Thursday, January 18

He's Only My Friend.....?


            “Hey, Eun Mi, get up. Eun Mi, time to get up, let’s go. Eun Mi. Come on, we have to go. Get up. Come on, get up. GET UP, EUN MI!!” Ryeowook was trying to wake me up, still in his pajamas having just coming out of the bathroom. He was the only one that got up on his own, without having me to kick them awake. “The rest of them are still asleep. You need to brush your teeth and go wake them up. Hurry!” I rolled out and followed him, grabbing onto his shoulders to keep from falling. He slowly let me in to the bathroom, and then walked off to the kitchen to eat breakfast. After using the bathroom brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I combed my dark black hair, which was a few inches below my shoulders straight. The few red streaks placed all around in my hair hung loosely, almost blending in. Sighing, I decided to start waking them up. There were four rooms, four bathrooms, a kitchen, family room, dining room, and a lounge in our apartment. It was like a mini house, basically, all of us relaxing easily in to it. We had a nice view of the vibrant South Korea, and sometimes me and Kyuhyun will sit there and talk. It’s our peaceful way of bonding, compared to the other things that we’ve done.

            One room and one bathroom belonged to me, and I left my bathroom and entered the room next door. This one belonged to Leeteuk, Kangin, Sungmin, and Siwon, the third room belonged to Heechul, Hankyung, Kibum, and Eunhyuk, and the last room was Ryeowook, Yesung, Kyuhyun, and Donghae. I went around all the rooms with a bottle full of water, spraying people in the face when they wouldn’t get up. Sungmin, Siwon, Kibum, and Kyuhyun were easier to wake up, but Donghae was probably the most stubborn. Soon, though, everybody was up and I headed over to the kitchen.

Kyuhyun had saved me a few pancakes for breakfast, and after eating, we gathered in to the family room. Jung Su was supposed to come and tell us the schedule for today. After waiting for a while, we got bored and started all having separate conversations with each other; Leeteuk and Kangin, Heechul, Hankyung, and Kibum, Ryeowook and Yesung, Sungmin and Siwon, Eunhyuk and Donghae, me and Kyuhyun.

“So, what did you do yesterday at the party?” he asked me.

“Well, I got bored, so I went all the way upstairs to the roof,” I told him.

“Really, that’s it?”

“About half an hour later, Dong Min joined me and we talked for a couple of hours.”

“Yeah? About what?”

“Um, well, everything, really. He asked me about how I liked being in the band, being the only girl and I all, and I told him it was fun. It was basically just life in general. How about you?”

“I really just hung out with some friends of Dong Min’s, and our own Super Junior members. Nothing too exciting, really.” It was a boring conversation; we didn’t really have anything to talk about. It was like we were never hanging out together anymore. Jung Su arrived a little while later, telling us that we had a photo shoot scheduled for four hours, then a recording for some producers, which would take two hours. Lunch is scheduled for an hour, and then we had a meeting to attend to. After the meeting would be dinner, and then an outfit choosing session for the upcoming red carpet ceremony, and the after party. The day was full, but we were finally free Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

We split up in to our separate rooms, and I went in the closet to see what I could find. We had a meeting today and I wanted to look nice, so I decided on a mix. I had on a silky, sleeveless black shirt with a white edge, and then casual flare jeans and fabric white ballet flats. I put my hair up in a ponytail, leaving my bangs out. Then I grabbed my phone and went to the front door. We were taking three cars, Leeteuk’s, Jung Su’s, and Kyuhyun’s. Kangin, Yesung, Ryeowook, and Sungmin took Leetuek’s car and Eunhyuk, Heechul, Hankyung, Kibum, and Siwon took Jung Su’s. Kyuhyun and I took his car because there was no more room in the other cars.

Kyuhyun and I have been close almost since the beginning of our first debut. I wasn’t really awkward with anybody, even though I was the only girl. Nothing was ever really weird, I just fit right in. The first day we got our apartment, after unpacking, we all sat down in the carpeted lounge. It was a mess, first, everybody was just laughing and you couldn’t really understand anything. Soon, it calmed down and we all just started sharing stories, personalities, likes, dislikes, and we all bonded. I’ve been places with everybody, some more than others, we each have something special to do.

Leeteuk and I like to see movies together, we can watch anything. Afterwards, we’ll just talk and laugh about it. Heechul is a person who likes to make fun of others, and he’ll usually just tell me about all the stuff that he does to people. It’s how we get close with each other. I am an athlete, I love every sport, working out, and that’s how me and Hankyung get close. He’s a strong person, and because of him, I’m just as athletic.  Yesung and I usually just love to talk with each other, and practice singing with each other. It’s entertaining; we teach each other a lot. If I’m having trouble waking people up, Kangin is usually the one to help me, but only if he’s already up. He picks me up when I’m down, sometimes literally, he’s very funny. Sungmin is someone to laugh with, tell jokes with, share funny stories with, we love to kid around. I play childish games with him all the time; it’s just what we do.

We all teach each other, help each other, and me and Eunhyuk bond by rapping together. I’m not the best, like him, but he really helps me improve. We’re super close, and he just has this way of making me happy. Donghae is an amazing dancer; we learn new moves together all the time. He shows me a lot of new things, and if we’re not dancing, we’re just conversing with each other. The two of us talk about everything together, every topic is open. I love to go to eat, party, and Siwon does too. Usually, if everybody else is busy, us two will go out and have dinner, or go to a party of his friend’s, or mine’s. Ryeowook is the closest person I have to a girl in the band, he’s just so sweet. He kind of purposely acts girlish when it’s the two of us, but I think it’s to make me feel better about being the only girl. Truthfully, it helps; I appreciate him just as much as I do anybody else. Kibum is one of the best actors I know, and together, we make the best acting pair. He can play any character at all, and that’s how we bond, acting with each other and practicing upcoming auditions or roles. We always try out for acting roles together, and always make it. We work amazing with each other.

My best friend in the whole band is, no doubt, Kyuhyun. Anything, and everything, we have done together. We talk together, laugh together, joke around together, eat together, watch movies together, party together, act together, dance together, there’s really nothing we haven’t done. He’s literally the person that will do anything for me in life; I can always count on him, though we’ve never been anything but friends. It’s not a brother/sister relationship, because we’ve never actually fought about anything. Lately, though, it seems like we hadn’t spent any time together. The last time was at the beach, and that was after a week, too. Our schedule hadn’t really gotten any busier, because it was already full, but we still hadn’t hung out.

 I wanted to talk with him about it in the car. “Hey, Kyuhyun, you know, we haven’t talked together in a long time,”

“We went to the beach two days ago, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember that, but that was after a week of not getting together!”

“So, you want to talk more?”

“Not just talk, do something together,” He wasn’t understanding what I was saying, it was strange. We always seemed to get each other, and now he wasn’t talking at all. “Do you get what I’m saying? We never hang out anymore, and I guess I just don’t feel as close to you anymore.”

“I do get what you’re saying, don’t worry. Let’s hang out this weekend; we’re free for three days,” he told me. I calmed down, when my phone vibrated. He didn’t notice, so I told him to hold up a second. I didn’t look at the Caller ID so I didn’t know who it was. “Hello?”

“Hey, Eun Mi?”

“Yeah, this is Eun Mi,”

“Hey, this is Dong Min,”

“Hey! How’s it going? What are you doing?”

“I’m at the recording studio right now; the next person is a little late. How about you, are you busy?”

“Well, I’m sitting in the car right now; we’re heading to a photo shoot. The whole day is full, but I’m free Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You?”

“That’s cool. Do you want to get together sometime, I’m free Friday. I was thinking we could go out to see a movie, then have dinner. Is it okay with you?”

“Sounds fun, I’ll see if I can make it. Here, hold on a second, I have to tell someone.” I turned to Kyuhyun, who was just sitting and waiting for the green light. “Hey, Kyuhyun, Dong Min invited me to go out tomorrow night, we’re going to see a movie and have dinner. I didn’t tell him yes yet, I was wondering if it was cool with you. If you want to do something tomorrow, I’ll cancel.” He turned to me and smiled, then turned his attention back to the road.

“It’s cool with me; go have fun on your date.” Kyuhyun always made fun of me whenever I went somewhere with a guy that wasn’t a band member. I never actually dated any of them; they all turned out to be freaks. The entire band knows I’ve never been out with a guy; it just didn’t come naturally to me like it did to other girls. I lightly punched him on the arm, and then picked up the phone.

“Okay, so it’s fine with me. What time do you want to go tomorrow?”

“I’ll pick you up around six, okay? Just give me your address,” I told him the building address and which apartment we lived in, and we said good-bye and hung up. By then we had arrived at the shooting area, the first people there. We entered the building, were led to photo shop room by a few guards, and met with the camera men.

“So, what are you doing tomorrow?” I turned towards Kyuhyun, who was peering in to a camera. He faced me and said,

“I don’t know, I guess I’m free the whole day. What time’s your date?”

“He’s picking me up at six, so I’m getting ready around five twenty.” We sat on the little blocks where we would be posing, and a few minutes later, the two other cars arrived. We were lead in to the make up area, where we were told the theme of the magazine for the month. Jung Su went to the front and announced our setting.

“This photo shoot is for February’s issue, and they’re talking about Valentine’s Day. We’re dressing you kids up in red, pink, and white. Guys, there will be two tuxedos; one will be pink or white, and the other black. Put on the pink or white one, the black one is for the front cover. The pictures that we’re going to take right now are for the inside, and then you’ll change in to the black tuxedos to take pictures for the front cover. Go to your separate dressing rooms and your clothes will be there.” We split up, and I entered my room. There were four outfits waiting there, Mi Sun sitting in her chair. Mi Sun was my stylist, and she was my best girl friend, it was just us two whenever we were together.

“So, these are the four outfits I’ve chosen out for you, what’s your favorite? Jung Su said red was going to be involved too, but, because the guys are all going to be dressed in white and pink, I though it’d be better to put you in white or pink too. You can wear red though, there’s this outfit here.”

“Do you know which guys are wearing what?”

“Well, the stylists got together and we decided to dress all them in pink, with white bow ties or ties, and Leeteuk will be the only one dressed in white, because he is the leader. He will have a pink bow tie on, and you can wear white to match him, or pink to match the others, or red to stand out. What do you think?”

“My highlights, they’re red, what are you going to do about them?”

“Well, if you’re wearing white, I obviously shouldn’t make them white, so I’ll put in fake pink highlights over them, which will look completely natural. Then you can wear some pink jewelry to match, and I’ll do the same if you decide to wear the pink dress. If you’re wearing red, you’re highlights will match perfectly.” I walked over to the outfits, examining what I was supposed to wear.

The red outfit was floor length, strapless, and a dark red fabric. There was a sequined snake-like pattern on the side, swirling into the floor. The second dress was light pink, very short at the legs and long-sleeved. There was a cut out on one of the sleeves, and another cut out placed on the opposite hip. Other than that, it was plain and kind of boring. I quickly decided against it and put it up back on the rack. She nodded, like she was agreeing that she didn’t like it either. The third was white with a few big pink swirls. It was knee length with one strap holding the dress up on my right shoulder. It would’ve been suitable, a nice dress, except there were feathers outlining the bottom in pink, which was actually pretty ugly. I also put that one up, now only having a choice of the first dress and the fourth dress. This one was a fresh white, very clean. It was sleeveless, the straps thick in volume, yet only two inches long. It was above my knees a few inches, not showing too much. It was all plain, in general, yet I liked it a lot. I looked up at Mi Sun and said, “I can choose two, right? One for the front cover and one for the inside?” She said I could, and I picked up the red one and the white one, holding them against me. “These are the two I want to wear, the red one for the front cover and the white one for the inside. Cool with you?”

“That’s exactly what I thought! Okay, get dressed in to the white one, I have the perfect accessories for it!” I went in to the closet and changed and the dress, which was surprisingly comfortable. I hung up my clothes, put my shoes on the rack and walked out of the closet barefoot. I’m pretty sure I had the most organized dressing room, because Mi Sun and I were both very clean and organized people. Mi Sun was searching through my jewelry, holding a loose pink tie. I sat in my chair, and she turned towards me. Apparently, she had found what she was looking for, and she put the tie down. Then she pushed my hair back and clipped in some earrings. I looked in the mirror to see they were dangling light pink earrings, the same shade as the tie, and swirled in to a heart. Mi Sun then turned my face towards her and slipped the tie over my neck, loosening it so the knot hung right below my neckline. Then she gave me a pink bracelet with two charms linked together. I clipped it around my wrist, and then looked at what she was doing now. Mi Sun was over at the closet, looking through my shoes, and out she took pink flats with straps at where my ankles should be. I got up, took them from her, and clipped the straps on my feet. She led me back to the chair, ready to do my hair.

First, Mi Sun pulled out of her drawer pink extensions. She held them against my red highlights, and they were cut perfectly. “I pre-cut them just in case I had to cover your highlights,” she explained to me. Then she clipped them at the red roots, making it look as if I had gotten pink highlights done. Out came the curling iron, which took an hour because my hair was so straight. She curled the pink and red highlights together so the red wouldn’t show. Mi Sun re-arranged my bangs so they fell over my forehead, and took two sections of hair in the front and twisted them back. She clipped them together, letting the rest of the curls fall loosely around my shoulders. Now came the time for make up. Being a stylist and all, she had a massive make up kit to use for me, because I didn’t have one of my own. Mi Sun also had her own make up kit that was even bigger than mine that I had gotten her for her birthday, because she loved to wear make up, and it never did anything to her face. Not that it did anything to mine either, I just didn’t like the feel of it, and it was hard to get off.

First she applied a little face make up, and then eye make up. I think she was going natural for this outfit, applying a tan shade that just barely showed on my eyes, a light coat of mascara, and some black eyeliner. The last was lip gloss that brought out the pink in my lips, making the design complete. All the guys shared one make up room with a bunch of make up artists, but for me it was just Mi Sun, and that suited me perfectly. It was most likely that all the guys were out there, so she brought some carefully adjusted anything wrong in my hair, had a quick look over on the outfit, and I headed to the studio. The guys were just adjusting their ties or bow ties, waiting for me to get there, and finally relaxed when I got out.

“Finally! We’ve been out here for seven minutes already! What took you so long?!” Heechul looked over at me.

“Seven minutes? That’s it?” I was surprised they were out here so late, but I went ahead and joined Heechul and the others who weren’t as impatient. The first shoot took and hour and a half, a variety of photos. I posed several times with Leeteuk, once with us hugging, once with us laughing, some with me sitting on a chair and looking up at Leeteuk, and then one with me on his lap. Not the most comfortable position, but we were happy otherwise. I also took separate pictures with each of the members, starting with Heechul (the green screen was used many times like this).

Photo One, Heechul and I were laughing at a party.

Photo Two, Hankyung and I were sitting on a bench in the park.

Photo Three, Yesung and I were singing together.

Photo Four, Kangin and I were cooking food.

Photo Five, Sungmin was playing with my hair in the car.

Photo Six, Eunhyuk and I were sitting on the couch talking together.

Photo Seven, Donghae and I were dancing.

Photo Eight, Siwon and I were on a date in a fancy restaurant.

Photo Nine, Ryeowook and I were watching TV together in the lounge.

Photo Ten, Kibum and I were acting out a love scene.

Photo Eleven, Kyuhyun and I were lying on a bed together, talking.

The last photo was with the band in a circle, oldest to youngest, and me and Leeteuk sitting in the middle. I didn’t like my photo being taken so much, but, because I was the only girl, it happened too often. Yet photo shoots were the least of my worries as a Super Junior member. When it was all done, I went back to my dressing room with thirty minutes to get ready. The whole time, Mi Sun had been getting ready to quickly change me out and finish our second outfit. I ran in to the closet, unhooked my sandals and put them in the shoe rack, pulled off my dress and hung it back up in the closet, and slipped on the red gown. I walked back out and stepped into a pair of red heels that Mi Sun had lied out for me, then sat in the chair as she unclipped the pink extensions and put them back in their place. Then she styled my hair into a fancy up do, pulling my bangs back and letting a few strands of hair fall at the side of my face. She managed to remove the make up, applying a coat of red eye shadow. The eyeliner was heavily applied, as was the mascara, and then a dramatic red lipstick was slicked on, then some clear gloss. All in all, I looked ready for Valentine’s Day, and adjusting in my heels, I managed not to stumble out. Everybody was already there, only having to change out of their pink and white tuxedos in to black ones.

            We had an hour and a half to shoot the perfect front cover, and the perfect back cover, which shouldn’t be too hard. The back page was shot first, and after forty-five minutes, we had stopped all of our laughing and playing around to get a great ending result. It was of us in a room with scattered roses, me with my arm around Kyuhyun in the middle, the rest of the band surrounding us. The front page was just as easy, but we were all too distracted to get it done in record time. After another forty-five minutes, this one was done too. This time, though, it was all of us standing, me with a blood red rose in my hand, everyone else with a white rose. I was shorter than all of them, even in heels, so I wasn’t put in the middle and rather in the front. It was restaurant scenery, very “romantic”, or more so just a regular eat out. Finally, we got to change back and I put my hair in a ponytail, leaving my bangs out. It would straighten tonight when I took a shower to make up for missing it in the morning. After fifteen minutes, we headed back out on the roads to the recording studio to remix one of our songs, and then it was off to lunch in a fast food area.

“So, what do you want to do this weekend?” We were eating lunch in Kyuhyun’s car, just like everybody else was.

            “Okay, let’s start with Saturday. What do you want to do?”

            “Something we haven’t done in a while, like, going to the coffee shop that’s close to the apartments.”

            “Then Saturday is planned,” We headed back to the studio where the conference was going to be held, and we all gathered in to the big room. Jung Su was at the head of the table, along with one of the head people of the company. The manager and the company were wondering if we should attend the big dinner party that was approaching, only two months away. We quieted down, and they told us that we were going to be attending; we just needed to go out and get something to wear for it. The dinner party was a big event, probably one of the biggest of the year. Jung Su and the company representative that was with us told us all about it, and after the all the information, questions passed and all of it over with, we went out to dinner. After that, we went back again to the studio, Mi Sun and I in to my wardrobe area. I tried on a variety of dresses, all colors, sizes, designs, and we decided because it was February I would wear a long dress.

            The gown itself was pink, a silky material that went all the way down to the floor. Skinny sequined straps held it up, and a simple sequin design around the top made it fancier. All in all, it was an award-winning design, and it would keep my legs warm because of the fabric that was on the inside. I would be wearing strappy white stilettos, holding a white clutch, and wearing white jewelry. The guys would be wearing black suits, each of them adding something of their own, some wearing ties and others wearing bow ties. When we got home, I took a shower and dressed in to my pajamas, then headed in to the kitchen for some water. Nobody else was there except Siwon, who was drinking some milk. As I left, I told him good-night and headed in to my room, stopping to wish Ryeowook, who was in the bathroom, Kibum, who was heading in to the kitchen, and Leeteuk, who was walking in to his room, good-night too. It was ten o’clock, and tomorrow was going to be a calm, relaxed day.


Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry i haven't updated the story in a couple of days but this one was a pretty long chapter to make it up :) I have the next chapter ready but i'm going to need atleast 3 comments before i can post it up. I just need to know what you think of the story so far =) Thanks!!

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mahakrox95 #1
Awe this is so fluffy, update soon dear~
mahakrox95 #3
hahaha love your comment! =D
Love the update! all the prank calls.
mahakrox95 #5
cheonsakkoma: haha i guess so =D i hope your liking the story :)
My Teukie oppa's the manager? Sweet...hahaha^^
mahakrox95 #7
MsRichelleGrace: hahaha that would be probably one of the best solve it ;)
TeenageDream #8
Long chapters are definitely a good thing!<br />
Update soon~! :)