First conversation

It all started with a strange dream


Jiyong’s diary:


Dear diary,

Yesterday night I had the strangest dream of my life. In my dream I saw a girl...........


During the dream:

Jiyong sees the girl. She looked pretty with bangs and shoulder-length hair. She had a mysterious aura radiating from her body, one that attracted you so much that you would want to keep her in mind. She was so attracted yet calm to Jiyong. But before he could talk to her, he woke up from his dream. “Aish! I never got to speak to that pretty girl. Never mind that was just a dream, she is probably not real at all.” Jiyong scolded himself. But as much as he tried, he could not get that girl off his mind. In order to clear his mind, he decided to take a walk around Seoul.

Jiyong was walking alone in a beautiful spring garden in Seoul. He was walking slowly and that pretty girl still couldn’t get out of his mind. Suddenly, a breeze of wind came by and suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, Jiyong saw the pretty girl. “Omo! Isn’t that the girl from my dream? What is she doing her?” he asked himself, astonished. She looked so perfect as the wind blow her hair around. “Should I speak to her? After all I might never see again.” Jiyong debated in his mind.

Taking a chance, he up his courage. Smiling really hard, Jiyong sweetly said, “Hi! I am Jiyong. Nice to meet you.” Jiyong took out his hand preparing to shake hands with her. “Er….. I’m Carmen. Nice to meet you too” the girl replied, ignoring his handshake. Jiyong had a feeling that the girl didn’t like him. So as to liven things a bit he suggested that they take a walk around the garden. With hesitation she replied, ”Ok…”

“Omo why is my heart beating so fast? Aish the girl is so beautiful! I finally got to talk to her!” Jiyong thought to himself, never taking his eyes off the girl.

Yay!!! the first chappie. What will happen next?? :D

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I command you to continue the story so that it will be Carmen's B'day prezzie this year! And change the name!
Heyy! Could you change your tag from JiyoUng to JiyOng? Because Jiyoung is from Kara and people will get confused on the people. Thank you.
Woahhhh Whos the girl!?
i enjoyed the update. :] thanks for updating. ^^
P.S!!! You spelt Jiyong wrongly! Carmen will kill you! Change it~~
Hwaiting~~ Bleh~~ :P :D
this sounds intresting. :] <br />
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<marquee> UPDATE SOON. <b> UPDATE SOON~! </b> UPDATE SOON :)) </marquee>