Chapter 1

Remember Me?


"Baby WAKE UP!!"
"Ughh mom! Ten minutes more!!"
"Baby! You promised to go shopping with me today! You can't back out now!" 
"Baby?? Are you listening to me?"
"Don't make me do it to you !"
*peeks out from her blanket* "you wouldn't!! O.O"
"Oh yes I will !" *evil smirk*  *starts tickling*
"MOM!!!! "*Runsout*
"Hahahah this girl ... "
Well that's how my every morning starts which I really hate cus I hate when people tickle me ...I just can't explain how I feel I mean its normal to people to hate tickles right?? Right!? RIGHT?? .. ok.... -_-
A big way to irk me .. also a way to make me do stuff and not to be lazy ... But don't you try to do it!! * does kungfu pose* 
Oh and my parents call me "baby" which I don't understand why
Everytime I try to change change them it would only last for a day.. And when I ask why 
there answer would be always "You are our baby!!" -_-
So today is my last in NYC :( I am really going to miss this place I mean I do hate this place since its too crowded and I always have to go through war every morning *subway station* hahaha but since I already graduated it was going good but than mom and dad suddenly surprises me that we are going back to Seoul.. 
Hmm I don't know what to feel now
Should I be happy that we are going to back to our home country but there are some things that will surely excite me ;D
1st I can taste the real Korean food!! ..US Korean food are crap ...
2nd I will meet my favorite cousin soo hyuk OPPA !! :D
3rd mom said I don't have to find a job .. I can "rest" for a year!! ASSA!! 
4th hmm meet Taeyang?!! I am a big fan of him!! But I couldn't go to their Alive concert :( had exam that day! Ugh
5th hmm meet this gdragon ;p hope he will remember if don't than 
Well here I come ! 
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really appreciate it!!!
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