Saturday, January 20th

He's Only My Friend.....?

The two of us woke up the next morning around ten, only getting a few hours of sleep. Even then, we were the only two up, but Hankyung was tired so he went back to his room and fell asleep. I checked to see if anyone else was up, but the only person that was I couldn’t find, Kyuhyun. He had been in the kitchen, eating breakfast, and I joined him, telling him what horrible manners Dong Min had shown. We laughed about it together, and soon the whole kitchen was filled up with us making fun of Dong Min, Heechul especially. His imitations, though, were the funniest. Afterwards, I went and took a shower, then dressed in some jeans, my grey Converse, and a black hoodie. A little while later, Kyuhyun and I headed out to the coffee shop, just walking there because it was calm outside. “Did you really expect that out of him?” We were walking in silence, so I was surprised when he brought up last night.

            “Expect rude and disgusting manners? No, I didn’t. He said he liked to sing, and when we were talking, he seemed pretty nice. So, yeah, I guess I didn’t expect it.” He nodded, and we kept on walking. He led me in to the coffee shop, and it was deserted, except for the two people working there. I ordered a hot chocolate and a brownie, him a cappuccino and donut. We sat down on the sofas they had lined up against the side, the curtains pulled down. The two employees left in to the storage area, bored because nobody was there. “So, what was it that you guys did for the four hours I was gone?”

            “Well, we were all watching that reality show, which went on for another half and hour. It was pretty boring, we just ate, talked, nothing amazing, really,” he said. We talked for two hours, sitting there, drinking our drinks and eating our snacks. It seems like our conversation never ended, like because we hadn’t hung out in so long, that everything in the world was open to talk about. It was fun, so after finishing up, we decided to do it again next weekend. When we arrive home, everybody was sitting in the dining room, probably playing their childish Truth or Dare games. I changed in to my pajamas and decided to join them. Kyuhyun was already there, sitting next to Yesung and Siwon. Kibum and Donghae scooted apart, giving me a place to sit. It was Kangin’s turn to choose who to ask, and I’m sure everybody was praying he wouldn’t pick them. Kangin smiled and then turned toward Siwon, who sat there, waiting patiently. I heard Sungmin let out a breath, relieved it wasn’t going to be him because he was sitting across from Siwon, when Kangin suddenly said, “Sungmin, truth or dare?” Not being one to be looked down upon, Sungmin quickly said,


            “Okay, dare. Let’s see, go put on those clothes that you kept from our girl’s photo shoot, got it?” Sungmin got up from his chair, trying not to look freaked out. A few minutes later, Sungmin came back wearing a skirt and a t-shirt, ribbons holding up the sleeves. In his hand was the blonde wig he and worn, and Kangin’s smiled turned up wider. “I forgot about the wig, good idea. Put that on too,” Sungmin looked regretful of bringing the wig, and shyly put it on, adjusting it so it looked as real as it could. “Now, go outside and walk to the front of the market that everybody passes, and do one of SNSD’s dances.” We all burst out laughing, Sungmin still super embarrassed. He walked out of the front door, all of us following, Siwon grabbing the video camera. I followed them out, still laughing at the image of Sungmin dancing.

All thirteen of us walked to the market, and Donghae brought out his iPod Touch, going towards Sungmin and the two of them discussing which song he would dance too. Kangin joined them both, and when they reached the market, Donghae turned up Genie (Tell Me Your Wish) to the maximum volume, and we all cracked up as Sungmin did the dance perfectly. Siwon was having fun video taping it, even catching the part when Kangin was sneaking in to the market. He came back out with a bag of tomatoes, bananas, and other various fruits and vegetables. Heechul went over there to join him, the two gathering dirt to chunk at Sungmin. They put all the gravel in to a bag, then popped out in front of Sungmin and threw all the food items they had. Sungmin was still dancing to Genie, trying to catch whatever he could in his mouth. Random people on the streets were taking pictures, and after the song was finished, we all walked back home, every once in a while just pointing at Sungmin and laughing. It was late by the time we finished the Truth or Dare game, around eleven o’clock, maybe even twelve. By then, I was in bed, clean and ready for the next day at Mi Sun’s house. 


Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been pushing my sister to send me the new chapter and she finally gave it to me.

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mahakrox95 #1
Awe this is so fluffy, update soon dear~
mahakrox95 #3
hahaha love your comment! =D
Love the update! all the prank calls.
mahakrox95 #5
cheonsakkoma: haha i guess so =D i hope your liking the story :)
My Teukie oppa's the manager? Sweet...hahaha^^
mahakrox95 #7
MsRichelleGrace: hahaha that would be probably one of the best solve it ;)
TeenageDream #8
Long chapters are definitely a good thing!<br />
Update soon~! :)