Chapter 31

The Unconscionable Bet

Raymond had received the call from Astrid last night that Charmaine was returning to work the next day.  It had been over a week since he last saw her and he can't wait to see her again. Hopefully, she'll give him the chance to explain and prove to her that he truly loves her.  He knew the road ahead of him will be difficult but nevertheless, he was determined to make it up to her.  During the past week he had reflected upon all his past actions and wondered how he could have done the things he did.  Even he was disgusted at himself.  It took meeting Charmaine to finally learn the true meaning of life.  Charmaine.  Just the thought of her made his heart clench with anticipation.  He quickly grabbed his car keys and left the apartment.  It won't be long before he could lay eyes on her beautiful face again.  He was prepared for any type of screaming, or rejection she'll put up.  Still, he won't let that deter him from his goal.  He will beg her to give him another chance if he had to.  No matter what the cost is, he wanted her in his life again.


Charmaine saw the center up ahead and a smile begins to form on her lips.  She really did miss the place.  This was her first employment since she graduated from college.  Although she has a masters in business and economics, she chose instead to do a simpler job that enables her to help others.  All her classmates who graduated the same year as her moved on to become real professionals in the business world and were making at least four times more than she was.  Yet Charmaine was never envious.  She was happy with what she did and never regretted her choice.  She started up the path to the main entrance when a body appeared suddenly in front of her.  Jumping back in surprise she looked up to see the leery face of Kevin Cheng.  "What do you want?" she croaked, her heart hammering loudly as she recalled the last time he stepped onto her path and caused her whole world to come crashing down on her.

Kevin laughed at her guarded expression and said teasingly, "Is that any way to greet your boyfriend's buddy?  I expected some friendliness from you."

Charmaine glanced around her and not a person was in sight to save her from this monster.  With aggravation, she repeated, "What do you want?"

Kevin took a step towards her and out of reflex Charmaine took a step back.  With appraising eyes, he skimmed her from head to toe and murmured, "You really are beautiful."  When he saw her shudder he walked slowly towards her and dropped his voice even lower, "I'm actually here to see if you've changed your mind about sleeping with me.  After all, you did with Raymond so I really don't see any difference whether it's him or me."

Charmaine stared at him with angry shock, "What kind of person do you think I am?!"

Kevin didn't seem to hear her as he continued talking in that low grating voice, while his eyes dipped from time to time down the length of her.  "Raymond told us how smooth and soft your skin is.  Like a porcelain doll, he said.  I'm itching to touch it for myself.  And from the picture he showed us, I think he's right."

"Leave me alone!" Charmaine her heels but Kevin grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him again.  "Let go of me!" she hissed furiously.

Kevin's hand tightened painfully on her arm as he asked bitterly, "What does Ray have that I don't?  You took your clothes off for him so you could do the same for me!"

Charmaine slapped at his arm to be release and tears of fear and frustration sprung to her eyes as she tried in vain to escape from his hold.  "You're crazy!  Let go of me now!"  She glanced around with desperation for someone, anyone, to save her from this madman.

Sensing her thoughts, Kevin laughed and pulled her up close to him.  Before she could react, he slipped an arm around her waist and held her securely against him.  Now that he had her trapped, a sinister smile formed on his lips as he slowly begin maneuvering them over to a shaded area out of view.  It didn't take long for him to drag her over.  With a large thick tree obstructing them from view, Kevin's actions became bolder.  He pinned her against the tree with his body and silenced her cries of help by pressing his mouth roughly down on hers.

Charmaine could feel his excitement through their compressed bodies and she struggled wildly to be free.  She was sick to her stomach from his kisses and she could feel her own energy being drained from her with her useless attempts.  She gasped against his invading mouth to be free.

Kevin heard her piteous cries and finally lifted his head to look down at her terrified face, but not before covering with his hand to prevent her from screaming.  Staring hotly down at her upturned face, Kevin whispered, "You're even more beautiful when frightened.  You were lucky last time but this time you're not getting away."

Charmaine shook her head, her eyes wet and wide with terror at the insinuation.  Her tears seem to incite him as Kevin quickly removed his hand from and reclaimed it with his own mouth.  Charmaine continued to struggle against him when suddenly his weight was lifted off her.  She looked up in stunned surprise to see Raymond clasping Kevin by the shoulder with one hand and with the other punching him blow after blow in the stomach.

After delivering a few more blows he dropped Kevin to crumble to the ground and hurried over to Charmaine, steadying her with tender hands on her arms.  "Are you alright?" he asked his eyes running over her face and seeing the paleness of it infuriated him.  "I'm going to kill him for what he did."

Charmaine pushed him away and cried, "Stop pretending you care about me!"

"But I do!" Raymond shouted, angry at himself and especially at Kevin for what they've done to her.  Lowering his voice he said quietly, "I love you Charmaine."

Charmaine began edging herself away from him and Kevin, who was crouched on the ground watching them with interest.  "Stay away from me the both of you!"

"Charmaine…" Raymond began but she took off into the center.  When she was out of sight, he turned to Kevin, a cold glint in his eyes.  "If I ever catch you near her or hear that you have harmed her in any way I'm going to come after you."

Kevin picked himself up leisurely, a carefree smile on his face.  "Don't tell me what I can or cannot do Ray."  Giving Raymond a look of contempt, Kevin sauntered off the premises.

Joel who had arrived seconds after Raymond witnessed what happened.  Without being seen by Raymond, he made a detour into the center to look for Charmaine.

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Chapter 49: Such a cute ending to such a mature story.
Chapter 36: Nooo, I thought was going to get a knife and stab him when he got in!
( ;´Д`)
hielooo #3
charray #4
Wonderful Simcon, so our lovely Charray finally could be together for good, poor Joel...I still think of his case, it was just awful, someone like Kevin should be punished but poor Joel he might have been so fast! Thanks so much for writing this lovely fanfic. I'm looking forward to your next ones, lol!
mewmew #5
Fantastic, simply fantastic! I could have not ask for a better ending, Simcon. Thank you for yet another enjoyable story to read, indeed, you are a great writer. I'm a bit sad that the story has ended, but I do look forward in reading your new story! <br />
luvcharray4ever #6
wow I didn expect it to be ended that quick but I enjoy reding this story anyway. Thank you very much for all charray' Fanfics SIMCON. You are the best and your story is just getting better and better. I feel sad for Joey but I admire his love for Charmaine. He loves her so much and no wonder Raymond felt that way but yay happy ending.!!!
sightsounds #7
awwww!!! fantastic! I loved this story. You are indeed a great writer! I can't wait to read more from you.