Two hormonal teenagers and a clueless Jinki

Taemin's Brother


Minho was tired as hell. He couldn't even keep his eyes open as he went to the bathroom pater at night. But as he knew Taemin's house like the back of his hand (blame Jonghyun for always dragging him there to have their bonding time after school), he managed to arrive at the bathroom in one piece. Everything was like a daily habit for him and he didn't need to open his eyes because he was that good. But the tired body came with a tired mind. Instead of taking 17 steps back to his room, he only took 15. He felt something was wrong as he opened and took the first step inside the room.
There was supposed to be no table near the door and no music playing on the background. Assuring that those were only his imagination, he walked closer only to find a single bed, with someone on it. He blinked his eyes, trying to clear out his vision before he gasped. There he was, seeing a person with brunette hair and a little baby fat on his cheeks. Minho's mouth went bigger (and wetter), as his eyes trailing lower, seeing a good amount of fair skins and collar bone, from the loose tank top that was exposed this person's body. As his eyes getting lower, he could feel his trousers were getting tighter on the certain area. He gulped as the bottom of that tank top was ridden higher pass this beauty belly button. He took a step closer, hypnotized by the person's illegal beauty, and tried to reach, to touch, and to feel the softness of the skin. But before Minho could reach it, that person stirred on his sleep, making him panic and took hurried steps out of the room. He closed the door as quiet as possible, and stood for a moment. His palm against his heart, feeling how fast the blood was pumped through his lung.
"Damn!!! What the hell?!"
And as his eyes fell down to the tent on his trousers, he faced palm himself before taking two steps, right now to his bedroom. He stole one glance at the door beside his room, and exhaled a long breath.
"Do not go there, Choi Minho. Or you won't able to control and jump the boy. But wait does he even real?"
Jinki had a bad habit, which was forgetting to lock the door he went through. Whether he was tired or not. That was why he set the automatic lock on his apartment near his campus. That was why when he woke up that morning, he wasn't surprised to find his door unlock. This was his house after all. Nothing was gonna happen, right? So with light steps, he went to the bathroom, wanting to freshen himself first, before surprising his baby brother with his presence. But he wouldn't step into his brother's. he swore to God, he wouldn't. Once he had done that, and his innocent eyes were tainted by the picture of Key, on top of Taemin, topless. Since then, going into Taemin's room was a big NO NO to Jinki. As usual, he forgot to lock the bathroom's door again, and stripped out of his clothes. As he hummed a happy tone and taking shower, he enjoyed the hot water that fell down his boy. Five hours driving last night had been a tiring journey for him, especially without a company. If it hadn't had not for Joon hyung and his freaking assessment, he would have driven with Key. At least Key would brightened up the car.
As he was done taking shower, he wore a big towel around his waist and trying to find his clean clothes only to remember that he didn't bring any. As he cursed himself, he heard a faint sound of door opening and turned around. He could only blinked his eyes as he saw a stranger with hand on the door's knob with his eyes and mouth opened wide.
Jonghyun had a bad habit. He sometimes forgot to knock before he entered a room. Any room. That morning, which was very early, he strutted to the bathroom, thinking it wasn't occupied and opened it.
His eyes and mouth went wide. There was a person there. His back facing Jonghyun's direction. Jonghyun swore to himself that he was straight. But as he saw a trail of water running down that board and attractive back and lost to the big towel on the waist, he gulped loudly. But as that person turned around, his mind went blank. Never in his life his heart beat this fast on a vision of topless man. Not even once. The face was so angelic with that warm brown eyes, a messy wet hair adding more iness to that handsome face, the adam apple that looked so juicy, the wet collar bones that looked so tempting to be and his nipp...
That was Jonghyun's shout that filled this morning's air. A shout to top himself for having such a dirty thought like that after his vowing straight. With his hands up on the air (imagine Culcin in the 'Home Alone') he ran toward his room as he was shouthing.
Jinki could only blinked at the scene before him and frozen on his spot.
"Whoooo was that?"
Key had many attitude, from best to worst. And one of his worst attitude that he was not a morning person. Thatwas why when he was jerked out of his beauty sleep by a too loud scream in this very morning, he got out of the bed, before glancing to his lover who also awoken by the shout, wearing his robe. His eyes flamed with annoyance.
"Whoever that was, is gonna be dead by the time I lay my hands on them. No one disturbs my beauty sleep. No one."
As Key walked to the door with angry paces, Taemin exhaled a long breath and groaned loud. He recognized the sound and the source of it.
"I pray for your soul, Jonghyun hyung. May your soul is accepted by His side, amen..."
And Taemin fell back to his bed, pulling the blanket over his head to block any sound of more screaming that he was so sure would come, and got back to sleep. As he pulled Key's pillow, hugged it, and smelled it, he smiled in content and fell back into the dreamland.
I just feel like I'm having a split personality. One time I wrote about evil Taemin, and then I wrote a happy-go-lucky Taemin... Hmmm...
I'm in a roll!!! I updated a lot this month. And I wrote all of that updates when I was in the train going somewhere!! I guess, journey inspires and arouses me to write something.
Thank you sooooo much for subscribing this story guys. And 70, WOW, that is a lot of number!!! And There is only one chapter up!!! Thank you guys for loving this story...
Anyway... Hope you like the update...
@amatsukishi: Jinki is his tank top glory is yummy!!! I remember on one of his old photo-shot he was wearing a black tank top with a big lollypop. I'm drooling!!! Aaaakkkhhh!!! XD
@SadisticSinner: and here is more for youuuu~
@VeAmilia: hope this chapter cures your curiosity.. And hope you like it too...
@HeavenLee: and I love you for loving this story XD... I love Taekey here... A normal and loving taekey without any bad intention behind it is sooo heavenly... Just like your name... ;D
@In-completion: here is their reaction!!! Epic reactions, I mean. *grins hope you like the update..
@keziayansen: here is the next chapter. Wait patiently for the next, next, next chapter, okay... Hope it won't disappoint you... :))
@shiningstar2: hope I don't take too long for this chapter... Here it is!!! Hope you like it...
@xXGemGemKpopXx: oh my GDragon let's get boom shakalaka!!! *grins like a maniac. Hope you like the update..
@pradiv1819: thank you soooo much!!! Hope you like the new chapter too... :3
That all from me.. See you in the next chapter. Hope it won't take too long.. Bbyoooooo~ng
Onew FTW!!! XD
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Chapter 3: Hahahaha onkey moments lol. Onho fighting!
Chapter 3: New reader and subscriber here~ I luv this story!!!!! Hwating my dear author!!!
finalnote84 #3
Hi...i'm new reader....this is good...please update soon...:D
orangecappucino #4
Chapter 3: woaah~ i waited this story for so loooooooooong.. and finally it's come! great! XD
keep fighting for the next! ^^
Chapter 3: Hello! I'm a new reader! i love this story! Uwaaaaah! please update more! =]]] i really love this!
SadisticSinner #6
Chapter 3: lol. jongie gives me the creeps xD
and lol at minho,too. he's a rly h.orny frog duh
pradiv1819 #7
Chapter 3: i was doubling ovr in laughter n my workplace...really loved t...
I was reading ur story for the first time today!!! and I really love this story!!!!Pleaseeeee update really soon authornim ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Chapter 2: I love the story again!!!!!! LOL I bet Minho and Jonghyuns reaction was like
"OH. MY. GOD! 'HES'. SO. HOT~!" (from SuJu rockstar) XD
LOL this is an awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!

:DDDD ~GemGem
Kpopcrazy92 #10
Chapter 2: I'm loving your story!!!! It's so suspenseful!!!
Please do your best on upcoming chapters!! I'll support you!!! Love you~!
