Sleep over

Taemin's Brother


Ding dong...
"I'll get it!!! I'll get it!!!"
Taemin rushingly ran toward the door.
"Minnie, don't run!!! You'll crush something!!!"
"I'm not hyung mooooom. I have a good reflexibility!!!"
As Taemin reached the door safely (of course), he excitedly opened the door.
"Key!!! You're early... What are you guys doing in here?"
There's a drastic change with Taemin's voice as he found out that the one who had rung the bell was not Key, indeed it was two people he never expected to show up in this early morning in front of his door, with backpack seated nicely on their back. Yups, it was his two best friends aka Jonghyun and Minho.
"Key is coming too, today? Nice!!! I miss him too."
Without waiting Taemin's answer, Jonghyun and Minho strolled inside and immediately put their backpack down and flopped into the sofa.
"Ahhh... I love your sofa."
After finding the right position to rest his body, Jonghyun looked back to his stunned friend who still stoned beside the door and grinned.
"Yo, Taem, what are you doing there, standing at that door like a bellboy? Come sit here."
Minho was walking right away to the kitchen, his favorite place of Taemin's house ever to say hello to Taemin's mom.
"What are you two doing here?"
Absentmindedly, Jonghyun took the remote and the TV. After flipping the channels, he stopped at the music program and started bobbing his head along with the music. Taemin closed the door irritatedly. But before he said anything, he was distracted by a sound of a bell.
Ding dong...
"Yo loverboy... That might be your Key, now..."
Taemin's eyes twitched at Jonghyun's statement.
"Aegi-yaaaaah I miss you soooooo damn much!!! What the hell are these two idiots doing here?!"
Immediately, after Taemin opened the door, Key leaped on Taemin's body and hugged the life out of him but instantly frowned after he got a glimpse of Jonghyun and Minho who just walked in with a tray of food on his hand. All that Key want to do for his summer break was privacy with his younger boy friend. But it seemed that his holiday would be interrupted with Taemin's oh-so-called best friends who now sat freely in Taemin's livingroom.
It was no the first time for Key to spend his days in Lee's resident. He had been together with Taemin for two years and Mrs. Lee had given him a green light to date her son openly. Key himself was not a stranger to Lee's family as Kim and Lee family always had a good relationship. Key and Taemin's older brother, Jinki, went to the same university. Key took fashion and design while Jinki took music. And Key did know Jonghyun and Minho, Taemin never left Key out of his high school life and filled him with any story about his adventure with his best friend. He had met Jonghyun and Minho once, and once was enough to see how annoying and disturbing Taemin's friends were, because they simply never let the two had time for themselves and however nice Key could he, he had a certain need to be filled and only one person that he allowed to touch his body, which was none other that Lee Taemin.
"Sooo, Key!!! You're alone? I thought you go to the same university as Taemin's hyung?"
Key looked at Jonghyun irritatedly.
"Hyung... Where is Jinki hyung? I thought he was coming with you?"
Ignoring Jonghyun's question, he just jumped of to Taemin's question and smiled.
"Aegi-yaaah... Your brother said that he couldn't come with me... He still needed something to do before he can come home."
"But he already promised to be here and..."
"I knooow. The longest he will take three to four days to finish his business and he will immediately fly here."
Taemin pouted when he heard the news. Actually, he really missed his brother. He rarely came home and it had been awhile since Taemin spent his last time together with him.
"Anyway... Back to the business, what are you two doing here? Don't you have villa to go to or somewhere else to visit?"
Key looked back at the (almost forgotten, if Key didn't hear an excited shout from Minho and a frustrated groan from Jonghyun. Turned out they had started their games and played a football game on the tv) two boys. After waiting patiently (as patiently as Key could be, he only give someone 2 minutes for the answer) and received no answer after 3 minutes looking at two enthusiastic teenagers (yes, 'teenagers') in front of him, he exploded.
"Yaaaaaah!!! You, two kids in front of me!!! Answer me!!!"
Key stood in front of the TV and pulled a nasty face toward Jonghyun and Minho. The (called) two kids, gulped hardly looking at the man in front of them. Key looked scary. But in Taemin's opinion, his boyfriend looked y like that (because everything that Key did screamed y. Anything.).
After some quiet time in the living room, the awkward air was broken by Taemin's mother.
"Ahh... Key honey, you're here? How could you no give this ahjumma a good hug?"
"Mrs. Lee!!! You're not an ahjumma!!! You're as good as any beautiful woman out there!!!"
Key immediately looked at his (soon-to-be) umma and gave her a hug.
"Be nice boys... I already prepare some meals for use. Come on..."
With that, Jonghyun and Minho were saved from the wrath of evil (Key) and immediately fled from the room.
"Mrs. Lee!!! I haven't hug you yet!!! Wait for me!!!"
With that shout, Jonghyun tried as fast as possible to be away from Key and of course, his pal, Minho, immediately followed his lead.
Key and Taemin who were left alone in the living room could only look at each other. Taemin shrugged his shoulder, before he smirked flintily. Key, who looked at Taemin's expression, blushed.
"Aaaaaand where is my hello-kiss today?"
Taemin pulled Key toward him and trapped him inside hus hug. Key put his hands on Taemin's chest, feeling Taemin's erratic heartbeat, realized how he missed the younger. Key smiled beautifully as he looked at Taemin. Their heads were getting closer, trying to reach eachother's lips, before...
"Ummmm... Mrs. Lee asked me to call you, guys."
There he was, Choi Minho, standing awkwardly, looking at his best friend and Key (not that he intended to) almost kissing. He could see Key's face became redder. At that he took his clue.
"Uh... I better go first. Bye."
"Aish that frog!!!"
Taemin could only face palmed himself.
Later that night, when Jonghyun and Minho were inside the guest room, and Key safely landed inside Taemin's room, Jonghyun exhaled a long breath.
"Haaaaaah... Today is such a long day..."
"When do you think this Jinki guy gonna come, Jjong?"
"Dunno... It's all Taemin's fault, you know. If only he didn't show his brother off like that, I won't get this curious. And how can we haven't met his brother? We've been here several times."
"Hmmm... Taemin said that his hyung is one of the committee member and he is very busy. That's why he rarely go home."
With that, the two boys tucked themselves inside their bed and ready to sleep. Unknown to them, there was a soft click on the front door. A young man, with short reddish hair came in as quiet as he could. He didn't want to wake his family. But as careful as he tried, he still managed to crush into something.
That was his foot kicked a mahogany armchair in the living room. After several accidents and thankfully no glass breaking, he managed to reach second floor. As he stood in front of his room, he looked right to the guest room.
"Hmmm... The guest room is occupied.. Does Kibum sleep there? Well, that's rare."
With that, Jinki opened his door and came in. He was too sleepy to remember locking his door and immediately took off his jacket, leaving his tank-top, and changed his jeans into sweater.
"Ahhh... Finally... Home sweet home..."
Jinki immediately lulled into his sleep and dreaming of eating a feast chicken for tomorrow's breakfast.
40+ subscribers even before any chapter updated is just too, I don't know, too awesome?! How could this story receive so much love before any real chapter updated?! Now I'm freaked out of afraid making any wrong move... Errrr...
Anyway!!! Hope this chapter meet your expectation. Thanks guys for subscribing.
Some important information for y'll:
1. In this chapter, Key and Jinki have the same age, which is 21 (korean age), and Taem, Jjong, and Ho are 18.
2. Mrs. Lee is a cool mother who understands her son's need and lets Key sleeps in the same room with Taemin, with one rule only, 'don't forget to use protection, Kids!!!'
3. Jonghyun and Minho have been in Taemin's house and sleep over and always use the guest room with two separated bed, because Lee's house is big enough to take them in.
Aaaaaand that's all... If there's something you don't understand, jut ask. Don't forget to share your opinion with me kaaaaay.... Because lately I'm such a comment-wh**e and I'm proud of that... Your comments inspire me...
See you in the next chapter. Bbyoo~ng
Onew FTW!!! XD
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Chapter 3: Hahahaha onkey moments lol. Onho fighting!
Chapter 3: New reader and subscriber here~ I luv this story!!!!! Hwating my dear author!!!
finalnote84 #3
Hi...i'm new reader....this is good...please update soon...:D
orangecappucino #4
Chapter 3: woaah~ i waited this story for so loooooooooong.. and finally it's come! great! XD
keep fighting for the next! ^^
Chapter 3: Hello! I'm a new reader! i love this story! Uwaaaaah! please update more! =]]] i really love this!
SadisticSinner #6
Chapter 3: lol. jongie gives me the creeps xD
and lol at minho,too. he's a rly h.orny frog duh
pradiv1819 #7
Chapter 3: i was doubling ovr in laughter n my workplace...really loved t...
I was reading ur story for the first time today!!! and I really love this story!!!!Pleaseeeee update really soon authornim ^_^ hwaiting!!!
Chapter 2: I love the story again!!!!!! LOL I bet Minho and Jonghyuns reaction was like
"OH. MY. GOD! 'HES'. SO. HOT~!" (from SuJu rockstar) XD
LOL this is an awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!

:DDDD ~GemGem
Kpopcrazy92 #10
Chapter 2: I'm loving your story!!!! It's so suspenseful!!!
Please do your best on upcoming chapters!! I'll support you!!! Love you~!
