The Guests.

The Singer Next Door


Yongguk’s eyes widened at the remark.

“D-Daehyun, he’s kidding, right?” he said, almost making it sound as if he was growling.

“No I’m not! I wouldn’t say that to someone I don’t know if it weren’t true!” the youngest in the room exclaimed.

Himchan facepalmed, “Youngjae, throw me my car keys. I need to see if there’s any damage.”

Youngjae sighed, but did what he was told to anyway. Himchan caught the keys and went out the door saying, “Youngjae, you take it from here.”

“Okay.” He replied.

“But h-hyung!” the Daehyun guy called shakily, “I didn’t m-mean to-”

“I will deal with this later back home, you hear me?” Yongguk ended the conversation and turned to Youngjae.

“I’m really sorry. He’s a new driver. I’d be glad to pay for any damages.” He smiled and scratched the back of his neck, as did his cousin.

“No, it’s fine. I wouldn’t want to be a burden. He didn’t mean it,” he continued, “and I really apologize for yelling at you accusingly.”

“Don’t apologize,” Daehyun raised his palm, “I deserved that accusation.”

“I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Youngjae. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Daehyun. The pleasure is all mine.”

Himchan came running back to the apartment door, and walked in panting. “There’s no serious damage, just a few scratches. But they can be taken care of.”

“I’m really sorry,” Yongguk apologized again.

“No, it was an accident. I’m sure Youngjae settled all of this, yeah?” Himchan smiled and nodded towards his younger brother, who looked at him wide-eyed and pointed at himself.

“Oh, yeah Himchan. Now help me get them some refreshments.”

Himchan nodded and followed his brother to the kitchen.

“Please feel at home. What would you guys like?”

“Anything.” The Yongguk and Daehyun said in sync.

While the two brothers were in the kitchen preparing snacks, Daehyun was telling his cousin about some new songs he learned from his vocal coach.

“That’s good,” Yongguk smiled warmly, “and have you attracted anyone with those songs?”

“I don’t have anyone I like in particular just yet.” He tapped his index finger on his chin.

“Make that voice to good use, Dae. We can benefit from it.”

“How so?” Daehyun asked, but before he could get a reply, Youngjae and Himchan come out with bags of chips and soft drinks.

“So you’re a singer, Daehyun?” Himchan asked, quite intrigued with his boyfriend’s teenage cousin.

“Not really, I just enjoy singing.” He smiled back in Himchan’s direction.

“Oh yeah!” Youngjae scurried off to the bathroom again, opening the door to complete silence. He sighed, and went back to three confused men in the living room.

“That was quick,” Himchan laughed.

“I didn’t use the bathroom.”

“Then why’d you run there like you wanted to?”

“Just because.”

Himchan shrugged, and stuffed his mouth with a handful of potato chips.

“Ju you wanch shum?” he spoke through the salty snack to his boyfriend and the younger male beside him.

“Thank you!” Daehyun spoke happily and put his hand in the bag, and heartedly ate the salty snack.

As time went by, Youngjae was purposely walking passed the bathroom, possibly ever five or less minutes, making sure he doesn’t miss anything.

The two cousins finally leave at about midnight.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Bang.” Himchan smiled and waved.

“Sure will!” he replied back, practically skipping.

That’s when Youngjae knew that he probably missed it. He sighed, and slouched while walking back to his bedroom.

“What’s wrong, bro?” Himchan asked, his voice masked with concern.

“Nothing. Good night.”

Youngjae went to bed, and just laid there. He was bored and he didn’t want to sleep.

So he decided to hum to the song he heard that person singing the other day, then drifted off to sleep.




Here it is OTL

I'm really sorry. Like, really.

- Emma

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KeyboardHero #1
Chapter 5: It so fluffy and cute ~(≧∇≦~)
Chapter 5: Ow don't worry. Take your time, I hope you'll get to write the next like you want. (Do my sentence even makes sense?) Fighting!
Cryzuz #3
i love it! :D
Chapter 5: Short but good :)
jackiela #5
Chapter 5: ahhhh these two... the constant teasing and blushing from Youngjae hehe =] AHHH LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!
MinMin_SL #7
Chapter 5: OMG i was like... dammm daehyun is gonna be the cute one and then PUFF chubby cheeks make his appearance and just asdfghjkl

:::::::Please continue:::::::
Chapter 4: Very cute I'd love to
Chapter 4: ahhh Daehyun is too cute.. and Youngjae =] I LOVE IT
Chapter 4: omg Daehyun is so precious! can't wait for the next chapter owo