Friday, January 26th

He's Only My Friend.....?

“Eun Mi, today is our red carpet ceremony. If you do not get up, I swear I will hurt you. Get up, now.” Ryeowook was, unaffectedly, pushing and shoving me to wake up. It was just so hot that I couldn’t move, and he left to go get someone else to wake me up. I assumed everybody was up because I heard voices, and soon Kangin entered the room. He put his hand on my arm, then immediately pulled it back, pretending it was on fire.

“God, you’re burning up! Do you have a fever or something?” I shook my head and sat up straight, not wanting to feel sick or be sick or associate with sickness in any way.

“No, I’m fine, I’m up, I’m up. Go tell Ryeowook, I’m getting dressed right now.” I didn’t want to miss out on anything today; the real thing was way more entertaining then dress rehearsals. The bathroom first, kitchen second, I did the normal routine, just a lot slower than usual. Though instead of a regular cereal breakfast, I put a little bit of cereal in a bowl, ate it up, and then filled the empty bowl to the brim with cold milk. It was finished too quickly, but I put it away and went in to my room to change so we could go to the studio. We had to leave to the studio at twelve for our interview, and it was already eleven. I decided to sit in my room. The fan was on full blast, and I was still sweating crazily. I don’t know if I should go, what if I get somebody else sick? What if I throw up or pass out on the carpet? I don’t think I’m going…I was about to get up and tell Leeteuk that I wasn’t feeling good, when he came in my room himself and told me to go shower.

“You need to go ahead and take your shower because Korean News is going to be at the studio soon. Hurry up, we have to get going!” Before I could get anything in, he pushed me towards my closet and strode off, probably to go take a bath himself. I guess it was useless to argue, so I went in the shower and turned it to the maximum level of cold. After an icy shower, I got out, hair wrapped in towel, and changed in to Bermuda shorts and a black tank top with a white vest. I hoped nobody thought I was crazy, because even though it was January, I was burning up. Some black converse on my feet, hair left in white headband. As I left my room, Leeteuk is walking back to my room to see if I’ve gotten ready, and he sees what I’m wearing.

“Why are you dressed like that in January? It’s so cold outside!”

“I’m really hot, it’s burning up. Give me a second; I’m going to go see what it feels like out.” I shot past him and jogged to the front door before anyone else could comment, and opened the door. It was windy, but it felt so good. I stood there for a while before Heechul walked past and said,

“Shut the door, it’s freezing out there! Aren’t you cold wearing shorts?” I shook my head and let myself back in, shutting the door in the process. Leeteuk proceeded toward me, and I explained to him how amazing it felt.

“Are you sick or something? Here, let me check if you have a fever,” He brought his hand up to my head, and I darted away in fear of letting him know I could be sick.

“I’m fine, it’s okay. Just tell everybody to get ready because we have to leave soon.” Minutes later, everybody was ready, and I was ready to go back outside. I took my own car, the only one that wanted to leave the hood down, and reached there first. Not wanting to walk back in to the heat, I sat in my car for a few minutes until everybody else arrived too. We all walked in and I paced towards my dressing room, Mi Sun jittery and excited when I open the door. She took one look at my outfit, smiled at what I dared to wear to our interview, and then shooed me away to be horded by interviews with billions of questions. Everybody arrived, and it was all a tangled mess, shouting of the interviewers and calm yells back at them. We finally decided to just grab one at a time for each of us, letting them go off and ask whatever they wanted. It lasted too long, until four o’clock, and then I was finally able to escape to Mi Sun and get ready.

“Aren’t these things so fun? Man, I wish I could come with you, but it’s still fun to get you ready. Come on, change out of your clothes, I have the perfect solution for you’re hair.” Off came my spring outfit; on came the slim, soft pink dress. The heels were hanging on the shoe rack, and I pulled them off and strapped them on, phone in its place. I then sat down on the chair, closing my eyes and ready for her to work her magic on my face. The only obvious material was my lip gloss, because that was almost all I was wearing. She didn’t put on eye shadow, ready to leave my eyes their natural tan, and only a little bit of eyeliner was the trick. After so much mascara the past few days, Mi Sun decided my eyelashes had darkened and lengthened on their own, so it was unnecessary.

My hair, on the other hand, was astounding. My bangs were left out, as were some strands to the side of my face, and the rest was pulled in to spins and braids and other various assortments. On either sides of the bunch was a small white flower, so real I could almost smell it, and lined on the top were small flower barrettes. They stood out on my dark shaded hair, and when I stood up, I instantly felt much better than this morning. Mi Sun squealed, and I looked at her funny, wondering if she was okay. To prove she wasn’t going mental, she said,

“You look adorable! Gosh, you’re all grown up and tall and beautiful, this is the best you’ve ever, ever looked! I’m a-ma-zing!” She made me spin around and around again and again to see if there were any slip-ups or mistakes, but I think she just wanted to see my dress fly up and back down ever so gracefully. It was five by the time she was finished, and Mi Sun told me that all of the guys were going to be stunned. I honestly appreciated all her compliments, then got to realizing what she was saying.

“Do I seriously look that bad that I look so amazing now? Because this is what you do for all the events, it’s not like I look too different.”

“No, no! You always look beautiful, but it’s just this time I spent extra time getting you ready, because this event is a little more special then the rest.”

“How is this more special? It’s not like the dinner or anything, you know that, right?”

“Yes, I do know that. It’s for other reasons, ones not so related to the awards themselves.” I looked at her confused as she opened the door, and she tilted her head towards the guys sharpening each other up.

            “You want me to impress the guys? Why would I want to do that?” I was dumbfounded, not getting to what she was saying. I felt kind of like an idiot, because she looked like she was making it so much more obvious than it should be.

            “Not exactly, but close.” I looked back at what she was aiming at, and saw Kyuhyun laughing with Siwon in the middle of the studio. Now I got to what she was saying, and I murmured,

            “Oh, okay. Ew….”

            “Ew?! Are you crazy?”

            “Well, not ew, but, like ew… I guess what I’m saying is I don’t think of him like that. I don’t know if he does, but probably still, because I already told you what he kept doing yesterday.”

            “What was he doing? Sorry, I wasn’t listening most of the time, I was tired too.”

            “Well, I kept on tripping because he’d always be stepping on my dress, and he kept on grabbing me at the waist so I wouldn’t fall. I almost pushed his hand away, but it’d be awkward.”

            “See, it’s good that I dressed you up. Now he sees how gorgeous you look, he won’t be able to resist!”

            “But, Mi Sun, I don’t like him! I like Young Sun!”

            “Why do you already like this guy?”

            “Because everybody says he’s nice and he asked me out next Monday, and we’re going on a picnic, and it’s going to be an amazing date, and then we’re going to go out, and then-” She cut me off and again pointed to the guys, who were starting to watch us bicker in the doorway. I waved and backed up, shutting the door.

            “Eun Mi, I get it, you like Young Sun. Calm down, no need to stress. But if he turns out to be a fool, then you will use him to make Kyuhyun jealous, because the two of you belong together.”

            “This is creepy, talking about me going out with band members, that’s so weird.”

            “Well, it happens, okay?”

            “Okay, okay, now let’s just go out there and be chill.” Mi Sun nodded her head on agreement and she opened the door, letting me go first and then following after me. I sauntered over to where everybody was standing, trying not to look embarrassed. I was told I looked very good, and I looked over at Kyuhyun to see what he thought. He was looking at my face, but shook his head and turned away when I confronted him. I ignored it and walked closer. Everybody looked clean, fresh, new, and iron-pressed.

The actual ceremony started at seven-thirty, but everybody arrived way earlier, so we left at six to arrive an hour earlier than the awards began. Leeteuk was very concentrated on fixing his pants, Heechul his hair, and Hankyung his top. The three were obsessing, it was pretty funny.

The chauffeur finally opened the door, and Leeteuk got out, putting on the biggest smile that he could manage and waved cheerfully. Heechul bent his knees and did the charming pose, and Hankyung looked relaxed in his bright beam. Yesung spun, and thankfully didn’t trip, and Kangin’s grin was the cuter than ever. Sungmin was waving with both of his hands, a flower in his tuxedo jacket, and others in his pockets, which he pulled out and threw towards cameras and fans. Eunhyuk and Donghae did an extremely difficult dance duet, something I could never pull off wearing this dress. The two were cheered on extra, walking shoulder to shoulder towards the others. Siwon gave off his signature smirk, getting a look from one of the girls from Kara while doing so. Even Ryeowook made girls swoon by smiling, almost blushing at that from all the attention. Kibum’s walk was that of an alluring gentleman. I could tell with out looking that he was getting more than looks from just the girls in Kara.

Kyuhyun, I must say, appeared uber attractive, I couldn’t help staring myself. His charismatic pose was soon forwarded on to me as his lean arm came in to view from the restricted door. I delicately took hold of his hand, heating up my body in the process. He skillfully eased me up, and instead made the first move by linking arms with me, gliding towards the others as I gestured the fans who were yelling. We were all finally joined, but Kyuhyun didn’t let go, and I didn’t object. We walked together around the red carpet, and after both of us hearing Pose! over and over again, he drew me towards him and placed an arm around my waist, the other hand in his pocket. I played along, situating my arm comfortably around his shoulders and on my hips. A few pictures like that, and I finally pulled apart, though still smiling directly at him. He weakly grinned back, and then I quickly spun around and bounced along to find someone else before Jung Su found out I wasn’t with a Super Junior member.

Yesung was the closest person in sight, forgetting to be with someone, and I walked towards him, waving to let him see me. He waved back, and then walked the rest of the distance over towards me. “So, I see you need someone to stick with too. Come on, let’s go inside; I need to get a drink or something. This suit is burning up, you know?” I agreed with him and we walked inside, the idea benefiting me too. I needed to check my phone, it had buzzed against my ankle while I was walking. It would be rude to bend down and pick up my phone; usually I did it out of sight. The only people who knew where I kept my phone were the guys in Super Junior, nobody else, not even Mi Sun. While he was drinking, I calmly lifted my foot a few inches off the ground so I could reach behind my back and get my phone. Yesung watched amusingly, and I finally pried it out off the straps. There were two texts, one from Mi Sun and the other from Young Sun.

I checked the one from Mi Sun first, which read Are you having fun? Any mistakes yet? I laughed, knowing she would be someone to ask that, and repliedHa ha, no mistakes yet. We were perfect; Kyuhyun and I make the perfect team. He stuck with me most of the beginning, but I’m with Yesung now. I’ll explain in detail when we get back, but its pretty fun. A-and, Young Sun texted. I’ll tell you everything later, okay? I then read the text from Young Sun, and it saidEun Mi, are you busy? It was blatant, so I replied back the same way. Actually, I’m at a red carpet ceremony at the moment, but I’m not too busy. What do you need? He was quick at answering back, saying Oh, I’m sorry to bother you, but I wanted to tell you something about Monday, I immediately thought he was going to cancel, until I finished reading the rest of the message which explained. We’re still going on the picnic, but I was thinking of going to the lake for it. Nobody will be there, and I though it’d be a great place to hang out. I laughed again, wondering why he’d though I’d be so worried. That sounds great, I love the water. I’ll be prepared, thanks. I’ll talk to you Monday, I finished off.

Yesung glanced at me when I was finished; asking me what was so funny. I told him everything, assuming he didn’t care too much of it. Instead, I was gifted with another series of questions about Young Sun, which I answered perfectly. He understood, and we went off talking with each other until he found Sungmin, the two getting in to a heavy conversation of the previous happenings. I trailed off, finding someone else to stick with, and saw that I wasn’t really with anybody at all. I mean, I knew most people here, I had a lot of friends besides Super Junior, but I just couldn’t talk with anybody at the moment. The heat and dizziness of this morning was starting to come back to me, so I went inside and drank a cold glass of water. I also went in to the bathroom to get a tissue, wiping off the nothing that felt like sweat on my face. Seohyun from SNSD came in a little later to put on lip gloss, and we chatted for a few seconds until she left to find a seat at the show, which was starting sooner than I expected. Super Junior had two tables, and we pushed them together and arranged all the seats so it looked like one big table in all.

“Welcome to the 2010…” and on the host went, starting off with a speech too long for anybody to pay attention to. I occasionally took sips of water, feverish and nervous due to some unknown reason that I didn’t care to figure out. I think it was all today’s stress that was making me feel sick, and I thought none of it, so it went away later in to the show. Awards came and went, actors, actresses, and singers shared speeches and stories, clips and trailers from various movies and shows were shown, the whole show a continuous repetition of the same thing. Not that it was a bore, just strange considering I seemed to be the only one noticing this. In the end, Super Junior as a whole ended up winning a few awards, where we all got a chance to speak. The film that I had starred a while earlier was also given an award, and I got a standing ovation from the whole audience, a little more to the area where my band members were sitting. When leaving, I felt a hundred times better than my lightheaded phase, and all the details to Mi Sun were revealed while changing in to a pair of pajamas I had brought with me. The casual clothes were gross from this morning, so I tossed them in the hamper when I arrived home, drank a tall glass of milk, congratulated everybody on our awards, and fell asleep the instant I hit my pillow.


Author's  Note: Sorry guys! i said i would update last week but i had soo much work to do :(  BUTTTTTTTTTTT i shall update an extra chapter to make up for it! yayyyy extra chapter!! woohoo ^_^

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mahakrox95 #1
Awe this is so fluffy, update soon dear~
mahakrox95 #3
hahaha love your comment! =D
Love the update! all the prank calls.
mahakrox95 #5
cheonsakkoma: haha i guess so =D i hope your liking the story :)
My Teukie oppa's the manager? Sweet...hahaha^^
mahakrox95 #7
MsRichelleGrace: hahaha that would be probably one of the best solve it ;)
TeenageDream #8
Long chapters are definitely a good thing!<br />
Update soon~! :)