
Yunho, The Host

Chapter 1.

Oh my. How are people supposed to breath with so many breathtaking faces

A handsome man in a suit walked up to me, "You must be new. Don't be afraid, we don't bite...unless you want us to." He grinned, and I had to stop myself from helplessly nodding to his voice. "I am Nickhun, the manager of Dolphin's Cove. Here at the Cove, we try and make every princess as comfortable as possible."

"T-Thank you," my voice faulted at his gaze.

"How may we be of assistance, Princess?" He bowed.

I flushed, "I'm not sure..." I answered truthfully. "I uh,"

"Is this your first time?"

I nodded shyly, and then saw him break out a big grin. "Well then, I guess we must treat you like a queen, Princess,"

I tried to smile, but I could feel my insides churning at my situation.

"Follow me," I walked further into the club, my eyes darting around and looking at all the well dressed women with the handsome hosts.

And then, I froze.

There was a very familiar voice and laughed which filled my ears.

Oh my...

My head turned to see a person I never expected to see here. I stopped and watched the interaction between them. He looked so manly, so different to what I was used to see him in.

Nickhun turned around and saw me frozen. He followed my gaze and then chuckled. "That's Yunho," his voice took me out of my trance, "He’s been here about half a year now, and is one of the most popular hosts here. Women are attracted by his age and the maturity he has."

I didn't reply, and my head was still reeling.

What is he doing here?

Nickhun took my silence as a good thing and then walked up to Yunho, with me following closely behind.

"Excuse me ladies," Nickhun probably looked irresistible at that moment, but I was distracted at the way Yunho looked. There was no mistake. This was Jung Yunho.

As Nickhun continued to talk, Yunho finally looked up at me, and his eyes widened. "N-noona?"

"Hello Yunho-ah," I tried to stay calm, and then to face Nickhun who looked surprised at our encounter. “I’m sorry but this won’t work,”

“Wait,” Yunho got up from his seat, and rushed after me. He caught up, just as I stepped onto the street. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. “Noona,”

“I’m just going to pretend I never saw it,” I cut in, not wanting to listen to his explanation. “So just go back inside,”

“Sora,” He repeated, “Listen,”

“No,” The embarrassment finally hit me, as I heard him call my name, and my cheeks flushed, “I just want to forget this ever happened. It was a moment of weakness and I don’t want to ever remember it.”

“Just calm down, please," He pleaded, "Listen to what I have to say. I don’t want Jieun to find out."

"That has nothing to do with me,"

"And I don't want you to have the wrong impression of me," He added, and then looked at me pleading.

I glanced at him, and found my stress melt away. "Okay, you have 5 minutes,"

He sits me inside a booth inside the club, "You see, I've just been doing this to earn some money,"

"Earn money?" I questioned, "But your parents…"

"I wanted my own money. What they earn as CEO's have nothing to do with me. I'm 22 now."

My cheeks flushed as I asked him my next question, "I mean now offense…but how exactly are you making money?"

He turned a little red at the implication of my question, "I just work here, I swear it. I do not go home with my clients,"

I watched my with red cheeks, as he fiddled with his fingers. Even if he was 22, he still reminded me of that shy boy I met 6 years ago. He was always handsome, I saw even shocked when Jieun introduced us.

I took in a deep breath, "I get it," I leaned back, "I'll keep your secret,"

He looked at me a smiled widely, "Really?"

"Yeah, in return, you can never tell anyone I set foot in there, especially Jieun," She'd never let me live it down.

"Promise?" He lifted his pinky finger, and I smiled and wrapped mine around his.



"Yunho," Nichkhun veered his head around the booth, "You need to get back to work, your customer's are complaining,"

"Right away," He stood up and bowed his head at me, "I hope you have a wonderful time, Princess,"

I was in awe of how much he had changed, his professional aura was completely stunning.

Once he had left, I stood up and apologised to Nichkhun. He smiled at me, "Theirs is no need to be sorry. Sometimes things like this happen,"

"I guess," I then turned my head to face the owner, "I do have a question though,"


"How long has Yunho been working here?"

"About 7 months now… but he's been our number 1 host for about 4 months now."

My eyes widened in shock, "Really?"

He nodded, "I can show you," He pulled out a book from the podium, and opened the front page.

I was met with a large picture of Yunho's handsome face, and stars. The words, 'Yunho. No 1 Host.' were written in a large font on the bottom of the page.


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2043 streak #1
Chapter 2: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your updates and it sounds interesting. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
UknowAde #2
Chapter 2: Oh my.. This story seems y to me.. pls update regularly.. We want to keep on reading!! !
Chapter 2: Yeay thanks for the update! :D
HannahJung #4
God! You're talking about YUNHO, the JUNG YUNHO!!! The leader! The y beast! The god!
IT HAS TO BE RATED!!!!Come on!
Fans are waving red M's right now.
We're craving for the man.
Hope you'll understand. LOL
I agree with everyone else, rated ^^
dinosayshi-77 #6
Chapter 1: It's gotta be rated!!!! Other than Jaejoong, Yunho is one of two DBSK members that always has to have rate stories...always xD jk, but it should be rated =)
Chapter 1: Agree with June! Rated Yunho! The leader has a higher pheromone level than others! *wth am I talking about? xD
C'mon it's Yunho!!! It HAS to be rated!!!! Lol jk it depends on your storyline!!!