Part 2.

Late Working Antics


One week had passed after Seunghyun's new secretary had come.

There had been... a few issues, to say the least, but Seunghyun and the rest of his co-workers hoped they would be fixed.

For instance, his new secretary (yes, Seunghyun had difficulties calling him by his name) had gotten lost the second day he had been there. At first everyone naturally thought he had quit, thinking perhaps Seunghyun's intimidation had been too much for such a poor heart, but it turned out Daesung only had gotten lost in the building and didn't have nor Seunghyun's number to call or guts to ask anyone who passed by where exactly he was.

After two hours Seunghyun had found him in the IT department, where he gave the secretary a dark look and his office number, telling him to call him in any case of emergency.

Which he did.


Two days later Seunghyun had asked Daesung to get him a cup of hot cocoa from the Starbucks shop down the street,and the secretary had obediently followed orders.

One hour later, Seungri had appeared on his office asking "why the hell can't I see everyone's favourite secretary anywhere?" to which Seunghyun was going to answer until he realised he didn't know.

Soon after, his office phone rang.

Turned out Daesung had been trapped inside the lift for 45 minutes, until he remembered he could call his boss for help, because this might just be an emergency. At least Seungri found it amusing.


Seunghyun tried not to think about every other single thing that his secretary had (not) done, but he couldn't help but wonder where exactly the board found this guy.

"Boss, you are daydreaming again," Seunghyun heard Daesung say carefully, "you seem to daydream a lot."

Seunghyun sighed. His secretary may be a bit clueless, but he was sweet nonetheless. He never failed setting up a good mood, and Seunghyun liked it.

"I was just thinking."

"About who?"

Seunghyun found it chuckle-worthy how Daesung jumped to the conclusion that he was thinking about somebody, which he was. The secretary must have thought Seunghyun's silence was due to his own curiousity, so he quickly changed the topic about the seagulls which were flying outside.



This was a rather short chapter, but I need to go to bed. I assume I will update this fic again very soon, this was more like a filler, but it was so fun to write it. ;;

Thank you to everyone who commented, you motivate me soooo much. ♥♥

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Hey everyone, "Late Working Antics" hasn't been updated in a long time due to me being in the middle of my holidays, but look forward to next week!


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Chapter 3: I love seungri in this fic so much I swear to god-- <333
and YES I've got like 1 more paragraph to do on your fic *shotos self* I'm so unorganised I swear hahaha BUUUUUUT it'll be up at least tomorrow or st ^_^
Chapter 3: Yay can't wait to read more chapters! Author fighting!!
Chapter 3: Hahaha Seungri XDD
LOL SeungHyun is such a kid xDDD
I can´t wait for moree <3
Chapter 3: Someday seunghyun would trust you dae. He might be thought it would be awkward if brought a guy to the overseas meeting._.
Seunghyun is such a kid.. How could he doesn't like seungri cuz they shared the same name...

Update soon!^^
darkshoumy #5
Chapter 2: i just like it a lot!!! a clumsy daesung is so cute!!! really like how you had made him in this fic!!! ^^ and seunghyun always the same! handsome and gorgeous!!! wish to see more of todae interaction to come! it's a funny story and i really like it and seungri is cute and malicious, love him how he is here! ;-)

wish you will update soon!!! thank you :-)
Chapter 2: Awww Daesungie is SO cute >u< I can´t wait for more <3
Chapter 1: Hahah this is so cool and funny XDD Now I´m going to read the second chapter :3
IndigoGrey #8
Chapter 2: A ditz that still makes his boss smile lol Can't wait to see where this goes.
Chapter 2: saranghae<333333 daesung is such a dork omfg I love it
BigKorea14 #10
Chapter 1: This seems great ^_^ Can't wait for more