
The next day was a cold february day. Wind was blowing really hard, and it started snowing right after he left the apartament.

- Nice weather...he grumbled.

He went for almost 30 minutes when he arrived at VB hospital. There were a lot of people who were sick and that scared Siwon because he felt good, not sick.

- Hello, I came here because my doctor sent me here, she said that my transaminases are high, like 500.

- Oh I see, well we will make new tests and 4 hours you will know.

- Thank you.

-Now go to that nurse to draw blood. Then, you have to wait.

- Ok.


- Hello...

- Hi, mister. You go and stay on the bed and lift your sleeve until I take the syringe and some test-tubes, ok?

- Ok.

- Done. So, are you afraid? Please relax. If you don't relax it will really hurt. 

- Oh tai wan mei..

- Singing is fine if it relaxes you, said the nurse smiling.


 -I finished. Press here for five minutes and now you are fine. Go take a seat on that couch. 



                          After four hours.


- Mister Choi, we have your results, please come here!

- Yes Doctor, I am listening.

- Well, how many transaminases you seid you had?

- Well like 500. 

- Well now you have 2600.

- What?

- Everything is fine, but those are really high and we don't know why they risen so high. We have to keep you here to make further investigations and see how they evolve

- Whaaaat?

- So, mister Choi you should call someone to bring you clothes and what you need because you have just won a vacation for 7 days here.

- Ok...

Siwon left to the couches and started to sob and called his friend Zhou Mi.

- Hi, Mi.

- Hi Won, how are your check-ups? Are you ok? 

- Well, I have won a vacantion at hospital. Can you come and bring me some clothes and some food, but something easy like a salad or something like that.

- What?

- You heard me, Mi. Now go, go.

- Ok.

A nurs

e was approaching Siwon. 

-You are the new patinet?

-Yes, why?

-Well we don't have enough beds so you will sleep on a camping bed.

-Well, its not a problem. I will sleep anywhere as long as I leave faster from here.

-I admire your enthusiasm. You will sleep in a room with another 6 people.


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fighting^^ i will read this^^~