
Seeking the New World - Book 4 - Special


Final Chapter - Hope

Hong Ja Young became human after nearly twelve years as a Human-born Argent, but she did not regret losing her abilities. It was her price after encasing and defeating the Great Daemen Spirit. However, knowing that Hye Young was resting in peace, the weight on her shoulders had been lifted when the Argents returned to the society. When she walked passed everyone, all she could see were proud smiles. But behind the smiles, she and the Argents knew that the Heroine of Xiah didn’t belong in the society anymore.

Ja Young put down her scissors and swept up the long pieces of hair on the floor and dropped them in the garbage bin. She brushed off the remaining smaller pieces off her shoulder. She looked through her closet and took out everything in there along with a bag.

While packing her limited belongings, someone knocked on her door.

“Come in,” Ja Young said. Soo Jung came in with some clothes.

“I know you don’t have much, but you should have these just in case anything happens.” Her face lit up only a bit, happy that there were friends in the society who still cared for her.

“I guess you’re a human now.”

Ja Young nodded and looked down.

“Are you sure you’re gonna leave without a word? I can go with you if you want.”

She shook her head. “Thanks, but I think it would be better this way. I’m not allowed to be here after all.”

“But you saved the world and the Argents. The Daemens are gone so you should deserve to stay here,” Soo Jung protested. She placed the clothes on the table and embraced Ja Young into a warm hug.

“I’m sure that the girls in Faction Twenty Eight would say the same thing.” Ja Young returned the hug with a squeeze and pulled away.

“I’ll be fine. I know where I’m going to stay.”

“Are you going back home?” She shook her head and said, “It’s a secret.”

Soo Jung sighed and smoothed Ja Young’s shoulders. “Okay. Are you gonna leave right now?”

“No, I’m going to look around some places and then I’ll go.” Soo Jung hugged her again, except for a bit longer. “I’m sorry I was jealous of you before. Also, you and Jong In really do look good together.” Ja Young faintly flushed and thanked her.

“I hope we’ll see each other again.”

“Same here.” With that Soo Jung said her goodbye and quietly left the room. Ja Young took the clothes she gave her and tucked them into her bag. She looked at her arm that was once the legendary Origin Arm. She did admit to herself she missed how it felt to have flesh on her right palm. She pressed her right fist with her left palm together, feeling no supernatural strength colliding. When she turned human at that time, the Runes scattered around her sank into the ground, never to be salvaged or used again. In a way, Ja Young was relieved because neither the good or evil could greedily get their hands on it. She let go and closed the buckles of her bag. She tied her sword’s tassels to the strap. She held her bag and scanned the plain room one last time.

The first thing she looked at was the window where she loved to watched the view of the society at night, especially when the lights were bright. She moved to the love seat where she and Kai shared their first kiss after opening up to each other. Lastly, she looked at her neat bed where was constantly unconscious and Kai was always waiting by her side until she woke up. Her hand slid to her face, smoothing her features while reminiscing the caresses of Kai's lips. It trailed to her neck and then to her heart where her symbol once etched on her skin. Now, it no longer existed. She could no longer be touched by his love and nothing on her skin could remind her again.

She sighed, turned off the light and left her room. She memorized her door for a few seconds before making her way to the hidden corridor Lu Han showed her almost two years ago.

She went inside the chamber and let memories serve her. She opened the furthest door to the room where she first attached the Origin Arm to her stump. The eeriness of the energy emitting still made her shiver. While unconsciously rubbing the area where it used to be cut off, she said to herself, “Was this supposed to happen to me? I don’t think I deserve to be called Heroine of Xiah anymore.”

The next place she went was the medical clinic, where she was treated there at least five times during her journey. She used to hospitals when she was little but remembered pretending to be brave for Hye Young’s sake. She immediately thought of Lay, how compassionate and caring he was towards not only her, but to all Faction Twenty Four members. She couldn’t be more thankful for him.

She left the clinic and arrived at the training facility, where she used to hone her skills for hours. She remembered when Kai dragged her into the room and forced her to face her weakness. It wasn’t the kindest nor most gentle remedy but it helped her. By far, she would miss the training facility the most out of all the rooms she had ever been to.

Finally, she stopped at the meeting room where she got to know each and every faction member, except for Wu Fan. After her parents were killed, deep in her heart, she truly wanted a family who cared for her. Faction Twenty four may not have been biologically related to her but they were close enough to consider them as her brothers. 

With enough time to embed the memories of the estate in her mind, she set off to exit the building. Before she walked through the doors the last time, she turned back and whispered, “Goodbye.”

Ja Young kept her head down as she went down the steps but stopped when she saw several pairs of feet waiting for her. She looked up and saw all eleven faction members with unreadable looks ranging from sadness and betrayal on their faces. Ying Jie and Xiang Hua sniffed their noses as they held back tears, standing by Lay.

“So you’re planning to leave without a peep, huh?” D.O raised an eyebrow and Ja Young averted her gaze from them.

“We expected better from you, Hong Ja Young,” Baek Hyun clucked his tongue as he lightly joked.

“How did you know?” She meekly asked.

Lu Han patted Se Hun’s shoulder while explaining, “He spotted you leaving your room with your belongings.” Her shoulders slumped slightly.

“After saving our kind and humanity, you repay us with this?” Su Ho pressed.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t think of anything to say to you. You don’t know how much I want to stay here, but I can’t,” she reasoned. “You don’t understand.”

“You are right. We do not, but you must realize that it is quite insulting to disappear without notice,” Chen scolded.

“It’s not fair to any of us,” Xiu Min said. Ja Young looked at Kai who stayed silent out of the rest.

“As punishment, we are going to send you off instead of you sneaking off,” Baek Hyun said. It was supposed to be another joke, but there was a part of her that wanted to see them before she left. She took a breath and agreed. Kai wordlessly teleported nine members and the two children while D.O remained behind.

“There’s a portal that will take you to where you’re gonna go, but we’re leading you there.”

“Are you trying to make me reconsider?” She raised an eyebrow but he laughed.

“Nah, we can’t force ya.” They walked side by side as if it was just another day in the society. When they passed one block, he asked her, “How do you think Kai’s taking this?”

“I think he’ll get angry. He’ll probably think he let me down.”


“Because he can’t look at me in the eyes.”

“Knowing Kai, he’ll probably say something absolutely unnecessary and forgive you later,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone that made her laugh. He saw Chen nearby and turned her towards him.

“Ja Young, wherever you go, try not to forget this handsome best friend of the idiot you love because I’m still itching to fight you one-on-one.” He gave a smirk but he was sincere. Ja Young nodded as he ruffled her hair in a brotherly fashion.

“Hey, I just cut my hair,” she frowned and he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Sorry. Anyway, Chen’s waiting for ya next. See ya around?” The last question left her thinking for a little while before nodding again.

“Yeah. See ya around.” They bumped fists before D.O sent her to Chen. When she walked up to him, he gave a small smile.

“Shall we?” He gestured to the next portion of her path and led her on. 

“Are you going to stay here, Chen?” She asked, but didn’t expect him to nod. “This is where I could call home.”

“But what about the temple?”

“After the Rune of Lightning served its purpose, it is no longer needed. I was destined to remain there for the remaining years of my life but it seemed my cage has been opened for me.”

Ja Young fondly watched him as he explained. “What will you do now?”

“This world isn’t always at peace, so whatever threat comes, I will still fight.”

She stayed silent while he continued, “You have a strange gift to change hearts. Has anyone ever mention that before?” Ja Young thought to herself and said, “I don’t think so.”

“You’re special, Ja Young and I believe the others would agree.”

“Thank you, Chen,” she said. They saw Chan Yeol leisurely gazing at the clouds while waiting. “Be safe and stay well, my friend.”

“I will.” She turned and walked up to her lazy pyrokinetic friend, who craned his head in almost a comical way.

“Come on,” he said and she caught up with his long legs. “You know, it’s gonna be pretty quiet without you around.”

“How can you know? You’re the one that’s dozing off all the time,” she raised an eyebrow. He knowingly nodded and held his hands up in surrender.

“Alright. Guilty as charged, but even with my eyes closed, I could hear a lot of noises from the destruction of the training room.”

“I didn’t destroy the training room.” He patted her head with his large hand.

“Just kidding.” She gave him a look that clearly told him she wasn’t a child. She took it back however because of the drastic height difference between them. While walking, he had been casting a shadow on her the entire time.

“I gotta give you a hand because your courage deserved a lot of praise. I meant from when we went to the Vatiti Islands. You’re a lot braver than most of the female Argents here.”

“You’re exaggerating,” she flushed.

“Maybe,” she eyed on him, “But it’s better than lying, right?” She gave a crooked smile while agreeing with him.

“I guess.” Chan Yeol spotted Xiu Min waiting and stopped where he was.

“This isn’t really my character but, I’m gonna miss you... a lot.” He gave a brief hug before patting her head again.

“So will I,” she replied while playfully shoving his hand off her head. He flashed a toothy grin before sending her to Xiu Min. He pushed her gently before looking away.

Xiu Min nudged his head to the direction they were going, telling her to come along.

“Ja Young, I can not tell you enough how sorry I am. I was there when you were almost killed. I nearly took Kai’s life and I mocked you.”

“I think Xiu Min, the boundless daemen, would have to fall on his knees to apologize but not Kim Min Seok, a member and friend,” she paused to see him making eye contact with her. “And Su Ho’s brother.”

“Hong Ja Young,” he said, with wide eyes.

“When I first saw him, I didn’t think he and I would get along. He looked lost and bitter, as if he was missing something important that could complete him. After I learned about you, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to help him.”

After a moment of silence, Xiu Min spoke up, “I deeply appreciate your consideration for Su Ho. I can only blame my carelessness those years ago.”

They stopped when they saw Baek Hyun waiting, but Ja Young gave a smile and said, “Now I’ve done what I can for him. I’ll leave the rest to you. I knew how it felt to be the older sibling. Please treasure him like I treasured my sister.” Xiu Min nodded and pulled her into a quick tight hug. 

“I’ll remember your wise words, Hong Ja Young.”

While Baek Hyun escorted her, he kept the atmosphere lively and light despite his dropping heart. Although Ja Young wasn’t telepathic, she could tell how much he felt inside because she could feel his footsteps getting heavier, almost dreading her departure.

“Are you going to keep it a secret from us - where you’re going I mean?”

“Baek Hyun,” was all she could say.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. As long it’s a place where you’re safe.”

“Baek Hyun,” she raised her voice a little.

“And just when I was hoping to visit you and chat like old time-”

“Baek Hyun,” she grasped his arm and realized that his eyes were glassy when he looked at her. “Stop talking.” Ignoring the bluntness of her request, he flung his arms around her, holding back tears. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting his head rest on her shoulder.

“I’m never good with farewells. This isn’t right. You shouldn’t leave. You can’t leave.”

“I wish that were possible,” she murmured. While he was trying to stop crying with sniffing she continued, “Baek Hyun, I envy you. You have that kind and carefree smile I can never wear. I only had super strength while you could carry light everywhere you go.”

He gave her a tight squeeze before pulling back. “Please don’t cry anymore. It doesn’t suit you at all.” He weakly chuckled and nodded. He wiped his tears and patted her shoulders. “Thanks, Ja Young. You still have Yin’s kindness.” She merely smiled as they continued to walk in a comfortable silence.

Up ahead, Su Ho was patiently waiting. Baek Hyun nodded at her and quietly bid her farewell.

The first few steps still felt awkward as if they were back at the lake. Ja Young decided to open up a little more while she had the chance. “Hye Young told me that she hated me for one second before it consumed her. She said that she lost faith in me for a moment before she turned herself against me.”

They didn’t face each other but they were listening nonetheless.

“Even after my memories came back to me, I still loved her. She was the only family I had left. Now that I have no one else, I have no choice but to stay strong for her.”

He stopped in his tracks but Ja Young didn’t notice after a few steps.

“You’re admirable. I could not admit it before but I admired your determination to help me. I did not want it but you gave me hope.” He went up to Ja Young and firmly held her hand. “I’m truly grateful for bringing my brother back to me, and my condolences to your sister.”

There was a surge of sadness slowly rising in her chest as he thanked her. She took deep breaths and her eyes lit up slightly at his smile, which she had never seen before. It was one of the most warm and genuine smiles she had ever seen. It fit him better than Baek Hyun perhaps.

Ja Young wordlessly hugged him for a few seconds with him confidently returning it. When they pulled back, he led her to Tao who was preoccupied with a flower in his hand.

“Thank you, Hong Ja Young.”

“Anytime, Joon Myun.” He was slightly taken aback but he still kept the smile as she walked on.

The emotions were still swirling and it became harder to control, knowing that she will have to face her most important people next. The first was Tao, who had placed the flower he fumbled with in her hair.

“Will you visit your village?” she asked.

“Someday, when I have the time,” he calmly answered. “But I do want to go somewhere for sure.”


“Wu Fan’s graves,” he admitted. On the battlefield, all the Argents could never forget the solemn funerals of Hong Hye Young and Wu Fan. Although his body was not found because of his ashes, the Argents created the tombstone for him anyway. He now had two burial sites but both stone engraved him as a hero.

“I should go there too. I could also see Hye Young on the way,” Ja Young reminded. 

“Ja Young,” he said her name. Automatically, she whipped her head to give him her full attention. He chuckled a little, “I suppose old habits die hard.” She gave him a look.

“No matter where you venture, you will still be my student and my friend. Maintain your personal honour and go with a light heart.”

He pressed his fist and palm together, while she mirrored his actions, saluting him. Tao remained where he stood as Ja Young walked on until she found Lu Han.

“Ready?” he asked. She nodded once and they continued her path side by side.

“I can read your mind since you are human, but anyone can read you like an open book now.” She lowered her head slightly.

“Your heart still rests in the society, doesn’t it?” If she was trying to push a boulder of sadness away before, now she was trying to lift a building without her Argentic strength.

“Ja Young, will you look at me please?” He gently requested and cupped her jaw. He peered into her eyes and proudly smiled.

“I’ve told you before that you had the same lost eyes as mine, right? Now they’re not as lost anymore.”

“Lu Han,” she breathed.

“You’re so special, Hong Ja Young. Remember that when you depart.” He pushed her head on his shoulder just in case she was about to cry, but he could still feel the tension in her body as he her back. She was quivering only a little but he was only able to calm her for a bit.

He held her shoulders as he walked her towards her destination. Her inner strength was slowly failing and it was only up to her whether she could pull herself together. The hardest part was that she couldn’t change her mind.

Se Hun was in sight and they broke apart. “Hong Ja Young, be well and take care.”

“Thank you, Lu Han.” She whispered.

Ja Young was frozen when she saw him standing meters away. She couldn’t think of what to say after Hye Young passed away. She figured out only a few hours ago that Se Hun fell in love with her, but she had to take that away from him forever.

“Se Hun,” she called his name. He didn’t move but he turned his head to her with tears ready to trickle down his face. She opened her arms and softly beckoned him loud enough for him to hear. “Come here.”

He willingly ran to her and clung onto her with his tears finally falling and landing on her shirt. “I’m so sorry, Se Hun. I couldn’t do anything to save her, but she saved me instead. This guilt is eating me inside out and I wanted to apologize to you as soon as I could.”

She felt him shake his head fervently on her shoulder.

He gently pulled away after wiping his tears with his sleeves and took in a deep breath. He closed his eyes and planted a sensitive kiss on her cheekbone, taking her by surprise. Processing his actions, she asked him, “Was that what you wanted to say to her?”

He nodded. Ja Young unclasped Hye Young's necklace and put it on Se Hun's. A stray tear leaked from his eyes and she wiped it away with her thumb.

“Take care of yourself. Don’t give Lu Han or the others a hard time, okay?” He nodded again. She sadly smiled before he quietly escorted her to Lay. She mouthed a goodbye before she turned back around.

“I hope you will take care of yourself, Ja Young. You know I will not be able to look out for you anymore.”

Her heart dropped to her stomach at the truth. She would be on her own, even though she told herself she would be fine. Now she wasn’t so sure.

“Yi Xing, can I ask you a request?”


“Could you tell me where Wu Fan’s first grave is?” Lay hitched an inaudible breath at her question. He did not expect it at the very least.

“Why... all of a sudden?”

“I want to pay my respect. I didn’t tell anyone this but when I fought my sister at the castle, I felt someone guiding my body.” He thought to himself as he listened to her.

“I think it was Wu Fan protecting me. I also heard his voice in my head before defeating the dragon. He wanted me to kill him so he could rest again.”

“If I were undead, I would have asked you the same thing. Being alive may be more unbearable than being dead,” he told his opinion and she nodded.

“You told me he was a hero before. If he hadn’t been there for me, I wouldn’t have been here today, standing beside you.” Lay softly smiled and reached out his hand to caress her cheek.

“Yi Xing?”

“You may be Hong Ja Young, but you will always be my Zhang Yin - the girl who took care of the children at the orphanage.”

He kissed her forehead and embraced her in a brotherly hug, savoring her scent and touch. “Yi Xing loves you, Ja Young. Promise me you will remember.”

“I promise,” said Ja Young with her voice muffled by his shirt. Ja Young gingerly removed herself from his arms and gazed at him.

"Come. The two children are waiting.' Lay led her to Ying Jie and Xiang Hua, who dashed into Ja Young's arms in tears.

"You have to promise us to see you again! I don't want you to leave forever!" Ying Jie tried to hold back his tears but he also burst into a bawl and joined the younger Argent.

"You're both very gifted children and you will always be safe here. You have futures to look forward to and it's time for you to continue your journeys without me. I'm very proud of both of you." They continued to bawl in her arms before they reluctantly let go. They went back to Lay as he nodded to her one last time, bidding her goodbye. With that, Ja Young walked on the path alone until she spotted Kai patiently waiting for her. She went up to him and he to her, holding out his hand for her to take as they continued towards the portal together. 

His grip on her hand was tight, as if he didn’t want to let go of her. Her hand hurt but it wasn’t compared to her heart which was already breaking. He broke the uneasy silence with a slightly shaky voice.

“Do you remember when we first met?” he asked. Ja Young inwardly laughed at the memory when she tossed her bag with a stunned Hye Young, dashed at breakneck speed and socked him in the face. She stopped walking which made him stop. Ja Young placed her weak fist on his cheek saying, “Of course I remember, you common thief.”

“You could have killed me if you knew how to control your power,” he smirked.

“Hey! I knew how to control it just fine!” she retorted.

“That comes from someone with no experience.”

“Well that comes from someone who got beaten by a girl.” By that time, they let go of their hands and childishly crossed their arms and looked away form each other. They softened when they looked back.

“I guess some things didn’t change,” he said.

“Yeah,” was all she replied with. Before they knew it, they arrived at the cliff where a portal was waiting for her to step into. They silently looked at it before Kai impulsively spun her and crushed her body against his. From that simple action, Ja Young let out her tears into a heartbreaking sob. Kai let some of his own tears stream from his eyes as he tried to take in her suffering.

“I love you, you reckless idiot, but I can’t do this. I really don’t want to leave you.”

“Then we don’t have to say goodbye.”

She pulled away but his arms were still locked around her waist.

“We don't?” she asked as he wiped some of her tears away.

“We’ll meet again,” he simply said.

“How?” she shakily asked. He paused and lifted her chin to look at her properly.

“What does your heart tell you?” She moved her right hand from his back to his chest where his heart was. She listened to hers while feeling his. After a few moments, their heartbeats were pulsing at the same tempo. She tearfully smiled, which her bottom lip quivered with more tears streaming from her eyes.

Kai leaned in and captured her lips into their last passionate kiss, more fruitful than their episode at the hidden waterfall. She gripped on his grey cardigan as tight as she could, taking this last moment and permanently embedding it into her mind. Her lips couldn't be so precious than anything according to Kai. Nothing could be more bittersweet than their last few minutes in love. When they pulled away to catch their breath, he leaned his forehead against hers.

“Hong Ja Young, whether you are human or Argent, I'll still love you,” he declared.

“Kim Jong In, whether you are by my side or on the other side of the world, I love you,” she said. She gave him one more peck before slowly slipping out of his strong arms. They kept hold of their hands until their fingertips were the last to break the contact. Kai watched her walk to the portal and step inside. She turned back with a slight curl on her lips before her figure disappeared into the sky into tiny life particles.

We didn’t say goodbye. Let’s wait until we do see each other again. Hong Ja Young, you sought the New World. Go and wander the wonders until we meet again. From then on, we’ll wander the rest of the new world together.

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Chapter 15: Is this story really over,,,, aacchhhh heart wrenching goodbyes,,,, amazingly written,,, please continue the story authornim,,,,
Neesanessa #2
OMG I can't believe it's over! This is one of my favourite exo fanfics hands down. I really hope you write another fic! I'll be looking forward to that ^_^
Chapter 15: What an amazing story, just can't believe it's over :(
Chapter 14: IT'S OVER!?!?! THAT WAS SO SAD BUT HOW IS JA YOUNG HUMAN NOW????i don't get it but these are amazing stories and I hope there's a book 5 :D
Chapter 15: You have serious writing talent! These books are so amazing, like, I get so excited when I see an update from you ^^ so amazing!
Chapter 13: Wow that an intense fight I could never learn that much about fighting and be able to write about it too. so was that hye young is dead I didn't really expect her to die :( but now that kris and hye young are dead and she has all 12 runes what happened next I forgot what the even problem is...it's killing the daemen king right? I really hope you make another book for this story it's amazing :D
Chapter 12: Oh my god...hye young... She's EVIL! Well I wasn't expecting that way to go for plot twist I should've seen that coming...great chapter :D
Chapter 11: So sweeeetttt....
Can't wait for the next update^^