Chapter 4

The Unconscionable Bet

Charmaine walked into the center with her head hung low.  She didn’t know how to explain what happened last night to Astrid.  The contribution from the Chengs would do wonders for their shabby center and now because of her they wouldn’t be getting it.  If only she should have…  She couldn’t even fathom what the outcome would have been if she allowed Kevin Cheng to do as he pleased.  He was a despicable person and Charmaine prayed that she wouldn’t have to see him again.  Unfortunately luck has never been on her side.  The moment she walked into the reception area there he was, standing straight and tall staring cockily at her as if he had been waiting for her arrival.

Astrid was talking to the elder Mr. Cheng and turned when she saw Charmaine.  “You’re early as usual,” she greeted cheerfully.

Charmaine gave her a noncommittal smile and walked nervously passed Kevin Cheng towards Astrid.  She felt his eyes follow her and she wished she had call out sick today.  “Are you looking for me?” she asked in her usual soft timid voice.

“Yes, Mr. Cheng wants to go over some things with you from last night,” Astrid said.

Charmaine dared a quick glance at Kevin Cheng and found his eyes looking at her intensely.  She saw that the slap she gave him last night was now a subtle pink hue on his cheek.  Wringing her hands fretfully she said, “Astrid, I need to talk to you about last night.”

Kevin was now upon them with a tigerish smile on his face.  In a honey soft voice he said, “You were wonderful last night with all your ideas for the charity ball.”  He turned and gave Astrid a wide smile of appreciation, “I’m surprised you haven’t gotten her to work on special events sooner.  She’s a natural at it.”

Astrid was pleasantly surprised by his praise and beamed at Charmaine, “I knew you could do it.”

“But I…” Charmaine began but didn’t have the chance to finish her sentence.

“Let’s have our discussion in the conference room,” Kevin injected and with his usual obnoxiousness, placed a firm hand on Charmaine’s arm and half pulled, half led her down the short hall in the direction of the center’s main conference room.

Charmaine turned to give Astrid a pleading look but Astrid had already walked in the opposite direction with the elder Mr. Cheng.  The moment they entered the room Kevin closed the door firmly behind him.  The click of the lock sounded extremely loud to Charmaine’s ears as she stood with her back against the wall watching Kevin with wary apprehension.  She didn’t like the way his lips were curled sardonically as he idly made his way towards her.  “W-What do you want?” she quivered.

Kevin brought his fingers to touch at his injured cheek and said, “I want to repay you for this.”  With a lusty grin he added softly, “My way of course.”

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on me,” Charmaine threatened fearfully.  But the effect of the threat was ruined by her ever gentle voice.

Kevin stopped his cornering of her and instead pulled a chair out and sat down.  “I don’t like to use force on a woman.  Name your price.”

Puzzled by his comment, Charmaine asked, “Price?  For what?”

Kevin pulled out his checkbook from his pocket and said, “How much do you want for sleeping with me?”

The realization of his words angered and shamed Charmaine.  “I am not for sale!”

Kevin laughed with disbelief, “Every woman can be bought for the right price.”  He dropped his checkbook onto the table and walked towards her.  Placing an arm on either side of her to bar her from escaping he stared longingly at and said, “I want you badly.  Ever since the moment I laid my eyes on you.  I want to find out are you as sweet and innocent in bed as you look out of it.  Money is not a problem for me.  Tell me how much you want.”

Charmaine pushed at his arms to get away but they wouldn’t budge.  Helpless and terrified by the heat in his eyes and the way his body was now pressing down on hers, she cried, “I don’t want anything from you.  Please let me go!”

“Charmaine!  Is everything alright in there?” Astrid called worriedly from the other side of the door.

“Help!” Charmaine screamed and in just seconds the door was flung open with Astrid, the elder Mr. Cheng and the center’s security guard rushing in.

Astrid sized up the situation immediately and held Charmaine protectively in her arms.  In a steel voice she looked at Kevin Cheng and said brusquely, “We are no longer interested in any contributions you have to make.  I don’t want to make a big deal out of this so please leave the premises immediately or else I will call the police.”

“Kevin!  What’s gotten into you?  Are you crazy?” the elder Mr. Cheng bellowed as he gaped at his one and only son as if seeing him for the first time.  “How could you?!”

Kevin ignored his father’s rage and stared with fury at Astrid then lowered his eyes to Charmaine who was now weeping softly into Astrid’s shoulder.  “We’ll leave,” he informed them sharply.  He turned and started for the door but stopped at the doorway to give them a scathing look.  In a smooth cold voice he said, “You’re going to regret ever turning me down Charmaine Sheh.”

“Get out!” Astrid shouted.  When the two mister Chengs were finally gone she continued to hold Charmaine and said soothingly, “I’m sorry Charmaine.  I should have known.  I’m so sorry.”

Charmaine lifted her wet eyes to Astrid and said apologetically, “I’m sorry about us not getting the contribution.  It’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault at all and I don’t care about the contribution!  I care only about you,” Astrid assured forcefully.  With her arms still around Charmaine, Astrid led her out the room, “Let’s get your face washed up and forget this ever happened.”  Charmaine nodded her head dully.

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Chapter 49: Such a cute ending to such a mature story.
Chapter 36: Nooo, I thought was going to get a knife and stab him when he got in!
( ;´Д`)
hielooo #3
charray #4
Wonderful Simcon, so our lovely Charray finally could be together for good, poor Joel...I still think of his case, it was just awful, someone like Kevin should be punished but poor Joel he might have been so fast! Thanks so much for writing this lovely fanfic. I'm looking forward to your next ones, lol!
mewmew #5
Fantastic, simply fantastic! I could have not ask for a better ending, Simcon. Thank you for yet another enjoyable story to read, indeed, you are a great writer. I'm a bit sad that the story has ended, but I do look forward in reading your new story! <br />
luvcharray4ever #6
wow I didn expect it to be ended that quick but I enjoy reding this story anyway. Thank you very much for all charray' Fanfics SIMCON. You are the best and your story is just getting better and better. I feel sad for Joey but I admire his love for Charmaine. He loves her so much and no wonder Raymond felt that way but yay happy ending.!!!
sightsounds #7
awwww!!! fantastic! I loved this story. You are indeed a great writer! I can't wait to read more from you.