
The Singer Next Door



Crappy chapter is crappy. Hope you enjoy anyway :)
Sorry, it's a bit short today.

It’s been days since Youngjae’s heard that voice. He felt tense in the shower without any melodic voice accompanying him.

Youngjae turns off the shower head, quickly ruffling his wet hair. It was cold outside, and it was warm and steamy in the shower. He wanted to turn the water on again, the warm water seeming like a warm duvet, touching each crevice of his body. But he knew if he wasted water, his brother would come nagging him like the last time he did that. He shivered at the 2 hour lecture.

The male slid the door open and stepped onto the towel laying on the ground. He reached for his towel and ruffled his hair dry, suddenly jumping in surprise after hearing his phone vibrate against the counter of the sink.

He wrapped his towel around his neck and picked up the device. Seeing as it was a message from Yongguk, he quickly unlocked his phone to read the message.

Youngjae, if you aren’t busy, your brother, Daehyun and I are gonna go head out to lunch. Wanna come with?

Youngjae sighed. He planned on eating ice cream while watching random movies on netflix that day. But then, a thought occurred to him and he replied back the same second:

Sure, hyung. Where should I meet you guys?

Youngjae sent it and got the address to this Korean restaurant he hasn’t been to for years. He smiled.

Thanks, I’ll be right over.

Youngjae thought as he typed, “Hmm.”



Once he drove there (realizing it’s literally only a few blocks away from where he worked), he parked his car and locked it, strutting towards the main entrance. Yes, strutting.

He made his way inside, looking around to see if he can find a face he knew. He saw his brother, and his brother looked back at him.

“Youngjae!” Himchan called over, smiling.

The said man walked over and took a seat beside him, on the opposite side of the other two that were there with them.

“Hi, Yongguk-hyung, Daehyun,” Youngjae smiled.

“‘Sup, Youngjae?” Yongguk greeted back.

“Hello,” Daehyun said timidly. Youngjae didn’t know why but he could tell the other was a bit nervous.

“We asked you to come because Daehyun had to ask you something,” Himchan explained, and Youngjae nodded in understanding. “You were probably our only hope.”

“Hm,” Youngjae hummed, “so what’s on your mind, Daehyun?”

He saw the other swallow and he cleared his throat, “My vocal coach signed me up for this audition,” he played with his fingers as he talked, “and it would be a partner audition.”

“Interesting,” Youngjae said, so the other knew he was listening.

“Everyone else that my coach teaches already has a partner, so I came to ask my cousin and your brother, and they declined.” Daehyun ended it by side-eyeing Yongguk and squinting at Himchan. The two laughed sheepishly.

“So I was wondering,” Daehyun looked at the other with much determination, “if you’d be my partner.”

Youngjae’s eyes widened, and he pointed to himself as he looked at the others. The three nodded.

“But I can’t sing…”

“Sure you can!” Himchan interrupted and patted Youngjae’s back, “I’ve heard you sing in your room before!”

“You eavesdropped?”

“Didn’t need to, since your voice is so damn loud. But your voice isn’t that bad. Plus, you’ll be together with Daehyun! A new friend after like, what, 5 years?”

“I have plenty of friends, thank you very much.”

“If your friends are your janitor uniform and your mop, then I have no right to judge.”

“Bastard.” Youngjae scoffed.

“So, Youngjae, what do you say?” This came from Yongguk this time.

“Why did you and Himchan decline anyway?”

“Our voices are too deep and they crack during high notes. We aren’t fit for vocals.”

“But my voice isn’t the best during high notes.” Youngjae argued.

“Then leave that to me! Just please be my partner. It’s only for a few days, I promise.” Daehyun pleaded earnestly. He seemed to really want this, and there was something gnawing on Youngjae’s insides to say yes.

“Will I get to practice with you? And meet your vocal coach? Because I need all the help I can get.”

“IS THAT A YES?” Daehyun said excitedly, and Youngjae saw the excitement in his eyes. He found it sort of endearing, so he nodded and smiled back at the other.

“Oh, thank you thank you thank you!!!” Daehyun repeated, “I can just kiss you right now!”

Daehyun realized what he said and covered his mouth.

“I meant hug. HUG you right now!” Daehyun looked down at his lap. Youngjae gawked.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Yongguk massaged the other’s back, “that was kind of cute.”

Daehyun swatted his hand away, “You’re no help at all.”

Himchan and Youngjae bursted out into laughter. But Youngjae had this feeling inside. A feeling he hasn’t really felt in years. And he kind of likes it.

“Hey, where’s our food?” Himchan wondered.

Daehyun looked up immediately, looking around as if he were on a hunt.


“Control yourself, we’re in a public place. You didn’t act this way at Himchan and Youngjae’s place the other day.”


“And Himchan’s house is my favorite place. Sit down.”

Himchan and Youngjae laughed even louder.



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KeyboardHero #1
Chapter 5: It so fluffy and cute ~(≧∇≦~)
Chapter 5: Ow don't worry. Take your time, I hope you'll get to write the next like you want. (Do my sentence even makes sense?) Fighting!
Cryzuz #3
i love it! :D
Chapter 5: Short but good :)
jackiela #5
Chapter 5: ahhhh these two... the constant teasing and blushing from Youngjae hehe =] AHHH LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!
MinMin_SL #7
Chapter 5: OMG i was like... dammm daehyun is gonna be the cute one and then PUFF chubby cheeks make his appearance and just asdfghjkl

:::::::Please continue:::::::
Chapter 4: Very cute I'd love to
Chapter 4: ahhh Daehyun is too cute.. and Youngjae =] I LOVE IT
Chapter 4: omg Daehyun is so precious! can't wait for the next chapter owo