Mission #2: New Transformation

Beautiful Mess

"Oh! Hyung! It seems like she spotted us?" HongBin screeched to a stop and tugged on Ravi's hand which was holding his.


"Eyy, impossible." He frowned. They walked to the photo booth and nearly shocked themselves while seeing each other's faces.


"Oh my gosh, Leo hyung! I didn't know you got scared!" Ken laughed hysterically. Leo fumed and kicked Ken straight in the and the boy winced. They stopped looking at the photo and walked out. Some students giggled as they took pictures of the guys and it seems like N enjoyed the attention.


"Yah, it looks like we have some fan clubs." He winked and Hyuk rolled his eyes.


"We are in disguise, hyung. How can they recognize us?" Hyuk spat. After the words left his mouth, the boys froze. I mean froze as in completely. It came into their minds that the disguise wasn't good enough. They should've known sooner.


"Crap. Go change, guys." N pushed Leo, Hyuk and Leo to the bathroom. He then turned around and pointed at the remaining two. "And both of you! Go buy some couple headbands or something." N said and walked into the bathroom, leaving Hongbin and Ravi stand there, hand in hand.


"Do we have to?" Ravi pouted. HongBin shrugged and walked towards the store and started searching for some. Since his fashion sense , Ravi helped him out.


"Hong-- no, Haebin!" Ravi called to his 'girlfriend' and came walking over holding 2 hairbands.


"What?" HongBin spoke up, forgetting to change his tone. He quickly cleared his throat and repeated the word again with a more feminine voice. He wouldn't want the cashier to find out.


"This one suits you." Ravi said and took out Hongbin's original hairband and replaced it with a Minnie Mouse one.


"It does?" He pouted and looked at himself in the mirror. He hate to admit this, but he looks hot for a girl. While he's busy checking himself out, Hyun Ae entered the store with Nam Woong.


"Hey, Woong. Why are we here?" Hyun Ae asked him. Nam Woong beamed happily and dragged her to the headwear section, which coincidentally is where Hong bin and Ravi are at.


Ravi strolled around carelessly and picked up random accessories. He spotted one that somewhat matches with Hyun Ae so he picked it up. He started making his way towards Hongbin but skidded to a stop. 


Hyun Ae and Nam Woong are standing there, their backs facing him. He immediately tensed up and tiptoed backwards. He frantically looked around for Hongbin and saw him admiring himself in the mirror nearby.


"Yah! Yah!" Ravi hissed, trying to get his attention.


"Yah, babo yah!" He tried again. This time, Hongbin turned around and met eyes with him. Ravi signaled for him to come over and he did.


"We gotta get out of here, fast." He said.


"Why?" HongBin asked as he crouched down beside Ravi. Ravi didn't say anything but pointed to Hyun Ae who was frowning at Nam Woong's giddiness.


Hongbin gasped and quickly put away all the decorations he had and ran out the store with along with Ravi.


"That was so close." They sighed and went back to the bathroom. When they arrived, they only spotted Leo sitting on the bench.


"Leo hyung! Where are the others?" Ravi asked. Leo looked up from the popcorn in his and and pointed to the bench next to him.


Hongbin looked and spotted no one except for another boy sitting there. "Don't joke around, hyung." He frowned. Leo shook his head innocently and chewed on his popcorn. "Guys, I'm here." N's voice spoke up.


All of them looked at the boy and gasped. (Except for Leo.) "N hyung?" HongBin asked. The boy that is now revealed as N nodded and they broke into laughter.


"Hyung! How did you change this much?" Ravi chuckled and touched his skin. As long as he remembered, N's skin wasn't this white! It's now as pale as Hyuk.


"Thanks to Hyuk, he made me pale. And now to add into the trick, my hair was already dyed red." N frowned, obviously not liking his new skin colour.


"Hyung, I swear. If we can't remember you, then no one will." Hyuk came walking from the snack bar. "Where is Ken by the way?" Hongbin asked. All three of them, Hyuk N and Leo pointed toward the game stand. Ravi peered at the person standing there closely. They realised it was Ken, but he looks absolutely different.


This Ken looks sharper. By smaller, I meant his lips became thinner, his nose slightly smaller and he now has no double eyelid.


"YAH! Who did your makeup?!" Ravi yelled. "I'm still your hyung!" Ken stormed up to them and pointed to Hyuk. "YOU! How come you're so good in applying makeup? Are you a girl?" 


"Oppa~" Hyuk cooed playfully but got slapped by the hyung.


"Shut up, we better get going in case that Nam Bastard does something to by precious sister." Ravi growled and dashed away. Leo quickly stood up and ran after him followed by N, Hongbin, Hyuk and Ken.


*I swear, Nam Bastard. No touchy touchy!*

I'm sorry for the short and y chapter guys :(

I seriously don't have time at all, which is really unexpected cuz It's summer break -.-

AND!! Just a warning that I won't be able to update from the 25th to the 13th because I'm going overseas :)

Thanks for reading!!!


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megoo1427 #1
Chapter 26: waiting for your update..
Chapter 26: Holy fudgeballs what's gonna happen next??? Please update soon! And by the I mean NOW like right now! xD I just love love love this!!
Chapter 25: Welcome back! \( ö )/ missed you!
mjxxna #4
Chapter 25: ITS OKAY BECAUSE ALL YOUR UPDATES ARE SO AWESOME! Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 24: LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! PRINCE POKER FACE TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: New reader too! Love the story PLS update~~
Chapter 23: New reader!!!! Amazing story love it!
megoo1427 #8
Chapter 23: yeay.... finally an update....
Yes~ I'm back~ I'm writing another chapter!