
Siwon got up and started to prepare for Zhou Mi's arrival. When he entered the room Siwon was changing his shirt. Perfect sculpted abs, milky white skin without a flaw.

Zhou Mi liked Siwon but he tried to deny his feelings because a thing like that would be unacceptable and wasn't right. If he told Siwon what he felt, he would never talk to him again because he was the popular but religious and down to earth guy and Zhou Mi, well Zhou Mi wasn't like that. Siwon would never accept a guy as his lover, it was a sin.

Zhou Mi greeted all the men in the room and headed to Siwon's bed. Heechul was scanning him fom head to toe and smiled at him and Mi smiled back when he realised that Heechul was in fact a school mate from middle school.

- Hi, Cullie! 

- Hi, Sunshine! How are you? I haven't seen you since the eighth grade. You really grown, at that time I was taller than you.

- Time changes all. I am fine, I came here to take care of this friend, points to Siwon. But you, why are you here?

-Well, just a little virus I caught. So is this your boyfriend? where did you get him? From the hunks asile in the supermarket?

-Stop it, Chul he is not my boyfriend. he is just a friend. He wouldn't like me anyway.

-So you like him, cute?

-Noo, I don't he is a good friend!

Siwon heard what Zhou Mi said but decided to stay silent. He liked Zhou Mi back, but only as a friend. That shocked him, two man can't love eachother right? It isn't right! Siwon was thinking about what Zhou Mi just said but he wouldn't move an inch.

Zhou Mi approached Siwon's bed and patted lightly his back to wake him up. Heechul was looking at him with a warm smile that said "I know that you are lying" . After a few pats Siwon finally decides to rise and he fakes a sleepy face.

-Hi, Mi! You came! 

-Of course I came, this is my best friend in hospital, how could I miss this. Anyway what the doctor said?

-She said that I should stay here a few more days. 

-Well I hope you get well soon, look I brought what youwanted. Do you need anything else?

-No, it's ok.

Siwon was standing on bed and was looking at Zhou Mi and was murmuring to Zhou Mi to get him from there. 

-Don't worry kid! We don't bite! said Heechul.

-Its fine, you will stay here with us, time will pass fast. Soohyun added

-Sure thing!

Siwon cheered up a little, but the tought that he will be staying there for a entire week was annoing him. Zhou Mi was preparing everything for Siwon, he bought him clothes, food, everything he needed. Mi was always there for Siwon. And Siwon for Zhou Mi, but he never thought that mi could like him.

-So, Wonnie,  I must leave, be safe and if you are getting sick call someone. I will be here tomorrow, ok?

-Ok, Mi. Take care of yourself and Kuma.

-Ok I will, byeee!



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fighting^^ i will read this^^~