
It all started with a strange dream



Jiyong kept fiddling with his hands nervously, as he walked quietly behind Carmen.

“Aish….. She probably thinking that I’m some weird stranger.”Jiyong mumbled to himself.

“What did you say?” Carmen asked him with a hint annoyance.

As Carmen turned to face him, he muttered a single word “Nothing…” He couldn’t help but stare into her deep dark brown eyes, they looked just so mesmerizing to Jiyong.

“WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT??” Carmen practically snapped at him.

“Erm….. Nothing..” Jiyong replied sheepishly.

“Whatever, I need to go somewhere.” Carmen said in a lackadaisical tone.

“Arasso.” Jiyong looked down on the ground.

After Carmen left, Jiyong was alone in the garden.

“Great she probably thinks that I am some ert.” Jiyong mentally slapped himself.

 “I will probably never ever get to meet her again. I ruined everything. I am such a stupid failure.” Jiyong said as a single tear ran down his cheek.

“Are you alright?”

Jiyong turned as he heard the angelic voice. It was a nice-looking girl with long, wavy hair. She looked at him with concerned eyes.

“Broke up with your girlfriend?”

Jiyong shook his head. He started breaking down and told every detail of the events that happened with Carmen. He just don’t know why but he felt comfortable with that girl.

“Its alright, after all you love her don’t you? You’ll probably get to meet her again.” The girl winked at him.

“I guess so……”Jiyong said uncertainly.

“Have more confidence. If you’re like this, how on earth would you be able to win her heart? I gotta go, here’s my number if you need some cheering up.” The girl smiled handing him a piece of paper with her number.

With that the girl left.

“Is she really right? Why I am so unconfident? Aish, Jiyong you’re going insane.”

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I command you to continue the story so that it will be Carmen's B'day prezzie this year! And change the name!
Heyy! Could you change your tag from JiyoUng to JiyOng? Because Jiyoung is from Kara and people will get confused on the people. Thank you.
Woahhhh Whos the girl!?
i enjoyed the update. :] thanks for updating. ^^
P.S!!! You spelt Jiyong wrongly! Carmen will kill you! Change it~~
Hwaiting~~ Bleh~~ :P :D
this sounds intresting. :] <br />
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<marquee> UPDATE SOON. <b> UPDATE SOON~! </b> UPDATE SOON :)) </marquee>