Make Up

Rich In Love

Oo Na’s POV

Days Later…

[Out in the public.]

“Whatever. You‘re lying.” I ignored Nichkhun and walked away.

“Oo Na!” He chased after me and grabbed my wrist.

“Okay, okay. I accidentally…”


“I accidentally slept with one of the maids.”

What?!” I was shocked and my voice came out of me like nothing.

“I‘m sorry. I-I-Y-You didn‘t come!” He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

And so?! Does that make you free to have with someone else?!” I raised my voice as a few people around us looked at me but I ignored their staring.

“What if it was YOU who slept with SOMEONE ELSE? Would you want me to be this angry at you?!” He asked and I only looked at him with no prepared answer.

Club Time…

“What‘s wrong?” A friend asked and I shook my head unconsciously.

“I don‘t know. I‘m doing some thinking.” I said like a dead person.

“Thinking about what? You look more depressed than a abused child!” My friend cried out and I turned to her.

“Do I look good as a mother?” I burst out and she furrowed her eyebrows.

“Wow wow wow. Are you----” She flew back at my sudden question.

“Pfft. No. Heck. No.” I scoffed.

“Dam. When was the last time Little Nich---”


“Sorry…” She giggled and sat still beside me as everyone else around us went wild.

“I was just thinking that while Nichkhun slept with another woman, I also slept----”

“With another man.” My friend finished like she understood my situation.

“And that guy was such a . H-He… You know what? He thought I was one of the worker here!” I told her and she widen her eyes a bit.

“As in…”

“Mm Hm.” I nod my head and she burst in laughter.

Who wouldn‘t mistake you as one of Nichkhun little that works?! Look at you! Dress---” She laughed until she caught my deadly face and stopped talking.

“See. M-My point is… No, YOUR point is…?” She stuttered and ‘listened’.

“I don‘t know but I just haven‘t met a man like him who would just consider me as a . Argh. I‘m so paranoid.” I grunt and was about to take a shot of whatever it was but my friend stopped me.

“For your safety, let‘s not drink.” She nervously laughed and put my hand back down.

“Why should I worry about my safety?” I gave her a look.

“Uh.. Because! You are going to get drunk again a-and then w-what if you sleep with someone different tonight? Again!” She reasoned and I thought about it.

First off, let me introduce this friend of mine who have been with me for a while. Her name is Sunshine and I really don’t know why she has a English name when her English so bad. We’ve been friends for a while or… a few years? Thanks to Nichkhun’s club, I met someone like her who can gossip about everything but shut up when you want her to be quiet. Okay, back to the story.

“I‘m going outside for a bit.” Sunshine announced then left.

I sighed and looked at the drink I wanted to consider as my last drink for the night when someone sat down next to me.

“Seems like you and I are loners tonight.” A voice more charming than Nichkhun entered my eardrums.

I swayed my head towards my new neighbor and smiled at him. He had chinky eyes that acted like lines on his nice structure face. Although, his face was pure and delicate. His cologne wasn’t too strong nor was it too much to make me cough.

“Can I get you something?” He requested and I looked at my empty glass.

“Um… sure, if you don‘t try to take advantage of me.” I teased and he smiled before ordering two drinks for us.

I tapped my index finger on the glass counter as our drinks were preparing their way to us. I softly placed my chin on my palm and turned to my neighbor.

“So what‘s your name?” I asked.

“Taeyang. And you?” He reversed the question.

“Oo Na.” I replied as he handed me a drink.

“Just Oo Na?” He kind of smiled.

“Mm Hm. Just Oo Na. Nothing special.” I scoffed and took a sip from my drink.

“I really like your hair.” I complimented as I realized how he got style everywhere on him.

It was just amazing to see a man like him with such great style.

“You do? At first, I didn‘t like it but I end up getting use to it. Thanks anyway.” He thanked.

“So… are you here for a regular party or…” Taeyang questioned as he pointed around.

“Oh, I‘m----”

No, you are not Nichkhun’s girlfriend.’ I reminded myself in my head.

“Just a regular customer. I come here often.” I shyly smiled and he did the same.

“How about you, handsome? Why are you here tonight?” I leaned forward as I asked him the question.

“Bored, I guess. I needed to spark my life once in a looong while.” He responded as he looked at my lips then my eyes.

“I bet so.” I pulled back and leaned my back against the counter.

He chuckled and ordered two more drinks. I followed his actions at the corner of my eye and I secretly grew excited.

“Here.” He handed me a new drink.

“A toast for loners?” He said with a big, adorable, handsome, y, too damn hot smile.

I looked at the sizzling alcohol then took the offer.

“I guess it’s better than getting drunk with someone who I don‘t know their name yet?” I chuckled then we toast to each other.


No One’s POV

One hour later…

“W-Wh-- *hiccups* Oh … W-What‘s his name again?” Oo Na was all over Sunshine.

S-Sunshine~” She hoarsely singed out loud.

“Okay. I told you not to drink-- Ugh--- Too much.” Sunshine told Oo Na as she picked Oo Na up who was falling down every step she took.

Sunshine exhaustedly toss Oo Na on the bed and fell to the floor. She fan herself as she was sweating a little. It was such a bad workout for her. She’d rather prefer real workouts at a gym or with a y male gym teacher.

Sunshine cut her thoughts and went out to party some more. She was sure that her friend was ‘safe’ so she prepared a trash can close by Oo Na’s side and went out. After she silently shut the door and walked a few steps, she realized she had no card to get in Oo Na’s room. She fiddled with her fingers and walked back to the door but her favorite hottie was walking towards her. Next minute, her eyes and feet followed him.


Oo Na was gagging but nothing came out. Recently, Nichkhun and her haven’t been getting along since he ‘cheated’ on her and well, she cheated on him too but she haven’t said anything yet. Time went by and although Oo Na was drunk, she still remember where she was and how she got there. Then the door clicked opened and she lifted up her tired head. Oo Na didn’t move a bit of muscle until the wobbly body plunged on the bed, not moving much too. She smirked and crawled closer to the man who she thought it could be.

“Let‘s make up, shall we?” She whispered in his air.



I was bored while my classmates were taking a test so I decided to update. Going on a field trip today and looking forward for a better day? Oh and about KBS banning JYJ. Anyone saw that? And then CJES's response to it? Oh gee. Everything is turning crazy these days :\


The last time I had with Nichkhun was… two months ago? Possibly three.



“M-My birth controls…” I muttered with my beach ball eyes not blinking even for a millisecond.

“Why? What‘s up with them? Are they the reason why you got fatter?” Sunshine joked, trying to set a happier mood for us.


“Tae…?” Sunshine quietly wondered then gasped.

“Taeyang?!” She was closed to choking on the name.

“I think it is.” I nodded and Sunshine swallowed.

“Why?” I questioned.



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sakura #2
Omg! The person she slept with was Jaejoong! Such a jerk he was!<br />
Speaking of which, please tell me that the person Oo Na is about to make up is not Jaejoong<br />
Taeyang!! Why couldn't it be you instead <br />
Thanks for the update<br />
Update soon ;)<br />
<br />
I saw the article on allkpop and I was super mad. They still didn't have any right...stupid KBS
sakura #3
Wait! Is that Jaejoong or Taeyang? <br />
Such a jerk! He have such a bad attitude plus manner!!!!<br />
Omg I feel bad for Oo Na now<br />
<br />
Thank you for the update<br />
Can't wait for the update
sakura #4
That had better be Nichkhun in that room!!!!<br />
Hehe wouldn't mind if it was Jaejoong now <br />
I'm loving it!!!<br />
<br />
Thank you for the update!<br />
Can't wait for the next one!
sakura #6
Aw I miss you so much. I miss reading AMHE. <br />
Oo Na is something alright...<br />
She and Nichkhun are buddies huh? <br />
<br />
Can't wait for more!!!
miss your jaejoong's fanfiction after A Marriage happy ending..C=
looking forward for the first chapter~<br />
update soon!~<br />
Just_Lan #9
Hmm sounds pretty interestingP