Personal Message

I'm not good with writing about myself cause I'd rather say it...haha..

If you wanna talk to me, want to start a conversation...hit the button up there!

Yes, don't go looking for it here, this is the personal message part...^^

Yeah...can't say anything anymore...




About Me

I'm an if you're allergic to blue don't look at me...just close your eyes and let me do all the talking...hahaha...(notice how I always put a laugh at the end of everything? I don't know why either...haha...O.O)


I'm also a if you're allergic to what I told you on the upper part...don't make me explain it all over again^^


I can't think of what to quill for my banner as a cassie so I'll just leave it like that! ^^ I'll just post this one song of them that I'm really loving!!



Don't hate me but I'm currently commiting adultery by mingling with SUJU Boys more often than looking for my previous husband (정윤호)...because I'm flirting (and lusting) with 박정수...hahaha!!

I edited this picture originally for my computer background and ended up using it for my blog instead!

I edited this picture originally for my computer background but ended up using it for my blog instead!:P

I love all the boys...and I'm also fond of other groups, but my heart is already owned by eigtheen boys so how in the world can I give it to some more people?? >.< 18 s enough...hahaha...(It's the laugh again, can't help it...)

That's it for now...^^ I'll just add some more if I thought of something...haha...


You know you can't stop me...from laughing...*insert laugh here!!!