Chapter 6

The Unconscionable Bet

Charmaine was filing away the last piece of paper when a soft tap on the ledge in front of her called her attention.  She looked up with a welcome smile and greeted, “Hello, how can I help you?”

Raymond’s breathing halted at the sight that greeted him.  If angels truly existed then this was what an angel would look like he mused.  His gaze traveled over her compelling deep brown eyes, her pert nose and the softness of her smile and again he thought that she reminded him of an angel.  All she needed was a halo above her head and wings to complete the look.  He wasn't even aware that he had been staring at her until he noted the sudden hot flush of color in her cheeks.  Remembering his purpose, he cleared his throat and said, “I would like to do some volunteer work for the center.”

Charmaine smiled with natural friendliness as she retrieved a form from a tray and handed it to the him.  “Please fill out this form.”

Raymond took the form and scanned it quickly.  He was more interested in getting her name than filling out the form at this moment.  Since flirting was his nature, he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s your name beautiful?”

Charmaine smiled shyly as she lowered her eyes and answered, “It’s Charmaine.”

So this is Charmaine Sheh he thought with a grin.  Kevin calling her gorgeous was an understatement.  She was more than that.  Looking closely at her, he thought she projected an aura of untouched innocence and naiveté that intrigued and fascinated him.  And like Kevin, he was dying to find out for himself whether she was truly as pure and chaste as she looks.  “I’m Raymond,” he said and extended his hand to her.

Charmaine saw his outstretched hand and out of politeness touched it briefly in the merest of a handshake.  She pointed to a corner in the room and said, “You can have a seat while you fill out the form.”

Raymond’s skin tingled where they had touched.  With a cheeky smile, he said, “Sure.”  He chose the seat which offered him a direct line of view of her.  In between filling out the form, he found himself looking up every few seconds to check her out some more.  She was now talking on the phone.  Her voice was soft and gentle, and he noted that her voice in some ways reflected the same quality as her features.  Angelic.  He completed the form and hurried back to her.  “All done,” he said and handed it to her.

Without looking at him, Charmaine took the form from him and said, “We will review the form and will contact you shortly.”

“I have to wait?” Raymond asked with surprise.

Charmaine lifted her eyes to his and said in that sweet voice that he had come to enjoy listening to, “Yes.  We have to check your references and see if you meet our requirements.  If you do, then our supervisor will call to schedule an interview with you.”

Raymond didn’t know what to make of this.  He hadn’t expected an interview process.  It’s only volunteer work.  Not like he’s going to be getting paid for providing his services.  What’s with all the procedure he thought grimly?  His thoughts must have shown on his face for Charmaine smiled apologetically at him.

“It’s routine and will take only a few days.  You’ll probably be getting a call from our supervisor as early as tomorrow,” Charmaine said.

Hearing her explanation, Raymond felt more at ease.  He guessed waiting a few days won’t matter much.  The time frame that Kevin had given him was more than enough for his purpose.  Still, he wanted to see her again soon and he hasn’t even left yet.  “I understand.  I guess I’m a bit anxious.”

Perplexed by his reason, Charmaine asked, “Anxious for what?”

Raymond laughed softly and instead of telling her what was in his mind, which was that he was anxious to see her again, he lied, “With helping the elders.  I want to do something worthwhile and I guess I’m anxious to start.”

Charmaine who is inexperienced with the ways of a man’s thinking nodded her head in empathy, “You’ll be helping them in no time and we appreciate each and everyone’s efforts to our center.  Without volunteers our center would not still be here today.”

“Charmaine, do you know where is…,” Astrid trailed off when she saw who was at the desk.  “Raymond Lam?”

Raymond turned to look at the older woman and no recognition came forth.  He highly doubted that he had hit on her since she was much older than him.  He smiled politely and asked, “Have we met?”

Astrid walked towards him and laughed softly, “Not formally but I used to work for your mother and we still keep in touch.  I recognized you from a picture that she had shown me of you a few weeks ago.”

“I better have a chat with Mom about showing my pictures around.  I hope the picture was at least a decent one,” Raymond joked.

Astrid giggled and said, “Very decent.  What brings you here?”

Charmaine handed her Raymond’s completed application form and said, “Mr. Lam has just signed up for volunteer work at our center.”

Astounded Astrid looked at Raymond skeptically, “Really?  Your mother never mentioned anything about this to me last week.”

Raymond was proficient when it came to lying and easily responded, “I didn’t tell her because if she knew I was spending my time doing volunteer work she and my Dad would insist that I help out in the family business instead.  But I want to do something worthwhile that can benefit other people.”

“But why?” Astrid pressed on.  “If you want to help others you could just donate money.  There’s no need for you to do any physical work.”

Raymond darted a quick glance at Charmaine and found her waiting for his answer and he knew his explanation had to be logical and plausible in order for them to believe him.  With a dramatic sigh he said softly, “People only see me as some sort of rich spoil kid with a hollow shell.  I guess I want to see for myself if I am more than that and can make a difference in someone’s life.”  When Raymond saw the compassion and sympathy in their eyes, he knew they had bought his little fib.  Smiling inwardly he added, “But if you think I’m not serious about this I understand.  I’ll leave now.”

“Wait,” Astrid said when he was about to leave, “When can you start?”

Elated, Raymond smiled and said, “I can start any day.”

Astrid turned to Charmaine, “Why don’t you make the arrangements for him.”

Charmaine nodded and turned to Raymond.  This time she was the one who extended her hand to him, “We’re happy to have you join our center.”

Raymond shook her hand and held it longer than necessary.  With his eyes piercing into hers, he murmured, “So am I.”

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Chapter 49: Such a cute ending to such a mature story.
Chapter 36: Nooo, I thought was going to get a knife and stab him when he got in!
( ;´Д`)
hielooo #3
charray #4
Wonderful Simcon, so our lovely Charray finally could be together for good, poor Joel...I still think of his case, it was just awful, someone like Kevin should be punished but poor Joel he might have been so fast! Thanks so much for writing this lovely fanfic. I'm looking forward to your next ones, lol!
mewmew #5
Fantastic, simply fantastic! I could have not ask for a better ending, Simcon. Thank you for yet another enjoyable story to read, indeed, you are a great writer. I'm a bit sad that the story has ended, but I do look forward in reading your new story! <br />
luvcharray4ever #6
wow I didn expect it to be ended that quick but I enjoy reding this story anyway. Thank you very much for all charray' Fanfics SIMCON. You are the best and your story is just getting better and better. I feel sad for Joey but I admire his love for Charmaine. He loves her so much and no wonder Raymond felt that way but yay happy ending.!!!
sightsounds #7
awwww!!! fantastic! I loved this story. You are indeed a great writer! I can't wait to read more from you.