Long Time Enemy

Beautiful Mess

Hyun Ae's POV

"Hey, pass!" Minho yelled from one side of the court. I lifted my hand up to pass the ball but Minho was guarded so I changed my route and passed to Dongjun who was unguarded and easily caught the ball. He dribbled across the court but a guy crashed into him, making him fall.

"Hey!!" I yelled and jogged up towards Dongjun who clutched onto his right ankle.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him. He shook his head as the coach lifted him up to goto the nurse. I bit my lips worriedly. Dongjun is a really good player, but we lost him. Dang it, this is bad.

"My bad." Someone spoke up behind me. I spun around and my eyes turned into slits.

"You.." I growled.

"It's nice to see you again, Kim Hyun Ae." The guy smirked at me. Oh, how I wish I can slap that smirk off his face and bury him alive.

"Okay, guys. We need a time out." Mr. Kim, our couch, said and we followed him out but my eyes are always on that guy. My long time enemy in everything, Nam Woong. 

He waved and winked at me. I made a face and walked into the locker room.

"Since Dongjun twisted his ankle, we need someone who can play instead of him. Any volunteers?" Mr. Kim asked but no one raised their hands. He looked at me with a long sigh and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Hey!" I yelled, making everyone look at me. "You guys know teamwork?" I asked. They nodded.

"I doubt it." I scoffed. "Where is it then, if you know what it means? Come on, guys! This is basketball. Do you think, if one of us play but the others just stands there looking will make us win?"

I stared at all of them while they hung their head low.

"No! Think, guys. You are here to find victory, right? We if we lack teamwork, I guarantee you victory is to far for us to reach." I said, pacing around the room.

"Get your heads together and play as a team. If one of us fall we will help them stand. So who's in to see our victory. Who else wants to see the other team's asses being beaten? Who wants to get revenge for what that bastard did to our Dongjun? Anyone?" I yelled and raised my hand. 

Slowly, Hyoyeon's hand are raised along with Minho. A cheer erupted from Jonghyun's mouth and everyone joined. I smiled at Mr. Kim and he smiled back gratefully.

"Mr. Kim! I'm in for Dongjun's place." CNU, the pretty boy raised his hand and we clapped.

"Okay then. Time is up! Back to the game." I clapped and we jogged out to the court. We gathered in a circle and placed our hand in the middle.

"T.E.A.M. SAS FIGHTING!" We chanted and the crowd cheered. I could distinctively hear Ravi's and Ken's voice from the bleachers and I laughed.

"Get ready to lose, Kim loser." Someone said.

"Stop messing with me, Nam Woong. You're pissing me off." I glared at him and walked off, but before I reached my team, I turned back to him and smirked.

"And by the way, take you words back, Nam Woong. I'm sure the loser would be you." I winked and walked back to my team.

I glanced around and took a deep breath. It's not a easy game.

Author's POV

Ravi sat on the bleachers with his mouth agape, staring a t the guy on the court with that evil smirk on his face.

"Hyung!" Hyuk screamed into Ravi's face, making him jump and came back to his senses.

"I thought you were catching flies with your mouth." Ken snickered, earning a slap from Ravi.

"I wasn't catching flies. You see him?" Ravi pointed to Nam Woong.

"Yeah. The guy who pushed Dongjun." N nodded.

"Well, that guy is noona's enemy." He stated. Leo raised his eyebrows and looked at Nam Woong who was dribbling the ball across the court.

"But hey, I have to admit, that guy is freaking handsome." N squinted and nodded approvingly. 

"Why is he noona's enemy?" Hyuk asked. "I don't know. She never told me." Ravi shrugged and sipped on his coke which appeared out of nowhere. 

Hongbin furrowed his eyebrows and watched Nam Woong intently. He had to admit, but that Nam Woong guy is really handsome and really good at basketball. No doubt why girls cheer for him so loudly. But why does he annoy Hyun Ae so much? He didn't understand.

Manwhile, Hyun Ae is forming tactics with Minho in order to beat the opposite team. But it wasn't as easy as they thought.

"CNU!" She shouted and threw the ball at him. He caught it quickly and dribbled nearer to the hoop. He was so close to shooting but Nam Woong pushed CNU on purpose, and Hyun Ae saw it.

"Hey! That was a foul!" She yelled at the referee. Since the ref saw it too, he blew the whistle which made Nam Woong really pissed.

"What? He fell himself!" He defended. Hyun Ae stormed to him and glared.

"You can lie to anyone but not me nor yourself." She growled. Nam Woong rolled his eyes and glared back.

"I. Didn't. Do. It." He whispered harshly and pushed Hyun Ae's shoulders. She glanced at his hand and raised her eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah? Prove it. How the hell did CNU fall mid jump then?" She taunted. Nam Woong's fingers curled up but he restrained his anger from showing.

"I don't know! He's just so stupid and fell." Nam Woong smirked. Hyun Ae shook her head and walked closer to him, making his eyes widen at the close distance.

"I warn you, Nam Douche Woong. If you dare cause any problems again, I won't let you get away." She warned and walked away. 

Nam Woong just stood there, face flushed at the closeness. He still couldn't get over it. He liked her. A lot.

"Hyung... I guess she hates him a lot..." Hyuk whispered to Ravi and he nodded in agreement.

"You know what's funny though? He seems to get flustered when noona got close to him." Ravi answered, narrowing his eyes at Nam Woong who was playing in the game, trying to avoid Hyun Ae at any cost.

"Yeah... He seems... Weird?" N joined the conversation as the three of them looked at Nam Woong with confusion.

Hongbin and Ken sat there in silence while thinking the same thing. *Why is he acting like that?*

And Leo kept thinking wildly. *Does he like her? Does she like him? What if they end up together? Wait... What am I thinking? I don't need to worry..* he blinked several times before getting back into his senses. He looked down at the light stick in his hands and sighed. *Why am I acting weird ever since I met her? I even.... Talked more...*

After the game, Hyun Ae proved herself right by winning 32-24 which was very impressive.

"Hyun Ae!" Someone called out. Hyun Ae's eye twitched and she turned around to see Nam Woong running towards her.

"What do you want?" She spat. Nam Woong noticed her tone of voice and smiled goofily.

"Can we meet on Saturday?" He asked. Hyun Ae's eyes widened and hung open.

"Uhh... Why." She asked. "I want to meet you after a long time." He shrugged and looked at her expectantly.

"Okay, fine. But you better not do anything funny." She accepted and narrowed her eyes at him.

"I won't. I promise." He smiled happily and held up is hands in surrender. He ruffled her hair and walked away as if they never hated each other before.

*What's up with him??*

Hello!  I am back guys :)

Did a little house renovation (not really but it was tiring) so I didn't have time to update :p

At least I'm here now, yeah? That's all that matters :)


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megoo1427 #1
Chapter 26: waiting for your update..
Chapter 26: Holy fudgeballs what's gonna happen next??? Please update soon! And by the I mean NOW like right now! xD I just love love love this!!
Chapter 25: Welcome back! \( ö )/ missed you!
mjxxna #4
Chapter 25: ITS OKAY BECAUSE ALL YOUR UPDATES ARE SO AWESOME! Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 24: LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! PRINCE POKER FACE TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: New reader too! Love the story PLS update~~
Chapter 23: New reader!!!! Amazing story love it!
megoo1427 #8
Chapter 23: yeay.... finally an update....
Yes~ I'm back~ I'm writing another chapter!