Episode 2

Publication Brigade



Suspended from kindergarten,” Kimchi seethed. “KINDERGARTEN! I really don’t know where to hide my face.”


Jaejoon kept quiet as he read Skinny (you guys should read it even though you’re not on a diet, it’s really entertaining), highlighting words he didn’t understand with a green highlighter in his left hand.  


“I’m sure my Keepall Bandoulière 45 (his LV bag’s model) is big enough to fit your head in.” The Editor-in-Chief joked but that only earned him a scowl from his wife.


“And you!” It was now Jaejoong’s turn to be fired at, “How could you side with Jaejoon, and of all times as well!?”


Jaejoong shrugged as he parked the car in reverse, “Jaejoon called the girl fat, so I told the teacher to summon her into the staffroom and BAM- she really was fat, so I don’t understand why the teacher called Jaejoon a bully; he was just stating the truth.”


“They can’t handle the truth.” Jaejoon sniggered, but immediately looked back at his book when his mother turned to glare hard at him.


“YOU BOTH ARE GROUNDED!” Kimchi got out of the car and slammed the door shut violently.


Jaejoong and Jaejoon groaned in unison as they dragged themselves sluggishly after the fuming woman.


“You sleep in the guestroom, and no touching me until I feel like forgiving you,” Kimchi pointed at the beauty, who whimpered pathetically, before giving her full attention towards her son, “And you’re banned from speaking, unless you’re asking for permission to eat, sleep or .”


“How about taking a piss?” Jaejoon asked.


“Acting smart with me now, huh!?” Kimchi spat.


“I was just asking…” the 4 year old muttered.


Once they were back home, Kimchi went to make dinner, throwing pots and pans loudly onto the counter top and slamming cupboards here and there, while the other 2 went to take their respective showers, grumbling endlessly about how pissy the maternal body was.


Kimchi yelled something along the lines of going to pick Jaerin (YES, THEIR BABY GIRL) up from daycare an hour later and the house fell into a dead silence.


Err…Jaejoong?” The 4 year old’s peeked shyly into his father’s home office.


The beauty observed the kid for a second before looking back at his desktop’s screen, “What the do you want?”


“I just wanted to say…err…thanks back there.”


“Back where? To the time when the cow and I made you?” Jaejoong rolled his eyes as he typed furiously on the keyboard.


Jaejoon did his best to hide his snigger, “That’s too far back. Thanks for siding me at the meeting session just now.”


The Editor sent a (y) warning email about latecoming to all Blitz employees before leaning back in his swivel chair to massage his painfully throbbing temples, “I was siding with the truth of your words while your mommy dearest and teacher sided with morality.”


Jaejoon nodded slowly as he took in his father’s words, “But she really is fat, she always asks for thirds during lunch breaks, and steals other kids’ meals when the school's cook says there’s no more leftovers.”


“What triggered you to call her fat earlier this morning, and best of all, in front of your teacher?” Jaejoong questioned.


“I thought you were listening the whole time; you looked so dead serious.” Jaejoon raised a brow.


“I was studying your teacher’s s. She does have very perky s.” The beauty grinned cheekily.


“Push up bra, perhaps.”


Perhaps.” Jaejoong nodded in deep thought.


“To answer your earlier question: Fatty Su Jin boasted about her inability to gain weight even though she eats a lot. The other students were too stunned to counter her, so I decided to voice out by telling her the ugly truth- that she’s fat. And that’s the exact moment Miss Lee walked in.”


“I see…”


“And then Su Jin cried like the annoying she is and whined about how I always called her fat 5 times a day.”


“Do you call her fat 5 times a day?” Jaejoong asked.


“No, I usually call her obese. I call her fat when I’m being nice, but that’s really rare.”


“I am finally proud enough to call you my son. Come, let me hug you.”



Dinner was rather uneventful as Jaejoong slurped on his carrot and celery juice because it seemed that his wife had conveniently forgotten about his ‘kimchi+rice’ diet and had cooked pasta that night, while Jaejoon kept eyes strictly on the plate of food before him and shoveled his dinner down at the speed of light as it was the only way to prevent him from running his mouth off when he was punished to be mute in the presence of his mother.


Presenting the now empty plate for his mother to inspect, Kimchi nodded and waved Jaejoon off to wash his own dishes and channeled all her attention back on feeding Jaeeun her porridge.


“I’m going back to Blitz,” Jaejoong declared as he threw the cup into the dishwasher and went into his walk-in closet to change.


Working was way better than having to sleep alone on the cold and rock-hard bed in the guestroom.



Jaejoon, who was slowly losing his sanity due to his mother revoking his ‘speaking rights’, followed his father back to the office, where he sat behind Louise’s desk and itchy handedly fished a print out from her top tray and read through it. He took a pencil out from the stationery holder and started lightly underlining words he didn’t understand before he took out a dictionary from the backpack he had brought along and began searching for those very words. Half an hour had gone by and Jaejoon was now doodling on the corners his vocabulary notebook, drawing ridiculous and mean caricatures of Jaejoong while smirking to himself. His ‘canvas’ eventually ‘expanded’ and he was now unknowingly vandalising Louise’s table.


It was only an hour later then did he realise that an a4 notebook could not possibly contain so much things, so when he took a step back from the desk he was at, he dropped the red marker he was holding in horror and rushed everywhere around the building to find sponges and cleaning materials.


As soon as Jaejoon left The Wardrobe, Jaejoong emerged from his office, wanting to make himself a cup of coffee in the pantry when he walked past Louise’s table. He raised a brow, both in surprise and slight anger as he leaned closely to examine the tiny writings and cartoon drawings that clearly spoofed him.


Jaejoon came back a few minutes later with a sponge and bucket of soapy water and muttered a silent prayer as he approached Louise’s desk, with his father still studying his ‘art work’.


“Very talented indeed,” Jaejoong drawled sarcastically.


“I was bored out of my wits,” the 4 year old confessed.


Jaejoong eyed the pail of water and shook his head disapprovingly, “It won’t work.”


“I had that feeling too,” Jaejoon chuckled sheepishly.


“Toothpaste does.” Jaejoong walked into his office and came back out with a tube of that minty substance and a toothbrush, “You’re going to have to buy me a new brush though.”


“Okay, thanks a lot, Jaejoong.” Jaejoon took the items from the Editor in Chief.


“You’re awfully polite today.” The beauty raised a brow suspiciously.


“Guilt, I guess.” The kid shrugged as he began work on scrubbing off the caricatures on the wooden desk. 


The duo ended up at a 24/7 supermarket a few street across from Blitz’s HQ, because Jaejoong had to stock up on vegetables and fruits (he was sure Kimchi wouldn’t be feeding him for the next few days) and Jaejoon had a sudden craving for silk ice cream (I’m not kidding, it does exist). 


“I can now see the consequences of me mishandling you as a baby.” Jaejoong made a disgusted face when his son dropped more nasty junk into the cart; a drink called ‘Cake Soda’ and a big bag with equally large red fonts reading ‘Wasp Crackers’, “Why the does such an upscale mart sell such crazy !?”


“These items only appear after 2am.” Jaejoon explains.


“Which also means we’re in the presence of weird shoppers right now?” Jaejoong started to scan his surroundings suspiciously.


“Stop with all the drama,” the 4 year old rolled his eyes irritably, “Have you gotten everything?”


Jaejoong nodded, “I bought enough for an entire week, and Kimchi’s going be like ‘You , you’re taking up too much space in the fridge, go buy your own fridge!’ and I’ll be like ‘I’m the one who bought this ing fridge in the first place!’ and she’ll go ‘Are you telling me to buy another fridge? This is for the family for Gawd’s sakes!’ and I’ll roll my eyes and say ‘Exactly! So why are you complaining when I’m using something that belongs to the family when I’m part of the family!?”


Jaejoon just stared blankly at his father’s outburst. 


“You’ll only understand once you get married,” Jaejoong started pushing the cart towards the checkout, “Am I being too emotional?”


“No, you’re just being Jaejoong.” His son muttered.


“Fabulous.” And the two of them began unloading the goods onto the cashier counter. Jaejoong noticed the teenage cashier glancing at him from time to time, “Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not the one eating those nasty looking bug crackers.”


The teenager shrugged and continued scanning the items.


“That’ll be $98.56.”


After making the cash payment, the teenager handed Jaejoong his receipt and change while whispering, “I was just curious as to why you would buy so much lube.”


Jaejoong sulked and rudely grabbed the stuff from the cashier’s hand, “My wife refuses to pleasure me, so I have to resort to doing it myself.”


The teenager just stared blankly up at him. 


“You’ll only understand once you get married,” Jaejoong sighed as he repeated himself.



Suspended on the first day of high school,” Yunho drawled. “First day. I do not know where to hide my face.”


Sumire kept quiet as she read Couture Sewing Techniques, highlighting important points with a light blue highlighter in her left hand.  


“I think my handbag is big enough to fit your head in.” Young Mi joked, but that only earned her a dead scary glare from the elder.


Sumire had taken to the stage that morning during assembly and burnt the new school uniform. She had put up quite a fight, knocking a female teacher out while 2 others suffered from being clawed at by the relentless 15 year old. 


She was beyond depressed when she saw the new design of the uniform for the first time 2 weeks before when she had get 5 sets of those horrendously designed junk together with her schoolbooks. Needless to say, she had sleepless nights after the buying trip and kept pulling at her hair in annoyance at the fact that she had to wear something so hideous for the next few years of her life.


Yunho was a terribly light sleeper, so he was too deprived of his much needed rest since he was currently tutoring several kids (in Math) at least 6 hours a day at one go.


It didn’t help that he was suddenly thrown into having to deal with teen angst and PMS- because Sumire would suddenly scream her head off about anything and everything under the sun; especially minute things like her pen running out of ink and that her eraser was getting too small to even erase anything. Just yesterday, she told Yunho off for not refilling the cold water in the fridge and for Gawd's sakes, the only thing she ever drank was apple cider. Fortunately, Young Mi was there to ‘brighten’ Yunho’s day with her randomness, clumsiness and daily fish facts that made him temporarily forget about grounding Sumire for unfairly taking all her frustrations out on him.


“I shouldn’t have told her to ‘Deal with it’,” Yunho shook his head tiredly as he closed the front door of the apartment behind him, “She completely misunderstood me.”


Young Mi laughed, “What you meant was: Just wear the damned uniform and get to school, right?”


Yunho nodded, “That’s why I decided not to ground her; its partially my fault.”


The journalist watched as Sumire kicked off her shoes haphazardly and accidentally sent one of them flying up to hit the ceiling, leaving a stain behind as it landed at the entrance of the living room. 


“Are you doing to clean that up?” Yunho raised a brow at the sulking teenager.


“It’s hardly visible.” She shrugged.


“I can clearly see it.” Yunho countered.


“You just love to pick on me, don’t you?” Sumire folded her arms in front of her with a deep frown on her face.


“You know the drill around here: Clean up after yourself.” Yunho replied with finality and walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner.


Sumire cursed under her breath and ignored her Daddy’s instructions as she slammed her door shut loudly.


Young Mi could only sigh, “I guess I’ll just have to clean that up myself.”


She retrieved the ladder from the storeroom and climbed up slowly with a wet cloth in hand.


“You okay up there?” Yunho popped his head out of the kitchen the second he heard the sound of someone climbing up the ladder.


“Absolutely fine.” She gave him a thumb’s up before making her descend.


The accident prone journalist missed a step and lost her balance. Luckily for her, Yunho was already (knowingly) awaiting for another clumsy episode from her and easily broke her fall by wrapping his arms around her tiny waist. She blushed as she slowly regained her balance and thanked the elder.


He simply chuckled and asked if she was going to be alright washing the cloth by herself. She pouted and replied that is was just a harmless piece of rag.


“Go get a room already,” Sumire muttered as she brushed past Yunho in the kitchen to get herself a glass of apple cider.



Having had enough of Sumire walking up and down the hallway while mumbling about getting the other students at school to sign a petition to get rid of the new uniform at school, Yunho flung the blanket off himself and opened his cupboard to pull a black military jacket over a plain tee with dark jeans. He grabbed his phone and wallet and slid them into his back pockets as he walked out of his bedroom. He then slipped into his sneakers and grabbed his car keys, not forgetting to slam the door loudly behind him to show the teenager just how annoying he found her incessant 'chanting' at night to be.


“It’s like as if I’m already married and just escaped from a naggy and displeased wife,” Despite having a jacket on, Yunho shivered slightly as the cold night’s air blew in his direction.


He decided to head to his step-mom’s cooking school, knowing very well that he could easily enter the building with the access card given to him. He could just crash on the sofa in the lobby area and sleep without anyone to disturb him. He could only sigh at how pathetic that sounded.


Pulling into the carpark of the school, he quickly parked his car and got into the building after tapping the card against the reader by the door. He noticed that his stepmother’s car was still in the driveway, along with a white Mercedes parked a few lots away from his Rolls Royce.


Shrugging it off, he headed towards the soft and plush couches in the lobby area, guided only by the orange light from the tall lamps outside the building. He aimlessly stared at the ceiling for a moment before he easily drifted off to slumberland.




“Thank you for agreeing to meet up with me after all these years.”


“I was waiting all along for your call, to be honest.”


“I’m sorry for the wait then.”


“It’s quite all right, really.”


“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to ever meet you again, so I wish you all the best with him. He truly is a good man, it’s a pity I didn’t meet him before-”


“Myeong Sook…”




“You stay safe too…and be happy.”


“I don’t think I’ll ever achieve happiness in this lifetime,” Myeong Sook laughed bitterly, “Perhaps in the next one…if there’s such a thing as reincarnation.”


“One can only hope.”


Myeong Sook nodded tiredly and shook hands with the other before leaving the building.



Yunho slowly opened his eyes and cupped a hand over his mouth in utter shock as he fought back against the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.


Was that a dream or…


He immediately got off the couch and headed towards the entrance of the cooking school. Taking a deep breath, he looked outwards at the carpark.


Only his car remained.


Realising from his reflection on the glass door that there was a note sticking out from his pocket, he pulled it out to read what his stepmother had messily scribbled, probably in shock to realise that Yunho was there at the wrong time and place.


I’m sorry you found out.


“I’m sorry I found out as well…” Yunho muttered sadly as he dragged his semi-lifeless body towards his car, unlocked it and sat in the driver’s seat in a daze.




Just wanted to clarify some stuff:

Despite the title of this sequel, this series was created with the idea in mind to tie up loose ends brought over from Blitz Magazine and The Sidequel. The reality series: Publication Brigade, will only serve as decoy a subplot.


Here are some stuff you guys must be thinking about:

Pikachu A: Jaejoon is way too smart for a 4 year old.

Pikachu B: I think Kimchi cheated on Jaejoong and had a baby with Yunho.

Pikachu A: I don't think so. I actually didn't expect anything less from a kid produced by Kimchi and Jaejoong. He's fabulously smart.

Pikachu C: Both of you are wrong, Jaejoong kept dropping Joonie as a baby, so that's why he eats insect crackers.

Pikachu A: But that doesn't explain the reason why Jaejoon is such a smart-.

Sims: Kimchi cheated on Jaejoong and had a baby with Yunho + Jaejoong constantly dropping the kiddo on the table/floor/bed/car seat/chair



*gets slapped by Jaejoong.


That aside, comments please and thanks.


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 3: HA! now i'm addicted to read the Blitz series... and this, you, sims, stuck in chapter 3. I'll subscribe it so that i expect for another update... hope you get more idea to continue this story. good luck and go writing!!! -best regard :)
Andreaaa06 #2
Chapter 3: Update juseyooooo
Chapter 3: It was just one mistake and why punished Jaejoong by getting him fired? Why not give him a chance to make up for the mistake he did? Jaejoong's family is surely funny especially because Jaejoon is the mature one when it should be his parents :D Like how Yunho cares and loves Sumire, he's really a good Dad :) Will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen next so update soon :)
Chapter 2: It's funny how Jaejoon called Jaejoong by his name :D It's also funny that Jaejoon got suspended and that Jaejoong side with him making Kimchi to get mad and punished the two :D I like the cute and weird moments of the father-son :) It's funny also that Sumire got suspended making Yunho to feel mad about it and causing misunderstanding between them :D I was really surprise that Jaejoon is too smart for his age but it makes him very lovable and adorable even though he can be mean :) I was confused to the last part about Yunho. So curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 1: Jaejoong not afraid to show his true side even in front of camera is really amazing because most of the times, others keep their image of being polite or kind something but he wasn't and it is really admirable! The crew of the Publication Brigade surely was surprised with how Blitz works especially with Jaejoong's personality! Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
fangirlmodeon #6
please update.. I miss the queen so much :)
When are you gonna update this? I miss PMS-y jaejoong
it's been so long since your wrote. How I miss you and your stories *I'm so sorry for not commenting I had so many stuff that I couldn't even read for a very long time*
How can JJ's father do something like tht to his own fabulous son?!! such a bad dad XD
but on the other side daddy Yunho got his heart warm finally XD
meeeyi #9
Chapter 3: I had to re-read the whole story XD Yunho's exterior is dripping, but it makes me feel bubbly like how it is when Sumire sees her crush. Or Jaejoong his LV collection. Or Youngmi her fish. Jaejoong can't be fired yet, there must be some gap somewhere that he'll work through! oh and God bless Yoochun for trying to withstand that pressure in the room.
Chapter 3: finally, an update
thank you sims
I really miss this story