Up & Down

Beautiful Mess

Up & Down - EXID

Ravi thanked the bus driver and jumped off, arriving in front of the hospital where Hyun Ae is staying. He heard that Leo is looking over her so he wants to check out how well it's going. Since Leo barely talks around everyone else, he's worried whether Hyun Ae can cope with that weird dude or not.


He walked in and headed straight to the hospital's gift shop for Hyun Ae. He picked up a box of chocolate and was about to pay until he spotted someone familiar.


"Huh?" he tilted his head and peered out the window. "Andy haraboji?" he wondered. Ravi quickly payed and rushed out the door.


"Haraboji!" he called out. Andy turned around and waved. He was at the reception, wearing his usual suit and tie.


"Wonsik! I was about to go visit your sister." Andy smiled and patted Ravi's shoulders. "Staying fit?" he asked.


Ravi nodded and smiled. "Noona will be pissed if she knew I excercised without her. She loves staying fitter than me." 


Andy laughed and walked towards the elevator, Ravi right behind him. "Is your sister alone?" he asked.


"Actually, no. She's with a friend. Called Leo." Ravi pouted and pressed the up button. "I'm actually a bit worried whether or not she's safe with that weirdo or not. He barely opens his mouth to speak." he rattled on.


"Leo?" Andy wondered, thinking why in the world that name is so familiar. "Anyways, Wonsik?" 


But before he could continue his question, the elevator opened and Hyuna walked out. Ravi yelped and hid behind Andy's back. Hyuna glared at them and just stomped off.


"Huh?" Andy tilted his head. "Who was that?" but once again, got cut off by his phone. Andy picked it up, replying a few times, and looked at Ravi with a worried look.


"I need to go now. Serious business going down at my company." he patted Ravi's shoulders and walked off. 


"Wait!" Ravi called out. "Can you say hello to my granddad?" Andy smiled and nodded, walking out of the hospital. Ravi entered the elevator and went up to Hyun Ae's room.

"HYUNG!" Hyuk screamed as he frantically points to the door where N and Ken are seen peeking inside.


"What the hell is going on?" Ravi asked as he tried to look into Hyun Ae's room but Hyuk held him tight. "Promise me you won't rage." Hyuk said. Ravi raised his eyebrows in suspicion.


"And why exactly should I rage?" Ravi hissed, making Hyuk back away slowly. Ravi pushed Ken and N away and forcing Hongbin to hold both of them together. Ravi burst the door open to see Leo leaning over Hyun Ae.


"LEO!" Ravi shrieked. Leo straightened up and waved to him as if nothing happened. Ravi's face burned bright red as he was so ready to kick Leo.


Hyun Ae sat up and beamed at her brother. "You came!!" she smiled and tried to get off the bed. Leo quietly puts his hand on her shoudler, preventing her from getting up.


"WHAT EXACTLY WERE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?!" Ravi pointed accusingly at Leo but Leo only looks confused. 


"What are you talking about?" Leo asked, sitting down on the couch. 


"You.... you were.... leaning on top of my sister.... like.... kissing.... and stuff.." Ravi stuttered. Leo's eyes widened and Hyun Ae's jaws dropped.


"We weren't kissing, you idiot!" Hyun Ae yelled and covered her face while Leo just sat there, quite shocked.


"KISS?!" an unfamiliar voice joined the conversation. Ravi swivelled around and saw his father standing in the doorway, glaring at Leo. 


"Leo." Mr.Lee hissed. "You kissed my daughter?" Leo shot out of his seat and bowed repeatedly.


"No sir! I didn't do anything at all! It was all a misunderstanding!" he said, raising his voice a little louder just in case everybody couldn't hear him. Mr.Lee knocked Leo's head and looked at his daughter.


"He didn't do anything, dad." She confirmed and he sighed. 


"And who the hell thought they were kissing?" Mr.Lee asked.


Leo and Hyun Ae pointed to Ravi. Ravi pointed to Hyuk, as do the rest of Vixx. Mr.Lee squinted at Hyuk as he laughed nervously and backed away slowly out of the room until he is finally out of sight.


"So what were you doing? Leaning over Hyun Ae?" Ravi asked. 


"I just asked Leo to help me adjust the bedsheet up here." Hyun Ae pointed to the upper corner of her bed where the hospital's bedsheets fell off.


Big cries of oohhs and ahhhs could be heard while Hyuk sneaked back into the room. Leo rolled his eyes and looked at Ravi like 'I told you'. 


After 2 hours of chatter, laughter and catching up, most people left except for Ravi, Leo and Ken. 


After Ravi got up and excused himself to go to the toilet, Ken stood up and walked to the door.


"I'm going now, but I have something to say." He announced as Leo and Hyun Ae looked at him, curious. "I announce that I, Lee Jaehwan aka Ken likes Kim Hyun Ae and will try to persue her and make her love me!" He pumped his fist, winked at Hyun Ae, glared at Leo and walked out.


Leo and Hyun Ae just sat there, stunned by the sudden announcement.


Ravi walked out of the bathroom and looked towards the door where Ken just stood and cursed. He heard everything.


"Today is just filled with ups and downs." He sighed and slumped onto the couch. He can sense that Ken's not the only person to make an announcement.

Can I take a moment and bow to all of you please?!

I feel so bad for not updating because, honestly, I've been doing so many other things :(

Don't worry I still love you guys no matter what.

I know this is a short chapter but it's a reminder that i will still update this story!

Love you all xxx


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megoo1427 #1
Chapter 26: waiting for your update..
Chapter 26: Holy fudgeballs what's gonna happen next??? Please update soon! And by the I mean NOW like right now! xD I just love love love this!!
Chapter 25: Welcome back! \( ö )/ missed you!
mjxxna #4
Chapter 25: ITS OKAY BECAUSE ALL YOUR UPDATES ARE SO AWESOME! Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 24: LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! PRINCE POKER FACE TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: New reader too! Love the story PLS update~~
Chapter 23: New reader!!!! Amazing story love it!
megoo1427 #8
Chapter 23: yeay.... finally an update....
Yes~ I'm back~ I'm writing another chapter!