chapter 1: the crazy fan girl

Exchange Student meets the EXO's cold hearted leader!


you are absolutely staying here in Korea for almost 2 days. the weather is really strange for you but you can manage to adopt it. well, you were a student in Canada but you've volunteered yourself to be the exchange student just to meet and hopefully would, your KPOP idols. yeah, its normal to have your idols, that's what you thought when your mom scolded you for sacrificing the distance to your family.


its actually once in a lifetime oppurtunity for you so its really not a big deal to live in a country with strange people. and for your good sake, you forced your mom and dad to live here in Korea after you graduate coz the exchange student thingy is just limited for 6 find it really a short period of time and you would really want to extend it.


so its school days now, you are waiting for the bus and just by time, it arrives bringing that screech you wouldn't wish to hear again. you are not that familiar with korean so the mean language you were using is english as obvious. after what you've thought a million years, you finally arrived at SEOUL ACADEMY. you're not exagerrating at the million years coz you were absolutely excited for your first day. 

"ah, why students are so beautifully created here", you mumbled to yourself.


not wanting to be late or what so ever, you immidiately go to the Dean's office for your schedules. you are really excited to have your friends here in korea.


"hello _______! OMO, you're so beautiful princess.hahhaa welcome to Korea", the dean is really cheerful despite of the age. and you find it strange.


"hmm, hello.thank you. where's my schedule for the 6 months sir", you asked politely and lively. of course, its your nature to be the most cheerful being ever exist in your dream land.

"oh here..welcome to the academy and hope you enjoy the stay here"

"oh really thank you. and yes i will surely enjoy it sir. bye", you said before living the office.




its been 10 minutes since you are roaming around at the halls of this extremely huge academy. its like you were lost and sense of direction is really not a good choice of your brain.


walk walk walk walk and *bump*


you just bumped to god only know how it hurts to just let your meet the shining floor. really, is this some sort of clumpsy development.?


"OMO, sorry sorry sorry..i didnt mean to. sorry sorry", you continously bow your head to the person in front of you. 

you've wanted to, its like you did a big problem coz the coffee also spilled not to your uniform but to his. and you are thinking a super angry like volcano ready to errupt any moment from now.



you somehow can recognize the voice but part of your mind is blocking the way. and its now time for you to look up to the guy. Only to find that it was Kris.

yeah for heaven sake the oh-so handsome kris is gorgeously mad with you but you find it cool. after who knows how many seconds of being dumb, you've finally get your way to reality.


"Im sorry kris..its really not what i meant to do", you manage to tell even though deep inside that fan girl heart of yours, an extreme explosion of happiness can be seen. you've just not met your idol but you've also had the chance to talk to him. although you wish not in this situation.


you barely dont know how to get out of this mess. only you can do was to apologize but what can that do to kris' wet polo.


"were not yet done woman., pay for this when i see you. mark my words", with that, kris gone away wearing his usual poker face that you admitted was the perfect expression.





after your incident with kris, you finally found your class and you were now sitting in the middle part of the room. suddenly the teacher, as his not so old age. you think was around 20's come over. you can clearly say that he is handsome, masculine, has a very nice stand and just perfect. 


"class, let us welcome the exchange student from Canada", he said with a smile that you find really really cute. 

"am i in crush with this young teacher...OMO student teacher relationship??", you thought in your mind. you cant help but to smile at your naughty imagination.


"Hello everyone..Im ______ and its nice to meet you all. Please take care of me", you bowed and go back to your seat.


the class is normal and you cant keep on smiling because your teacher is really funny. your class for the first half is done and now its time for lunch.

you quickly grab your things and proceeded to the cafeteria. you fail to have a friend to accompany with. but its still alright coz they seemed to be nice to you.

you made a line from these students and you were like craving for american food and hoping to find at least burger or fries here.


you were really happy to buy this burger and fries with a strawberry shake that you really loved because it is pink.

you roamed around and finally find the table not so far which is vacant. you dont hesitate to take it and started to eat your food.


"Ahm!!, dont you know that this is our place", you suddenly heard a deep voice.


but its not form kris anymore, its from Chanyeol.


"yeah, yeallie is right. this table is for exo miss", still with a mad expression as luhan says it.

"oh sorry, i dont know. dont kill just doing what i think would extent my life here. but dying in the hands of my idols would be great!", you said without any hint of sarcasm. yeah, you truly admit to die with them


"OMO, were just joking. hahaha you're so cute..we wont kill you lady..we want to eat here also", Chen said as he maid his seat infront of you.

"yeah im really hungry", Xiumin said immidiately eating his food like a kid.

"like when are you not hungry baozi", D.O said.

you were in an awe to experince such a time like this. all the exo members are here..except for Kris. somehow you felt your heart skip a bit because of what he had said.


"so tell us your name beautiful lady", baekhyun said focusing on you. and that made you blushed.

"im ____, im an exchange student from Canada", you manage to say.

"ah that's why.. well im improving coz i manage to ask you in english hahaha", bacon said.

"idiot! so how was your first day here?", suho asked.

"well i think its good", you suddenly think about the incident with kris.


"OMG hyung, where's Kris hyung T.T", Tao said with a crying like face

"yeah you've finally noticed it. he is out of the school because he encountered what he say an irritating girl that spilled his coffee in his polo", Suho said.

with that, you felt really awkward.


"poor girl, kris hyung is really bad when things turn around like this", chen said. 

"oh oh, this is trouble", you thought in yourself.


the first day of school had passed and you admitted that you've make friends with exo..and you feel like your going to die because of that and because of kris. yeah, you were somehow afraid with him.









sorry guys...first chapter is really a crap for me. i'll improve it with the following chapters.


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sounds interesting :D keep updating!