and there should be a bus stop. Bus doesn´t go there regularly since there aren´t many people living here, but there is a chance you may bump into someone who can give you some better instruction.“ He jsut said bluntly.

„Eh, ..thanks.“ It was really weird and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

 End of flashback


And than it hit me.

What have I done? I should have stayed quiet and ignore my stupid greedy stomach.

But no, I just had to in as always.

Sometimes I really hate that my body reacts before I have time to consider any consequences. And this is the result of my nosy nature. I assume I unconsciously got myself into a big trouble.

You got what you deserve, Hyukjae.

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Chapter 3: Oh. This sound interesting. I'm guessing that brunette with piercing gaze is Donghae (I especially love Hae's serious look where he furrowed his eyebrow. I think it's his hottest look xD)

Why are they looking for Hyuk though? Is Donghae a bad guy?

Looking forward for your next update :)
Chapter 3: ooo... donghae is bad person?? or just little creepy?
Lonlytear #3
This looks interesting
And im very very curious
Cant wait for the next update ^^
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 2: what's inside there??? hyuk looks so shock...
please update again soon
Chapter 2: what' inside the drawer?!
Chapter 1: Wow you're a better author than me! ^^
annyeong , remember this lazy author of yours~?
Yeah ,, as long as its haehyuk , it will sure one be interesting ^^