Chapter 29

The Unconscionable Bet

Charmaine didn’t sleep at all.  She spent the entire night tossing and turning with thoughts of Raymond.  Each time she thought about all the lies that he had told her and how gullible she was for believing them, a stab of pain would cut across her already broken heart.  She didn't think it possible for any one to be so cruel or devious to deceive another's trust and emotions.  Yet, Raymond proved to her that such people do exist.  What got to her most was that she had never expected anything like this to happen to her.  She had always played it safe and the one time she finally decided to let her guard down and open up her heart, she ends up being betrayed and hurt.  She doubts she'll ever recover from this nor forget Raymond.  How could she when she still loved him, even now after what he did.  All along she relied on her own judgment and felt rather than saw, or at least she thought she did, that Raymond's affection for her was real.  Who could have known what a great actor he was or how smoothly and easily it was for him to lie.  He must have laughed behind her back when she confessed her love to him.  And all she was to him was a game to pass some time with.  She felt the tears rise in her eyes and quickly brushed it back.  She wasn't doing herself any good rehashing everything.  A knock sounded on the door and sitting up in bed she called out, "Come in."

Joel's bright smile seemed to fill the room as he greeted cheerily, "Good morning."

Charmaine mumbled a low good morning.

"How did you sleep?" Joe asked cautiously as he stepped into the room and sat down at the end of the bed.

Charmaine couldn't seem to meet his eyes for it would give away her every thoughts and emotion.  With her head bent low over her fidgeting fingers, she muttered, "Okay."

Joel knew it would be a while before the Charmaine that he knows and love will get back on her feet but he knows she could do it.  Despite her soft and demure demeanor, Charmaine was strong and she was unbreakable.  That's why he loves her so much.  And although she didn't feel that same type of love towards him, he was content to be her friend.  Giving her a warm smile he said, "I'm going to work now.  I left a set of my house keys on the table in case you want to go out for a walk."

Charmaine lifted her eyes to his and her gratitude was clear on her face, "Thanks Joel," she whispered.

Joel stood up and walked to stand beside her.  Patting her hand, he said, "You're very welcome and make yourself at home.  Help yourself to anything in the kitchen and I'll pick up dinner on my way home tonight."

Charmaine nodded dully not knowing what else to say to him for his kindness.

As if reading her thoughts, Joel kneeled down on the floor beside her and took her hand in his.  “Remember that I will always stand by your side no matter what.  We’re good friends and good friends can lean on each other when they need a shoulder to cry on.  Right?”

Charmaine couldn’t help but smile at his words.  “Thanks again for everything.”


Raymond spent a restless night worrying about Charmaine.  He had to see her and rectify the wrongs he did.  All he wanted was one chance.  A chance to make everything right again.  If only he had confessed everything to her but then he didn’t realize how much she meant to him until recently.  Now it may be too late.  He can’t imagine not ever seeing her smile or hearing her sweet soft voice again.  He didn’t want to lose her now that he found her.  Charmaine gave him a purpose in life.  She made him see things in a different perspective, one that he never thought of seeing.  In all, she made him want to become a better person and do something meaningful with his life.  And he wouldn’t be able to do it alone.  He needed her by his side to guide him.

He ran into the Fountain Youth center and the first person he came across was Nancy.  Nancy heard the heavy stampede of footsteps and looked up.  Seeing who it was, the smile she had on her face quickly vanished.  Putting down her clipboard she marched over to him and hissed angrily, "What are you doing here?  We don't want you here anymore!"

“Please Nancy,” Raymond pleaded, “I want to speak to Charmaine.  I need to explain everything to her.  Tell me where I can find her.”

Nancy made a huffing sound and jabbed at his chest with her finger, “You stay the hell away from her!  Do you hear me?”

Raymond shook his head, “I can’t.  I have to explain.  Please tell me where she is.”

Joel walked in at that moment and the sight of Raymond infuriated him.  He charged over and pushed Raymond backwards.  “How could you show your face around here?!  Get out!”

If Raymond was surprised that Joel knew of what happened, he didn’t show it.  He staggered over to Joel and with pleading in his eyes said hoarsely, “I know what I did was wrong and unforgivable but I really want to see her.”

“Haven’t you done enough damage?” Joel sneered.

Raymond grabbed Joel’s shoulders and shook him roughly, “Tell me dammit!  Where is she?” he shouted.

Joel punched Raymond in the stomach and pushed him back away from him.  “You think I’m going to tell you so that you could hurt her again.  I’m going to make sure she stays as far away from you as possible.”

Raymond suddenly dropped down onto his knees in front of them.  With his eyes glazed with tears, he begged, “Please tell me.  I love her.”

“You love her?!” Nancy asked with a snarl, “If you love her you wouldn’t have done this to her!  You sure have a funny way of loving a person.”

“I know no matter what I say now you’re not going to believe it,” Raymond said on a ragged breath then added quietly, “but I do love her.”

“I don’t want to waste any more of my time on you,” Nancy said icily then walked away leaving Joel alone with Raymond.  Joel grabbed the front of Raymond’s shirt and hauled him to his feet.  In a deadly calm voice, he warned, “Don’t ever come here again.”  Then with his hands he literally threw Raymond out the front door.

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Chapter 49: Such a cute ending to such a mature story.
Chapter 36: Nooo, I thought was going to get a knife and stab him when he got in!
( ;´Д`)
hielooo #3
charray #4
Wonderful Simcon, so our lovely Charray finally could be together for good, poor Joel...I still think of his case, it was just awful, someone like Kevin should be punished but poor Joel he might have been so fast! Thanks so much for writing this lovely fanfic. I'm looking forward to your next ones, lol!
mewmew #5
Fantastic, simply fantastic! I could have not ask for a better ending, Simcon. Thank you for yet another enjoyable story to read, indeed, you are a great writer. I'm a bit sad that the story has ended, but I do look forward in reading your new story! <br />
luvcharray4ever #6
wow I didn expect it to be ended that quick but I enjoy reding this story anyway. Thank you very much for all charray' Fanfics SIMCON. You are the best and your story is just getting better and better. I feel sad for Joey but I admire his love for Charmaine. He loves her so much and no wonder Raymond felt that way but yay happy ending.!!!
sightsounds #7
awwww!!! fantastic! I loved this story. You are indeed a great writer! I can't wait to read more from you.