AmySuju-In Our Heart , There's Love...

ღ♏iss ℝight --Review Shop (o p e n)

Title: 8/10 

⇀ it's eye catching, but it's a bit too long. and if you could, remove the three dots and replace it with a full stop instead.

Foreword/description 15/15
⇀ it's good, it gave this kind of preview on how the story will be, and it makes the readers curious on what's gonna happen next. But the 'I'm not sure if I love her...but I'm more than sure that I love him.' is this a dialogue from a specific character? If so, you can put quotation marks and maybe make it italic.

Appearance: 10/10
⇀ It's good, and the poster is amazing, the trailer too! It gives out these angst vibes.

Characterization 18/20: 
⇀ From the character introductions, you explained their personalities, and you managed to keep them until the end of the story. Great job! I know it's hard to do, since I've seen a couple of authors struggling in doing so.

Writing skills: 10/20
⇀ I'll be a little harsh here, sorry, but I can't stand bad grammar while reading fanfics.
There are a lot of problems. Even from the first paragraph from your first chapter. First off, please take note that the word, 'I' is always written in uppercase. You tend to rend it in lowercase and it shows that you don't really understand the basics. Also, from the first chapter, there are some dialogues that are hard to understand or made no sense. 

And also,you kept on using multiple punctuation marks.
e.g- "Bye, mom!!.." 

Plus, I don't really know why, but my teacher said that when you want to use multiple full stops, you need to at least use three.
e.g- Yes.. <- wrong.
Yes... <- right.

I really recommend you to read more fanfics from more experienced authors, since the way you're separating lines, isn't right. When characters are speaking in dialogues and you don't want to give explanation, like... "I like you," she said. 

Please don't write it like this: 
"Because......." "Because?....."

Write it like this: 



It helps people to understand more easily. 

Originality/creativity: 18/20
⇀ It's really fun to read, plus, it's written quite nicely. And I adore love triangles for some reason. /shot.
not much more, aside than nice work!

Extra: 4/5: 
⇀ Personally, I think it's because of the grammar issues. I advice you to get a beta reader, maybe? So he/she could help you in making your story more fun to read and more enjoyable for other readers, since it's pretty good.

total : 83/100


story link ! In Our Heart, There's Love...


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