Not an Update

Dear Diary...

Hey guise!! So your probably fed-up with my lack of updates lately but I want to tell you that it is not because a lack of ideas, inspiration or writers block. I simply don't have time to ubdate the chapters that i have written. On top of that I've been kinda depressed and stressed out and the last thing i want to do is write fluff LOL. I don't know when I will being writing again but as for now I am on Hiatus :( I hate having to say it, but I won't be on very often for the moment:( I hope you don't lose intrest in my story and continute to wait for my comeback:) I LOVE U ALL!!!!!!!!!!! ANNYEONG~

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AFF must be acting up cuz my fonts refuse to listen to me xD plz excuse that lovlies:)


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Chapter 2: very good. your writing has improved so much. Keep up the good work.
sounds very interesting!!! ^_^ and yay were friends now!!!