A - answer

Alphabet One Shot Collection


The person you’re trying to call is unavailable at th…

Youngjae hung up for the nth time that day. He’d been trying to call Daehyun, but they guy wouldn’t answer. And it made him nervous. Daehyun always picked up his calls. He needed to apologize for yesterday. Needed to explain what he’d just blurted out into his best friend’s face without warning. Maybe Daehyun didn’t want to see him anymore? Maybe their friendship was over because Youngjae had been careless and just said those damn words. It was supposed to stay hidden. Be a secret. He was just so stupid. Looking at the phone in his hands he cursed. Why couldn’t his friend just answer so he could explain that it was a mistake? That he wasn’t supposed to say it. That he should just forget about the whole thing so they could go back to the way they were before.

The phone beeped and vibrated, signaling it had received a message and Youngjae jumped slightly in shock. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind at who it could be. It rested at it being Daehyun and he hoped and feared that it was. Looking down on the screen he saw it indeed was from his best friend. Should he open it? Of course he should! He’d been trying to get a hold of his friend all day. Yet he kept staring at his phone, unable to shake off the fear of what that text held. The screen went black as he stared at it, bringing him out of his daze of fear. He unlocked his phone once again and opened the message, hoping and praying that their friendship wasn’t over now.

Meet me in the park at 5.

Youngjae stared at the message for a few seconds. Their friendship wasn’t over. Daehyun wanted to meet him at the park. Everything was going to be fine. They were still… wait. What if Daehyun was going to tell him that he didn’t want to be friends anymore? What if he was going to show up only to tell him that it was over? That he couldn’t have a relationship with a guy like him? That he didn’t want to see him anymore? That he was disgusted? The worries kept replaying in Youngjae’s head as he stared off into the distance, imagining every bad situation over and over in his head. Why did he have to blurt that out in the first place? Why couldn’t he just have kept quiet as he’d done for so long? that Daehyun’s eyes had been so captivating and beautiful. that they had been so close. that the sight of his best friend had made his heart beat faster than speed of sound and left him breathless. And that it had left him mindless for a moment, making him spill his deepest and darkest secret.

He looked at the time. 3:30PM. There was still one and a half hour 'til Daehyun had asked to meet him. If he walked, then it'd take half an hour to walk to the park. So that was one hour before it was time to go. He looked down at himself. Ok, he needed a shower and a change of clothes. Pajamas were not attire to go out in. Getting up from his bed he went to his closet, got some clothes and proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower.

He finished too fast. With a sigh he sat down on his bed and looked at the message Daehyun had sent him again. It was only four o’clock. Groaning he let himself fall backwards. Why was there still an hour left? The suspense was killing him. it, he thought and got up from the bed. He'd walk slowly. And then be there ahead of time. Then he'd be sure that he wouldn't miss Daehyun. If Daehyun wanted to end their friendship then he might not be very patient. His best friend wasn't very nice to people he didn't like. On the other hand, he was a total sweetheart to those he did. A mischievous one, but still a sweetheart.

Walking to the park, he tried to be as slow as possible, but his feet tended to forget that every once in a while. With twenty minutes to spare, he arrived at the almost empty park and sat down on the bench they always met at when here. His leg started shaking in nervousness as he looked at his phone to check what time it was again. 19 minutes. He looked around a bit and glanced at his phone again. 18 minutes. He turned and looked at the playground nearby. It wasn't frequented by anyone except a pacing figure. His eyes moved on and he looked down the path to his right. A young couple came strolling down it. Youngjae looked at his phone again. 17 minutes. Why was time so slow!? He watched the couple come closer and smiled and nodded to them when they closed in on him. The two did the same in return and walked on. A glance at his phone. 16 minutes. Ok seriously, what was wrong with time today? He turned around to watch the pacing figure again. The figure looked kind of familiar now that he looked closer. Phone. Still 16 minutes. The longer he stared the more familiar it looked. Phone. 15 minutes. Actually it looked a bit like Daehyun. Phone. Still 15 minutes. A lot like Daehyun. Phone. Still 15 minutes. No now that he squinted and concentrated on the guy, it looked exactly like Daehyun. Phone. He looked up from the phone without checking the time. It was Daehyun.

He stood up and shoved his phone into his pocket. Should he go over to him? No he should wait here. But he stood up already. After arguing with himself a little more, he finally decided to go over to Daehyun. Might as well get over with it. His heart beat faster and faster as he neared his friend who didn't notice him. Youngjae was kind of glad because of that, as he didn't know what he would do if Daehyun stopped up and looked at him right now. He stopped a meter from where his friend-maybe-not-friend-anymore paced. He hadn't noticed Youngjae. He was mumbling something that Youngjae couldn't catch with a nervous look on his face, completely oblivious to the world.

Youngjae coughed to get his attention after a while of just standing there. Daehyun jumped and looked at him with wide eyes.

“Youngjae! Hi. What are you doing here? You're early. Why are you early? Hi,” Daehyun greeted him, oddly nervous. Youngjae felt his heart beat faster and a restlessness come over his body. This was it.

“Hi,” he greeted back, forgetting to answer the questions Daehyun asked. He looked down into the ground as silence fell over them. This felt oddly awkward and tension filled the air around them.

“I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. I was sleeping,” Daehyun apologized and Youngjae looked up at him again. So he wasn't answering because he was sleeping? The relief flooded through his body.

“Oh,” Youngjae replied. The two held eye contact for a while before they looked off into different directions. Everything seemed so awkward. “I'm sorry for yesterday,” Youngjae apologized after a while of silence and avoiding eye contact. This made Daehyun look him straight in the eye.

“Oh, that. Uhm. It's fine. Totally fine. You don't need to apologize. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. But I didn't want to do it over the phone. But you don't have to apologize. I mean it's not like it can be helped. And it's not a bad thing. At all. It's like rice. I like rice. I had rice for breakfast which wasn't really breakfast today. Should it be called lunch then? I also took a shower. I really like hot water when taking a shower. Cold showers are horrible. But I like ice cream... I'm sorry for rambling,” Daehyun rambled on. He was nervous. Daehyun rambled, going from topic to topic when he was nervous.

“It's fine,” Youngjae waved him off. Another silence fell over them. Daehyun let out a small laugh and Youngjae looked at him questioningly.

“It's funny how awkward we are suddenly,” Daehyun explained. Youngjae let out a small chuckle and nodded in agreement. The chuckle eased the atmosphere a little bit. “Stop fumbling with your hands. You're making me more nervous than I already am,” Daehyun ordered him with a small smile. Youngjae immediately stopped and put them in his pockets. His friend let out a chuckle and Youngjae followed nervously. Another silence. It was slightly ironic as there were usually no silences between the two. Both of them chatted endlessly with each other. “So I wanted to talk to you about what you told me yesterday,” Daehyun began.

“I'm sorry!” Youngjae apologized immediately. “I'm so sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that- It was just for a second I lost my mind and just blurted it out, I'm really sorry. I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship,” Youngjae told him desperately. Daehyun shook his head at him.

“I told you before it was fine. I'm fine with it. More than fine,” Daehyun told him and started scratching the back of his head. He took his hand down and looked everywhere else than Youngjae, while the latter stood in confusement and relief and utter bewilderment at the moment. Daehyun was fine with it. The relief. How it was possible was beyond him, but he had said it was fine.

“Thank you,” Youngjae thanked him. Thanked him for not just throwing him away and keeping him as a friend.

“No, more like thank you. It takes a lot of courage to confess to someone,” Daehyun replied and looked everywhere but Youngjae's confused eyes. “I mean like, I really want to confess too, but it's really hard.”

“Who do you want to confess to? Who's the lucky guy?” Youngjae asked dully, heart deflated. Maybe he was still Daehyun's friend but his friend could have showed some more decency and not say he liked someone the day after he confessed to him. That was kind of cruel.

“Come closer,” Daehyun told him, looking really nervous. There was even a slight shake in his voice. Deflated Youngjae looked at him oddly, but did as told and took a step closer. “Closer,” Daehyun ordered and Youngjae took another step, standing almost up in his face now. It hurt to stand so close, but at least they were still friends. Which was all Youngjae had asked for. A pair of lips pressed against his own for a short second and his eyes widened in surprise. Daehyun started chuckling nervously. Youngjae didn't move an inch. His friend started pacing around again, scratching the back of his head and started rambling on again. “Oh my god I just kissed him. I just kissed him. What were you thinking Daehyun? You can't just kiss people. He's completely frozen now. What do you do now Daehyun? Why are you so stupid? Why couldn't you just bake a cake to him with icing telling him the truth. Well you did Daehyun, you just ate it yourself. You're so stupid! Why did you just kiss him? Now he's in shock,” Daehyun rambled and stopped up in front of shocked Youngjae again. “Can you please move Youngjae? I'm sorry,” Daehyun begged him in a small voice.

“You just kissed me,” Youngjae stated and Daehyun nodded confirming it wasn't just a figment of his imagination.

“I'm sorry, I just panicked and kissed you,” Daehyun apologized. Youngjae let out a small laugh.

“It's fine, totally fine, no problem here,” he told him.

“I'm glad,” Daehyun replied smiling a small nervous smile.

“Could you.... do it again?” Youngjae requested shyly, not being able to look into his friend's eyes.

“Yeah. Gladly. I'd really like that,” Daehyun answered and closed in on him again, so they stood right in front of each other.

“This is really awkward,” Youngjae said and Daehyun nodded.

“I'm just really nervous,” Daehyun told him.

“Yeah me too,” Youngjae replied. Daehyun gave him a small smile before leaning forward. Youngjae's eyes closed and their lips were pressed against each other again. His friend-who-probably-wasn't-a-friend-anymore-but-a-boyfriend-which-was-even-better had really soft lips. After some time, way too short in Youngjae's opinion, they broke the kiss and he found himself in Daehyun's embrace. “I could get used to that,” Youngjae admitted.

“Yeah me too,” Daehyun replied, a smile on his face.



I don't usually write DaeJae, but I hope this turned out fine...

on to B!! XP

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 2: Omg hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha half of me was expecting himchan to come out but omg this. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA i just cant- omg. Daebak!!!
cheesecakesoulmusic #2
Chapter 2: of course daehyun would eat the last piece :))
Chapter 1: cute , ^^ .
Chapter 1: This is soooo cutteeeee and the idea is really awesomeeee!!! :DDDD EXCITED FOR THE NEXT ALPHABETS!!!!! /squeels

i feel like writing one up tooo!!!! ;mmmm; can i????? ;mmmm;
meohamTSxYG #5
Chapter 1: XD
How could u write it so beautiful? Beautiful like this~~~ <3
Hehe, DaeHyun was nervous! And rembled ^^
Silly DaeJae XD
bapdaehyunnie #6
ChanyeoltheTroll #7
Chapter 1: How cute~~ I found something cute ~~ heheheh <3
blankpaper #8
Chapter 1: I love it! Kyaaa my Daejae feels aren't in control now xDDDD
LKyellow #9
Chapter 1: xD so cute! I'm glad it ended like that! I've been reading a lot of angst lately and I thought it was going to end all sad but I'm glad it didn't. :3