Episode 3

Publication Brigade


My dearest Jaejoong,


Never in my life have I ever dared to think that Blitz would one day disappoint me.


Please look at page 58 of the August issue. I’m sure you do not require me to point out what it is that has left me so utterly depressed over the past few days.



A depressed reader



It was strange to watch Yoochun struggling to stifle his cry of remorse when Jaejoong knew that it was entirely his fault for letting down their readers.


The ebony haired Editor-in-Chief didn’t dare look at Yunho in the eye due to guilt. Actually, it was out of fear- not that the high-and-mighty Jaejoong would ever admit, fear that if he met his Yunnie’s eyes, he would see disappointment in them. That made Jaejoong cringe internally and he balled his hands into fists in sheer anger.


How could he have let this mistake slip?




He had been busy with caring for his baby girl because Kimchi was down with a terrible case of food poisoning for the past 2 weeks. He had been dealing with soiled nappies and discarding them on the faces of moronic employees who dared hand in slip-shod work to scar his eyes.


His stepfather, who was currently telling off all the senior staff members on how badly this mistake has affected Blitz’s reputation, was actually directing all the harshness at Jaejoong himself. It didn’t take a genius to notice this, so Jaejoong sulked angrily when he caught sight of a staff of a managerial position sniggering not so secretly behind the back of her hand.


It was Jaejoong’s turn to snigger when Yunho ‘politely’ tapped the silly wench’s shoulder and signalled for her to step out with him for a second.


Jaejoong was not surprised when only Yunho slipped back into the room (like a ninja). That was probably still in the hallway ting her pants like no tomorrow after getting the signature Yunho-Glare.


His stepfather was finally done with his lecture- not that Jaejoong even absorbed a word of what came out from that old geezer’s mouth for the past 15 or so minutes, or was that actually 15 hours? It definitely felt like an eternity of blasting.


Jaejoong was about to walk out when the old man snapped and said he wasn’t done. The beauty rolled his eyes, turned back around and sauntered back towards his seat.


“No guilt whatsoever.” Daddy Jung shook his head disapprovingly.


“I can assure you, father, that Jaejoong is-” but Yunho was cut off immediately when the Jung patriarch signalled for his elder son to remain silent.


Yoochun must have undergone some ninja lessons from Yunho because Jaejoong realised that the Creative Director had mysteriously disappeared.


So it’s just between the old man, his Yunnie and himself now.


“Come, Yunnie,” Jaejoong beckoned with a hand and felt like as if he were in the final Harry Potter movie for some reason. He had Jaejoon to blame. That little brat was a die-hard Malfoy family fan-boy, "come here."


Yunho looked lost for a moment, contemplating on whom needed him more; Jaejoong, his precious brother; or Yoochun, who had promptly fainted from all the pressure of this situation and was now lying on the floor.


It was apparent that Daddy Jung and Jaejoong didn’t know the poor lad had passed out, because the both of them were hungrily staring at him like as if he were a piece of meat and they were starved animals.


The two gaped when Yunho disappeared behind the table instead of going to either of them. Well, he simply squatted down to retrieve a passed out Yoochun, but the crestfallen look on both their faces was priceless.


“Oh…” The two of them were a little taken back at the pale looking dead weight in Yunho’s arms.


Thankfully, that seemed to ease the tension of the room a little as Daddy Jung no longer wore an angry expression on his face.


“We’ll settle this soon.” Daddy Jung shot Jaejoong a dirty look before briskly making his way out of the office.



“ing ing !” Jaejoong threw his bowl of half eaten rice into the sink and slammed his hands on the kitchen’s tabletop in anger.


“No cursing within 5 metres of Jaerin.” Jaejoon reminded his father as he snacked on his cactus flavoured ice cream (yes, it does exist).


“Baby girl isn’t smart enough to pick that up yet.” Jaejoong whipped his head around to snarl at his son.


“I heard her say fack, which is pretty close and I can bet you my whale blubber ice cream (again, this exists) that she’ll be able to pronounce that word flawlessly within the week if you keep using it.”


Fffffuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkk.” Jaejoong leaned forward, so close that father and son’s noses were touching, as the beauty annoyingly enunciated the crude word in front of the boy’s face.


“Fack!” Jaerin giggled and bounced in her high seat at the dining table.


“Close enough, my beautiful baby girl,” Jaejoong lifted the adorable pink cheeked infant into his arms and smothered wet kisses all over her face.


Jaejoon gagged and ran into the livingroom to watch what seemed like the billionth time of the entire Harry Potter series.



You are fired.



Jaejoong finally broke down into a slobbering mess in the corner of his bedroom and cried over his crushed ego a week after his father’s cruelly sent text message.



“I’m dying…” Jaejoong muttered.


“Stop being a drama queen.” Jaejoon rolled his eyes as he popped a mayonnaise-flavoured candy into his mouth.


“I’m jobless.”


“Then go find a job.”


“No one wants to employ me.”


“Why not?” Not that the 4 year old really bothered about his father's lack of employment.


“Because I’m too good for them.”


Right…” Jaejoon raised a brow at his pompous father.


Jaejoong gave the kiddo a scandalised look, “You don’t think I’m fabulously overly talented?”


Jaejoon shrugged.


“How dare you,” Jaejoong sulked and folded his arms over his chest like a petulant child, “Stop watching Scar-Head go on suicide missions, I want to watch Fashion Police.”


“First come first serve.”


“I bought this television.”


“No, you didn’t. The one you bought has been moved into your home office, this one’s a gift from last Christmas from Uncle Yoochunnie.”


“Since when did you start calling him Yoochunnie?” Jaejoong felt a mixed wave of nausea and jealously bubbling deep within him.


“Ever since I made an Unbreakable Vow with him to kill your familiar.”




“Your cat.”


“Oh…” Jaejoong nodded then panicked, “WHERE IS JIJI!?”


Jaejoon’s face had pure jealously written all over when he answered in a small voice, "I think it has escaped to... to... Uncle Yunho's house," and the beauty smirked.


Jaejoong was about to throw in a snarky remark when he heard the bedroom door creak open and out came a severely pale and weak looking Kimchi.


“You guys always fight... CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT THE UP FOR ONCE!?” Kimchi bellowed before going into a coughing fit.


“No cursing within 5 metres of Jaerin.” Jaejoon retorted automatically.


“Baby girl isn’t smart enough to pick that up yet.” Kimchi tiredly shuffled into the kitchen to take some medicine for her food poisoning and Jaejoong rushed over to slap high fives with his wife. She didn’t know why but she just conceded while downing 2 pills at once.


“Worst parents ever.” Jaejoon signed dejectedly.


When Kimchi was done washing her ceramic cup, she turned to Jaejoong and gave him a quick hug while patting his back.


“It must be very hard for you, you egoistical .” Kimchi affectionately played with his soft ebony hair.


Hmm,” Jaejoong purred and nestled his head in the crook of her neck.


“I’m sure your father just wants to punish you for a bit. You’ll have your job back in no time.” Kimchi tried her best to cheer her beloved husband up despite feeling an urgent need to take a long dump in the toilet for the umpteenth time.


“Thanks, wifey.” Jaejoong gave her half smile and pressed his lips against hers in a rather needy and heated kiss before smacking her mischievously to send her back to bed to rest.



Yunho was doodling on the side of the morning paper and Youngmi bit her lower lip worriedly.


“Hey… you okay?” She tried but he wasn’t responding to her.


She sighed and carried on with her sandwich.


“Mi… what if…” Yunho took a deep breath before continuing, “What if someone who died didn’t actually die?”


“You mean…faked their death?” She raised a brow in curiosity.


Yunho nodded and messed up his impeccable hair in frustration, “Should I confront that person?”


“Why?” Youngmi asked in a small voice.


“Because Sumire was abandoned twice. It’s not fair to her…”


Her heart melted.


‘So he really does love her as his own.’ Youngmi smiled to herself. She could connect the dots easily since he had been looking through his old family album for the past few weeks, stopping for a second longer when his eyes fell on the woman who had permanently scarred him for life.


It was her that made Yunho abhor the existence of women… that women shouldn’t be trusted…


Youngmi almost hated her. Almost.


If it weren’t for her…She and Yunho would have had a perfectly normal relationship…


Youngmi shuddered at the thought. It wasn’t right to pin the blame on Yunho’s birth mother, even though she hadn’t played her role right.


“You’ll confront her only because of Sumire?” Youngmi asked.


“Of course.” Yunho slowly stirred his cup of black coffee, “She’s nothing to me…whereas for Sumire…she was her everything.”


Youngmi couldn't help but fall harder for this enigmatic man before her.


“You’re…so unpredictable.” Youngmi chuckled.


Yunho tilted his head slightly in question.


“You’re not going to…ask her stuff pertaining to yourself?”


The elder simply sipped on his coffee and looked out of the window in silence.


“I’m really sorry if I’m being too nosy about this.” She immediately apologised.


Yunho slowly turned to look back at her before reaching out to clasp her hand in his on the table, “I have long gotten over the fact that I was the eyesore of her life. I can put two and two together easily…” he let out a slightly dejected sigh, “I’m just afraid…of the whole truth.”


“Of what?” She prompted in a small voice.


He used his thumb to draw circles on the back of her left hand, which was more about calming his nerves than of showing affection, “That I’m right.”



It was easy to track her down. She had always lived in grandeur, so even if it was ‘just an apartment’, it had to be in a posh neighbourhood surrounded by the rich and famous. Yunho almost sneered at how superficial she was, but reminded himself that he had worked at Blitz for more than a decade, brainwashing individuals to covert what they wanted and don’t really need.


Yunho wasn’t sure if Lady Luck was on his side that day when he happened to chance across her getting out from her lover’s car.


He could have kept his poker face on if it were the man whom she had cheated on with behind his father’s back. But no, it was another. And that made the ex-Editor-in-Chief frown deeply.


He followed a few metres behind her until she stopped dead in her tracks. Despite wearing skyscraper-like heels, she turned gracefully around and locked eyes with his.


It was like yesterday that she looked at him like that.


Cold. Distant. Unloving.


It made him feel like he was worthless.


Yunho felt like as if winter had come early to Seoul as he fought against shivering in his woollen suit jacket.


“Took you long enough.” She spoke nonchalantly.


Yunho gave a curt nod.


“I can almost hear a why coming from you.” She examined her ruby red nails.


He finally broke the silence, “I know why you escaped. I know why you hated me. But what I don’t know is why you committed yourself to Sumire and you left her.”


She finally cracked; he sensed a tinge of emotion behind her eyes.


“It was a sacrifice I had to make.” She said through pursed lips, fighting to show no remorse, but of course Yunho could see through her, just like how he could see through the false exterior anyone attempted to put up.


Twice.” Yunho deadpanned. “She was thrown away twice.”


“I had my reasons-”


“I know. To start over. And she was dead weight, wasn’t she? Who’d want someone that came along with baggage?” Yunho drawled.


It was amusing to finally see such an ugly expression on her beautiful face.


Of anger.


“Are you quite done?” She spoke shakily through gritted teeth, using every ounce of strength to stop herself from loosing her cool.


“Not quite.” Yunho replied coldly, “What happened in that 5 year gap?”


“Which one-”


“You know which one.” Yunho frowned.


She threw her head back in laughter.


“Oh dear Yunho,” she sneered sarcastically, “If you knew, you’d probably start hating every single person in your life!”


“No. Only you.” Yunho answered in such cool collectiveness that it made her even more furious than she already was, “So it’s true then.”


“I don’t know if your uncanny perceptive senses are a blessing or a curse.” She frowned.


Yunho felt his heart drop.


“Are you going to drop the bomb on your dearest Jaejoong?” She taunted.


Yunho his heel to walk away.


“I don’t want to see you ever again.” He could hear pure distain in her voice.


Yunho stopped.


“Neither do I.”



Sumire felt someone get into her bed and stiffened in fear. But the moment she smelt the familiar scent of Yunho’s shampoo, she smiled and turned to face him.


“You do know that you’ve walked into the wrong room right?” She cheekily pinched Yunho’s cheek. She knew he hated it so she secretly cheered in her heart when he didn’t swat her hand off like an annoying fly like he usually did.


“Of course I know this is your room, which is reeking of unwashed laundry.” He drawled.


“It’s not!” She pouted.


He pulled her closer to him and let his arm rest on her waist.


“Daddy?” She looked up at his still closed eyes.






He stayed silent for a few minutes and Sumire gave up by reaching over him to switch off the bedside lamp.


“I’m trying to make amends on her behalf.” Yunho muttered sleepily.


Sumire took a while to understand what he meant when it finally dawned on her.


“Oh, Daddyyyyy,” she felt happy tears build up in her eyes, “I love you so.”


“Love you too, but I’ll love you more if you just shut up now. I have to wake up early for an annoying meeting with your teacher as to why you vandalised the toilet’s wall.”


“It’s art okay…” She pouted before snuggling closer to him.



What's up, people!

I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry it'll be another decade later till this will be updated again. I'll try to write up something for Blitz Magazine soon...if a crazy idea pops into my head...



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AmyDick #1
Chapter 3: HA! now i'm addicted to read the Blitz series... and this, you, sims, stuck in chapter 3. I'll subscribe it so that i expect for another update... hope you get more idea to continue this story. good luck and go writing!!! -best regard :)
Andreaaa06 #2
Chapter 3: Update juseyooooo
Chapter 3: It was just one mistake and why punished Jaejoong by getting him fired? Why not give him a chance to make up for the mistake he did? Jaejoong's family is surely funny especially because Jaejoon is the mature one when it should be his parents :D Like how Yunho cares and loves Sumire, he's really a good Dad :) Will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen next so update soon :)
Chapter 2: It's funny how Jaejoon called Jaejoong by his name :D It's also funny that Jaejoon got suspended and that Jaejoong side with him making Kimchi to get mad and punished the two :D I like the cute and weird moments of the father-son :) It's funny also that Sumire got suspended making Yunho to feel mad about it and causing misunderstanding between them :D I was really surprise that Jaejoon is too smart for his age but it makes him very lovable and adorable even though he can be mean :) I was confused to the last part about Yunho. So curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 1: Jaejoong not afraid to show his true side even in front of camera is really amazing because most of the times, others keep their image of being polite or kind something but he wasn't and it is really admirable! The crew of the Publication Brigade surely was surprised with how Blitz works especially with Jaejoong's personality! Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
fangirlmodeon #6
please update.. I miss the queen so much :)
When are you gonna update this? I miss PMS-y jaejoong
it's been so long since your wrote. How I miss you and your stories *I'm so sorry for not commenting I had so many stuff that I couldn't even read for a very long time*
How can JJ's father do something like tht to his own fabulous son?!! such a bad dad XD
but on the other side daddy Yunho got his heart warm finally XD
meeeyi #9
Chapter 3: I had to re-read the whole story XD Yunho's exterior is dripping, but it makes me feel bubbly like how it is when Sumire sees her crush. Or Jaejoong his LV collection. Or Youngmi her fish. Jaejoong can't be fired yet, there must be some gap somewhere that he'll work through! oh and God bless Yoochun for trying to withstand that pressure in the room.
Chapter 3: finally, an update
thank you sims
I really miss this story