chapter 2

Remember Me?



After 14 hours flight, finally landed in Korea. I am so exhausted and tired but seeing dad and moms face is priceless. They look like a kid going to Disney land or something but it makes me feel happy and want to express too but I seriously don’t have to energy to show it…. A cab was send by my uncle lee to pick us up. We are going to just stay at their house for two weeks.. Our house is still in work and we really missed them so much… my parents have a lot of catch up to do with Uncle and aunt Lee. I specially missed Soo hyuk oppa :( We were like brother and sister, he took care of me like his own sister and since I am the only child of my parents. Oh I didn’t introduce him to you guys yet ;) ladies~ please don’t faint hahaha




Yes! he is the hot model and actor in korea 
and also he did fashion walk in Paris this year

Awesome! Right? Well I didn’t told anyone about him being my cousin, my parents told me to keep it secret if I want to be safe …um Korean friends can be extreme :P

He is 25 so 1 year older than me and loves calling me princess which I don’t feel comfortable in public -_- whts up with this kind of nicknames … Mia .. M-I-A simple three alphabets …sigh** 

Oppa is not in korea now but will be in 2 days :D excited~~
we have a lot of catch up to do >.<

          After 6 years I am back to Korea, the streets, buildings , people .. everything have changed.

Of course it will since we are in 2013 year.. but I hope everything didnt change.. some things should have not change right…? Hah .. who am I kidding.. whatever..


We got at their place and let me tell you guys.. this house is no joke.. I used to play and visit uncle lee house a lot but didn’t knew house can grow like this :p I mean its double bigger than before.. guess oppa is really making a lot of money ;)


“OH MY GOD! Is that you Hea jung ah??” feels weird hearing my real name after such long time but makes me realize more that I am back in korea :)

“yes aunt lee! One and only your Hea jung!” hugs* guess I didn’t forget my Korean language.. I mean how can I? ;) ……. Okay …mom watch a lot of Korean dramas that there’s no way ill forget: P
‘’hahahah aigoo you are still the same. Our naughty baby!” okay now its back to baby -__- sigh**

‘’not baby aunt lee.. I have grown now! I have become a adult now!”whines*

‘’aigoo so cute!” pinches my cheek*

“yoebo are you going to keep Hea jung there standing at the door”
“uncle lee! I missed you!” hugs uncle*
“haha aigoo we missed you too baby” >_>….


Okay let me stop here I know you guys are curious why my people (close ones) around me are calling me by “baby” well I asked my parents and they said that my parents were so excited that they were having a baby girl and they fight a lot what to name me -_-.. so it took 2 months to name me Lee Hea jung after I was even born… so they called me baby for two whole months and yeah .. they umm didn’t stop it calling baby* till this day… (^^real fact of author*me* ;P)


We hugged and my parents went right in catching up with uncle and aunt Lee. Uncle Lee is my dad’s brother and have two kids soo hyuk oppa and soo hyun unnie. Soo hyun unnie already got married and living in LA with her husband and two beautiful kids.


So I am in my* room and yes I got my own temporary room :P, which is not that big but perfect for me. I unpacked all my stuff and boy! my mom bought a lot of clothes for me. I am not saying I don’t like clothes but my mom is shopaholic so you guys can know what I mean. My parent spoils me a lot but as a good daughter I don’t take advantage of it. I mean I am a girl and girl LOVES clothes but I …don’t know ..weird..? nevermind ..



I didn’t catch up with my high school friends when I moved to NYC…. I don’t know I just hate this long distance … I mean chatting in Internet all day and video calling … I don’t know its just too awkward for me to do it. So I kind of lost their contacts but ofcourse  I have a bestfriend here in korea…Her name is  Kim Min Hee.. same age… I think we clicked right away when we got same class in 5th grade. We both have a lot of common like music taste to clothes. I didn’t told her I was in korea..wanted to surprise her :)

“hello? Is this Kim min hee?”

“yes, who is this?”

“Oh I am calling from state farm. We have a really good insurance for you and you can save a lot of mo-...“ *;) yes pranking!!!
‘’oh…excuse me…uh I no want isuerancee!” aww my bestie has the cutest accent
“please mam its really good for your future and-“
*Hangs up*


hahahhaahahahah okay … ahem

calls again*
“sorry! I no want –“
“annyoeng best chingu ya!! Its me Mi- I mean Hea Jung!!” *okay I don’t know how to say best friend in Korean….:P

“Hea jung…? Are you really Hea jung? I thought it was fro-“

“hahahah ASSA! You really felt for my prank hahah you are still the gullible minny!!” nick name I gave her in high school :P if you say min hee fast it will sound minny! Cool right? Right?! It used to sound cool….>.>

“oh my god! YAH! Why you are calling me with a different number? The number is from Kor- Wait! Don’t tell you are in Korea now??”
“what if I said yes..?”
“YAH!! How can you say the good news to me now? Wait! Where are you now? Ill visit you right where ever you are right now!!”
“TEXT ME THE ADDRESS!” hangs up*
-_- “-t we can meet tomor-…” stubborn as always …


“ Baby! Get ready we are going to eat out for dinner”
“mom can min hee come too? She is going to visit me right now”
“oh sure! Just get ready in 30 mins!”

"hmm since its bit chilly outside .. oh! i think ill wear this! i need to wear something comfortable.."


We all went to this Korean restaurant and yes!! I missed the food! I totally forgot what we talked or happened there because I was all in enjoying the food! I am not a pig eater but I just missed it ok? :P
I think me and minny catch up and talked about why I was here and all..And uncle Lee just announced that oppa is coming early tomorrow! 




>.< this day is getting better and better … and it will continue tomorrow too right..?

missmiaxxoo - Mia(Hea jung) instagram pic 
she will post a instagram pic every chapter ;)




Look forward to next chapter ;)
you will definitely see some yg members ...

Btw i posted two chapters in oneday O_O My hurts sitting in library all day -_-
hope this story is going good... >_>

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